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BAKU: Can Azerbaijan start actions against PKK bases?

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  • BAKU: Can Azerbaijan start actions against PKK bases?

    EKHO, Azerbaijan
    Feb. 22, 2008

    Can Azerbaijan start actions against PKK bases?

    by R. Orucov

    Defence Ministry for the first time speaks about Kurdish terrorists
    in the country'sterritory

    One of the most remarkable news of the recent days was the Defence
    Ministry's official statement in which theministry says openly about
    the presence of representatives of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers'
    Party (PKK) in theoccupied territories of our country.

    [Passage omitted: reported statement of the Defence Ministry]

    It is interesting what did force the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry for
    the first time openly admit facts that publicorganizations have been
    speaking about for a long time? And if supporters and representatives
    of the KurdistanWorkers' Party are being settled en masse in
    Azerbaijan's seized lands, does this mean that prospects ofreturning
    them [lands] under the state's control become even more remote?

    Officials raise PKK problem

    Well-known political analyst Mubariz Ahmadoglu says that indeed
    various representatives of official Baku haverecently very frequently
    spoke about the presence of PKK bases in the occupied territories.
    "Even such ahigh-ranking official as Deputy Prime Minister Ali
    Hasanov, who is very cautious in his remarks. It is known that
    thisclever and restrained man always knows what he says. And even he
    says that time has come to defend the rights ofAzerbaijani citizens
    originating from the occupied territories from the resettlement of
    Kurds that is taking place. Ali Hasanov is the head of the state
    committee for refugees and IDP and speaks as though on their behalf.
    That was said bythe official who has proved himself as a balanced,
    imposing man who cannot be accused of duplicity. Hasanov said that
    itis time to return [liberate] the [occupied] lands in order to
    escape even worse consequences of what is going on. Inaddition, the
    head of the Azerbaijani community of Nagornyy Karabakh, Nizami
    Bahmanov, also said that time for carrying out an antiterrorist
    operation in the occupied territories was approaching. They openly
    spoke about the danger of theresettlement of PKK supporters. Deputy
    Foreign Minister Araz Azimov is now dealing with the issue. During
    recent talkswith US Acting Coordinator for Counterterrorism Frank
    Urbancic, Azimov said that 'borders of the PKK'sactivity is
    approaching Azerbaijan'. And the statement by the Defence Ministry
    press service also shows clearlythat Azerbaijan is very seriously
    inclined concerning the need to struggle against the appearance of
    the bases ofKurdish terrorists in our occupied territories. I also
    would like to remind that a remark by the Chief of the TurkishGeneral
    Staff, Yasar Buyukanit, who said literally six weeks ago that 'we
    will fight the PKK not only in northernIraq but in all the other
    adjoining regions'. In general, I think that the circle is getting
    narrow ratherswiftly."

    Baku may start operations against PKK bases

    The issues is very sensitive for the leadership of Armenia, the
    expert said. "As soon as the Azerbaijani pressraises the topic of PKK
    bases in the occupied territories or in Armenia itself, the opposing
    side immediately rebuffs atvarious levels. Even the Armenian
    parliament makes statements, not to mention their political analysts
    - they vie witheach other in saying that there are no Kurdish bases
    in their territory. But responsiveness to the issue can be seen in
    Baku as well. Proceeding from this I suppose that some real actions
    can begin in months to come. If previously official Baku was trying
    to avoid the topic, now the topic is being raised at a high level.
    That speaks to the reality of things that are going on in our
    occupied lands. Ali Hasanov's statement alone is noteworthy. He could
    not make thisstatement without coordinating it with the presidential
    staff and the Foreign Ministry. Thus, something is in theair."

    Ahmadoglu does not agree with the opinion that the resettlement of
    Kurds and the appearance of PKK bases inAzerbaijani territory
    aggravate the problem of the liberation of these lands. "Probably, it
    seems to Armenians thatthe situation is that they can achieve
    something by populating the lands by Kurdish separatists. I think the
    opposite.The fact that the negotiating process [for Nagornyy
    Karabakh] is not going on normally and Baku accuses Yerevan in
    itsremarks concerning PKK bases is caused by the fact that Armenians
    have indeed taken certain steps towards supportingKurdish
    separatists. If Armenia continues moving in this direction,
    resistance on the part Azerbaijan will beincreasing. And not only at
    a diplomatic level. I cannot rule out that Azerbaijan can start real
    actions of militarycharacter. I know officials who made their remarks
    lately and I formed such an impression."