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When did the United States become the Islamic Republic of America?

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  • When did the United States become the Islamic Republic of America?

    Gates of Vienna
    February 25, 2008 Monday 1:18 PM EST

    When did the United States become the Islamic Republic of America?

    "The Repetition of History"
    by TGK

    We are very fortunate in our readers. They supply us with information
    we wouldnt get easily in other forms. In this case, the essayist is
    TGK and the subject is one he knows well: the roots of the current
    crisis in Serbia and Kosovo.

    But this post is much more than that. TGK opens the door to the long
    history of the area, and the bloody borders created there by the
    influx of Islam so long ago. He says:

    I would like to express how much I like your website. I am a writer
    coming from an Eastern Orthodox-Byzantine point of view and a Greek
    American and would like to share such an assessment regarding the new
    Islamist success in Kosovo over the past week.
    And here is his provocative essay:

    In November 1979, Iranian militants seized the American embassy and
    took hostages for 444 days. Throughout the 1980s, the Iranians
    launched a variety of attacks on American targets (as in Lebanon) and
    sponsored terrorism. During the 1990s Al Qaeda attacked the United
    States in Somalia, Saudi Arabia, and bombed the American embassies in
    Africa. On September 11, 2001, Al Qaeda attacked the United States on
    its own soil.

    The reaction of the United States has been to destroy Yugoslavia.
    Osama Bin Laden, Ayman Al Zawahri, and Al Qaeda remain at large. Al
    Qaeda in fact, according to Youssef Bodansky, terrorism expert and
    biographer of Osama Bin Laden established bases in Kosovo and Bosnia.
    In 2006, Muslims from Kosovo were implicated in the plot to bomb Fort
    Dix in New Jersey. The reaction of the United States is to ignore the
    very spirit of the alleged war on terror and to approve the
    establishment of a terrorist Islamic State in the Balkans at the
    expense of the Serbs who were allies of the United States in both
    World Wars.

    When did the United States become the Islamic Republic of America? My
    own idea is that the United States drifted toward pro-Islamic
    sympathies when it became involved with the Turkish nationalists
    between 1919 and 1922. Today, many of the Western backers of
    independence for Kosovo were also those States who armed and
    supported Mustafa Kemal and the Turkish nationalists in Asia Minor.
    Italy, France, and Great Britain have extended immediate recognition
    to Kosovo.

    In 1919, the Italians were the first European power to arm Mustafa
    Kemal in Asia Minor. According to Marjorie Housepian Dobkin in her
    brilliantly researched Smyrna 1922 the Destruction of a City the
    Greek Army might have destroyed Mustafa Kemals Army had it not been
    for the intervention of the Italians and the British who according to
    Dobkin, rescued Kemal from destruction. The connection between the
    betrayal of the Greek cause in Asia Minor, and the betrayal of the
    Serbs today reflects the continuing evolution of Western policy which
    is in effect pro-Islamic.

    The Greek-Serbian alliance in the Balkan Wars drove the Ottoman
    Empire out of the Balkans. These achievements are being
    systematically undermined today. Kosovo was liberated during the
    Balkan Wars, and now the change of borders there challenges the
    outcome for Greek achievements as well. The Ottomans who were
    defeated by the Greeks and the Serbs get the last laugh! The
    Ottomanization of the Balkans is under way.

    Turkeys recognition of Kosovo was to be expected. The Turks are
    reestablishing links with their former Muslim subjects and expanding
    their influence in the region at the expense of Greece and Serbia. In
    1922, in the aftermath of the Genocide and mass slaughter of Greeks
    at the City of Smyrna, the Greeks wanted to make a last stand in
    Eastern Thrace, and pondered the possibility of entering
    Constantinople. The Greeks were told in no uncertain terms by the
    three European Powers that if they entered Constantinople, they would
    not be permitted to remain there. Ultimately, over 1,000,000 Greek
    Orthodox Christians were ethnically cleansed from Asia Minor with the
    full cooperation of the Americans and the three European Powers.

    During the 1990s, the Serbs were ethnically cleansed from Krajinna by
    the Nazi armies of Croatia and from Bosnia. They have also been
    ethnically cleansed from Kosovo since 1999 with their Churches and
    Monasteries being destroyed. In both Asia Minor and Yugoslavia, the
    Western powers were present when the Christians were slaughtered by
    the Muslims. Today, NATO and the European Union talk of protecting
    the rights of Serbs in Kosovo, and of maintaining peacekeepers even
    while Serbs have been lynched, murdered, beaten, and terrorized into
    leaving under the auspices of the peacekeepers.

    During the fall of 2007, a resolution in the House of Representatives
    was introduced which would have recognized the Armenian Genocide. The
    Bush administration lobbied against it, and intimidated many of the
    Democrats who supported it, into withdrawing their support. The
    extermination of a Christian people by an Islamic government was not
    recognized in order to placate the Islamic successors of the
    Genocidal regime! One would think that Islamists were dictating
    American policies.
    - - - - - - - - -
    Over two million Christians in the Sudan have been slaughtered by the
    Islamists. The Coptic Christians of Egypt have suffered relentless
    discrimination and persecution by Islamic extremists. Saudi Arabia
    prohibits the practice of Christianity. While Monasteries in Kosovo
    are being destroyed, the Saudis are subsidizing the construction of
    Mosques in Kosovo, which fly the Saudi flag. In the struggle between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, the West is backing the

    Then there are the benefits of European multiculturalism. The
    European Constitution does not mention Christianity (a fact which
    outraged the Orthodox Church of Greece). Various feminists in the
    European Parliament have suggested that the Monastic Republic of
    Mount Athos should be compelled to lift its prohibition on the entry
    of women onto its hallowed grounds. This Orthodox Monastic community
    established on the Holy Mountain of Athos which is dedicated to the
    Theotokos (Mother of God) does not allow women in order to
    specifically honor the Theotokos. The Orthodox Church of Greece has
    bitterly resisted the attempts by the European Union to undermine
    Greek traditions and to impose secularism on Greek society.

