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The Kosova Conundrum For Turkey And Georgia

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  • The Kosova Conundrum For Turkey And Georgia

    By John C. K. Daly

    Eurasia Daily Monitor
    Feb 27 2008

    Since Kosova unilaterally declared independence on February 17, its
    action has caused a fissure in international reactions. Thirty states
    have now recognized Kosova's independence, including the United States,
    Great Britain, France, and Germany. However, Russia, China, Spain,
    Georgia, and Greece, among others, oppose the move.

    Turkey supported the declaration on the basis that it could help bring
    peace to the Balkans. Following a reception for Albanian Foreign
    Minister Lulzim Basha, Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said,
    "Prosperity of the regional people must be enhanced to ensure a
    lasting peace in the Balkans... The Balkans had to suffer for many
    years. Turkey respects the will of the people of Kosova. Turkey also
    expends full support to the NATO membership of Albania, Macedonia,
    and Croatia" (New Anatolian, February 26).

    To show its support for Belgrade - and opposition to Kosovar
    independence, Russia has decided to play the energy card. On February
    25 Serbian President Boris Tadic received Russian First Deputy Prime
    Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Belgrade and signed an agreement allowing
    Russia's South Stream pipeline to transit Serbia, a distinct blow to
    EU alternative pipeline routes (RBC, February 26).

    For Turkey, the implications of having South Stream transit Serbia
    are enormous, as the pipeline's route directly undercuts the Nabucco
    pipeline favored by Turkey, the United States, and the EU, which
    would deliver Central Asian gas to Europe via Turkey - and bypass
    Russia. Whether Moscow will play further pipeline politics with Ankara
    to indicate its displeasure over Turkey's position is unclear, but the
    South Stream decision will definitely hit Ankara in the pocketbook,
    costing it hundreds of millions of dollars annually in natural gas
    transit fees. Adding to Russia's distrust is Turkey's support of
    Albania, Macedonia, and Croatia entering NATO, a process that the
    Kremlin feels has already gone too far.

    Interestingly, the breakaway Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has
    also recognized Kosova, while Cyprus has not.

    Among the fifteen former Soviet republics, Latvia and Estonia
    have already recognized Kosova, while Lithuania's parliament is
    considering a similar action. At the other end of the spectrum,
    Belarus and Moldova have lined up behind the Kremlin's position. The
    Belarusian Parliamentary Commission on International Affairs reported,
    "Events in Kosova not only destabilize the situation in the Balkans,
    but also directly affect international stability. Kosova necessarily
    sets a precedent of similar crises in other countries" (Telegraf,
    February 21).

    On February 18 the Moldovan government issued an official statement
    noting, "With all the uniqueness of the Kosova problem, this form of
    'decision' is not only an arbitrary violation of the integrity of the
    Republic of Serbia, but also a major factor in the destabilization
    of Europe, a dangerous incentive for the revitalization of separatist
    sentiment in all conflict zones" (Nezavisimaya Moldova, February 19).

    In Transnistria Moldova has a restive Russian minority toying with
    the idea of separatism. Ukraine supports the idea of further talks.

    The governments in the Caucasus have taken attitudes sharply divergent
    from the Baltics. Both Georgia and Armenia have explicitly declared
    that they will not recognize Serbia's breakaway province Georgia is
    worried that similar sentiments might prevail in Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia, while two days before the declaration Armenian Foreign
    Minister Vartan Oskanian complained of an international double
    standard, saying, "Granting independence to Kosova, the international
    community violated the legal norms but forgot Karabakh" (PanARMENIAN
    Network, February 16).

    Ankara's close ally, Turkic-speaking Azerbaijan, no doubt fearing
    that Karabakh might follow Kosova's precedent, has labeled Pristina's
    declaration of sovereignty and independence "illegal" and, according
    to Aydin Mirzazade, a member of the Standing Parliamentary Commission
    for Security and Defense, is considering withdrawing its 34-man
    peacekeeping contingent from the newly independent state (Trend,
    February 26).

    In Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan have all
    stated that they are against the declaration of independence, while
    Uzbekistan is reserving judgment.

    Kazakh Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Erzhan Ashikbaev commented
    during a weekly news briefing, "The position of Kazakhstan on the
    Kosova situation is based on the fundamental principles of the
    United Nations about the retention of sovereignty and territorial
    integrity of states within their internationally acknowledged
    boundaries, the search for peaceful means to debate questions on
    the basis of fulfilling of the positions, which are contained in the
    documents on regulating the crisis, first of all the resolution of
    the UN Security Council No. 1244 about a peaceful plan for Kosova"
    ( 08/02/57).

    It seems ironic that Turkey, successor to an Ottoman Empire that ruled
    the Balkans for centuries, should support Kosova's independence in the
    name of stability. Meanwhile, the states that emerged from the wreckage
    of the USSR largely either oppose independence or support further
    talks, concerned that Kosova's action at the very least violates
    the spirit of the UN mandate assumed in 1999. It seems unlikely that
    opposition to the move, centered around Moscow, is unlikely to abate
    any time soon, but what is obvious is that, of the former republics
    of the USSR, which stretched from the Polish border to the Pacific,
    two-thirds of its successor states are opposed to the move, based on
    international law and the UN overstepping its mandate.

    Whether Kosova's action will lead to greater stability in the Balkans
    or set off a flurry of micro-nationalist declarations around the
    world remains to be seen. Equally unclear is the eventual response
    of Russia, Eurasia's dominant energy producer, and whether it will
    choose to exercise that power to indicate its profound displeasure.

    For Turkey, which earlier this year suffered from shortages of Russian
    natural gas, it is a question well worth pondering.