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Two Armenian ruling coalition MPs deny they support opposition

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  • Two Armenian ruling coalition MPs deny they support opposition

    Public TV, Armenia
    Feb. 23, 2008


    Members of the Armenian parliament from the Prosperous Armenia
    faction of the ruling government coalition, KaroKarapetyan and Tigran
    Stepanyan, have issued a statement where they deny their support for
    former President LevonTer-Petrosyan. Previously, Ter-Petrosyan's
    supporters said these two MPs had defected to Ter-Petrosyan's
    side.Ter-Petrosyan, who gained about 21 per cent of votes in the 19
    February presidential election according to the CentralElectoral
    Commission, has said the election was rigged. His supporters have
    been rallying in protest against theelection results since 20
    February. The following is the text of the report by state-owned
    Armenian Public TV"Haylur" news bulletin broadcast at 1000 gmt on 23

    [Presenter] Karo Karapetyan and Tigran Stepanyan have expressed their
    indignation about inappropriate speculationwith their names and
    consider it necessary to present clarifications.

    Quote [presenter reads], we officially announce that we are loyal to
    the policy adopted by the Prosperous ArmeniaParty; we are standing by
    the side of the chairman of our party [Gagik Tsarukyan] and will
    never betray our principlesand goals. We are not those who change
    camps, and attempts to involve us in various provocations are in

    We just said that we are against fomenting instability in the
    country, which can lead to unpredictable consequences, which the
    forces standing on the platform [the rally of former President Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan] decided to use as support expressed in their favour.
    It is not honest.

    The Prosperous Armenia Party supported the joint presidential
    candidate [Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan] together withthe [ruling]
    Republican Party of Armenia and we will not change our principles. As
    members of the Prosperous ArmeniaParty, we officially announce that
    our decision is precise and no-one has the right to make statements
    on our behalf. Wehave not authorized anyone to do so.

    The Prosperous Armenia Party is strong and stable and attempts to
    shake it are doomed to failure, end quote.