    Contrast these radical anti-Christian stances with the recent
    statement of the Archbishop of Canterbury who suggested that Sharia
    law should be allowed to coexist with Civil laws in Great Britain. It
    is not ironic that the capitals of Europe are being thoroughly
    Islamicized, or that they are being held hostages (the riots in
    France 2005) by extremists, considering the extent to which Eastern
    Christians have been sacrificed throughout the twentieth century.
    Gone are the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire which saved Europe
    >From the Ottoman Empire in 1539 and 1683.

    A Rock Concert in Croatia recently received a great deal of publicity
    because the band in question proceeded to give the Nazi salute. The
    wars that were waged against the Serbs during the 1990s were waged by
    a government of Nazi sympathizers on the one hand, and two Islamic
    governments in league with Al Qaeda on the other. The 800,000 Serbs
    that were slaughtered by the pro-Nazi Croats and Muslims during the
    Second World War were entirely ignored by western media.

    The Republic of Cyprus is another Christian country struggling to
    survive. Over 500 Greek Orthodox Churches have been destroyed or
    converted into Mosques. From Cyprus to Kosovo, Christianity is being
    eradicated and the destroyers in both cases are being embraced by
    Europe and the United States. The Greek Orthodox in Constantinople
    are on the verge of extinction. The betrayal of the Greek Christians
    of Constantinople since the 1940s represents another heartbreaking
    tragedy in the history of the Orthodox Church during the twentieth

    Turkey today is notoriously anti-American. Islamic fundamentalism is
    faring quite well despite the assurance of American and European
    officials that Turkey is a secular, democratic country. Ordinary
    Turks have become enraged by American policies toward Iraq and the
    Palestinians out of Islamic solidarity, but Ankaras public relations
    people have successfully convinced many Americans that
    Turkish-American relations were fine until Nancy Pelosi introduced
    the Armenian Genocide Resolution in Congress. When the Iraq war was
    launched in 2003, Turks cursed the United States for attacking a
    Muslim country long before the Armenian Genocide Resolution was

    Western sacrifices of Christians preceded the pro-Turkish policies
    undertaken between 1919 and 1922. During the nineteenth century,
    Tsarist Russia took up the cause of the Christians of the Ottoman
    Empire. In 1853, Great Britain and France occupied Greece to prevent
    Athens from aligning with Moscow in the Crimean War. In 1878, the
    Russians had Constantinople in their sights, but the Ottomans were
    protected by London and Paris.

    During the 1870s, the slaughter of the Bulgarians by the Ottoman
    Turks was widely publicized. As the nineteenth century concluded, the
    Armenians, Assyrians, and Asia Minor Greeks came under extreme
    persecution by the Ottomans. International conferences were convened
    by the three great powers of Great Britain, France, and Russia. Only
    the Russians were interested in protecting the Christians, as in
    Kosovo today. The strategic interest in the Ottoman Empire by London
    and Paris prevented the Russians from interfering.

    This essay is a response to the events being undertaken in Kosovo and
    the Balkans today. It is extremely difficult to believe that in the
    age of Al Qaeda, the Great Powers maintain an irrational hatred of
    the Serbs and the Russians. The essay began by noting the various
    terrorist attacks on the United States. The Serbs have done nothing
    to the United States or the Europeans, and have found themselves
    being mercilessly deprived of their ancestral homelands and holy

    The Western governments have chosen to restore the heritage of the
    Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. Several years ago, then Assistant
    Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz praised Turkey for its treatment
    of minorities! In 1204, the Knights of the Fourth Crusade destroyed
    Constantinople and opened the door for the Ottomans. What the
    Crusaders did physically to the Christian East, the Western powers
    are doing intellectually by suppressing and rewriting the history of
    the Christian East.

    During the Seventh Century, the Emperor Constantine V of
    Constantinople successfully defended his Capital from the onslaught
    of Muslim invaders. He successfully defended the West as well as his
    own Empire. During the tenth century, Emperor Nikephoras Phokas took
    the offensive against the Arabs after three hundred and thirty years
    of being on the defensive and liberated most of Syria! In 1453,
    Emperor Constantinos Palaiologos died in battle defending his City
    against the Ottomans.

    How tragic that the legacy of Christian Byzantium whose Emperors took
    up the fight against the forerunners of Osama Bin Laden has been cast
    aside as the model for the Balkans in favor of the Ottoman Turks who
    were the perpetrators of terrorism and Genocide. This is exactly what
    the sacrifice of Orthodox Serbia represents. In our own day, the
    Russians again represent the aspirations of Orthodox Christians, and
    it is to be hoped they will help save Kosovo and the Balkans.