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OSCE's Human Rights Office Finds Itself In Crossfire Over Election M

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  • OSCE's Human Rights Office Finds Itself In Crossfire Over Election M

    By Jean-Christophe Peuch

    Feb 27 2008

    A controversial election-monitoring mission in Armenia has plunged
    the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights into a
    full-blown credibility crisis. Already under attack from member states
    that are hostile to ODIHR's democratization mandate, the Warsaw-based
    office is now facing harsh criticism from civil society advocates.

    Christian Strohal, the Austrian diplomat in charge of the ODIHR, is
    due to step down next May after five years in office. His successor
    will inherit an institution whose impartiality is questioned by some
    of the least democratic post-Soviet nations. Alleging that ODIHR is
    an instrument of regime change in the hands of the West, Russia and
    other members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (Armenia,
    Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) want to
    put the OSCE's human rights office under their effective control, and
    limit the scope and size of its future election-monitoring activities.

    Yet, this will only constitute part of the challenge awaiting
    Strohal's successor. ODIHR is also coming under attack from opposition
    groupings in former Soviet states, which condemn the Warsaw office
    for failing to publicly expose election fraud, thus contributing
    to the consolidation of what they describe as authoritarian or
    semi-authoritarian regimes. In addition, recent monitoring reports
    that have glossed over instances of blatant fraud have also stoked
    a sense of chagrin among international civil society activists.

    Recent elections in the Southern Caucasus region encapsulate ODIHR's

    On January 5, Georgia's incumbent leader Mikheil Saakashvili won a
    second five-year term with 53.5 percent of the vote. [For background
    see the Eurasia Insight archive]. On February 19, Armenia's Prime
    Minister and government candidate Serzh Sarkisian was elected president
    with nearly 53 percent of the vote. [For background see the Eurasia
    Insight archive]. By obtaining just over 50 percent of the vote,
    Saakashvili and Sarkisian both avoided presidential run-offs against
    the second-place finishers in the respective elections.

    Election observers from ODIHR, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and the European
    Parliament concluded in a joint statement that both ballots were
    "mostly in line with international commitments" made by the respective
    governments of Georgia and Armenia, but that "significant challenges"
    needed to be urgently addressed.

    Opposition candidates in both countries denounced the elections
    results were fraudulent and called upon their supporters to take
    to the streets. Thousands of antigovernment protesters have been
    demonstrating in Yerevan over the past week, while in Georgia, a
    lackluster popular response prompted the opposition to temporarily
    shelve plans for a nationwide hunger strike. [For background see the
    Eurasia Insight archive].

    On February 20, Armenia's leading opposition candidate Levon
    Ter-Petrosian said he was holding international observers partially
    responsible for the falsification he claimed took place on Election
    Day. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Recounts of selected electoral districts in Armenia found some cases
    of gross instances of fraud that either election monitors missed,
    or, for whatever reason, did not report on. [For background see the
    Eurasia Insight archive].

    Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva, who currently holds the
    rotating chairmanship of the OSCE, held talks with Armenian officials
    in Yerevan on February 26. An OSCE statement issued after the meetings
    quoted Kanerva as calling upon the government and the opposition
    to solve their dispute through dialog, but made no mention of the
    arrests of political figures who have declared their support for
    Ter-Petrosian. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    In the wake of the Georgian polls, Conservative Party leader Zviad
    Dzidziguri accused the international election monitoring mission of
    "cheating" those nearly one million voters that he claimed had cast
    their ballot for opposition candidate Levan Gachechiladze. Dzidziguri
    had particular harsh words for OSCE observers, "most of whom"
    he alleged had appeared at polling stations under the influence
    of alcohol.

    Other opposition leaders in Georgia, while also scornful of the
    monitoring mission's performance, were more restrained in venting
    criticism. Some distributed the blame by criticizing the United States,
    whom they accused of turning a blind eye on election fraud for the
    sake of Georgia's political continuity.

    Kanerva visited the Armenian and Georgian capitals on February 26-27
    for meetings with officials and opposition politicians. At a news
    briefing in Tbilisi, the chairman-in-office tacitly acknowledged
    the shortcomings of monitoring mission evaluations, explaining that
    initial conclusions must be drawn in haste. "It takes time to give a
    highly reliable report on the elections ... and it's always a little
    bit complicated situation," Kanerva said, adding that he expected
    the final election reports to be more thorough.

    Kanerva expressed particular concern about the situation in Yerevan,
    where protests calling for the annulment of the February 19 election
    results were in the eighth day. [For background see the Eurasia
    Insight archive]. "After discussions with [Armenian] politicians ...

    I'm not totally convinced about the future," Kanerva said. "The most
    important thing is for peace and that there will be no violence."

    In addition to the recent Armenian and Georgian ballots, ODIHR
    last year monitored local, parliamentary, and presidential polls
    in half-a-dozen former Soviet republics. With two exceptions, OSCE
    missions concluded that despite more or less serious shortcomings
    those elections generally represented a step forward in the
    democracy-building process -- including in Kazakhstan, where the Nur
    Otan ruling party grabbed all seats in the lower chamber of parliament
    on August 18. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    To critics who wonder why their office is not taking a firmer stance
    against governments suspected of manipulating votes, ODIHR officials
    respond that the purpose of their election observation missions is
    not to praise or criticize countries, but to help them democratize
    their electoral processes through dialog and legal assistance.

    "We are observers. We are not participating in political processes,"
    Strohal told the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's winter meeting that
    took place in Vienna in mid-February. He also reiterated that ODIHR's
    decision to not observe Russia's December 2 legislative polls and
    upcoming March 2 presidential ballot had not been motivated by
    political considerations, but by the impossibility for election
    observers to perform their duties because of what he said were
    unprecedented logistical restrictions imposed by the Kremlin.

    The general misperception about ODIHR's election monitoring activities
    may partly stem from assessments given by the Parliamentary Assembly.

    Unlike ODIHR's technical statements, those made by OSCE
    parliamentarians can at times be overtly political.

    US Congressman and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Emeritus Alcee
    L. Hastings told reporters in Tbilisi on January 6 that he believed the
    "demonstrative competitiveness" of the Georgian election campaign had
    made it possible for democracy to take "a triumphant step." The joint
    statement subsequently issued by the international election observation
    mission contained no political judgment on the outcome of the ballot.

    It is precisely to avoid that kind of situation that ODIHR and the
    Parliamentary Assembly in 1997 signed a cooperation agreement under
    which they agreed to work together to avoid issuing final election
    reports containing contradictions, while preserving "the integrity
    of their independent observations and conclusions."

    Both organizations say they are satisfied with the level of cooperation
    they have reached over the past decade. But those coordination efforts
    have their limits.

    Parliamentarians in December sent an election team to observe the
    Russian Duma elections, raising concerns among OSCE diplomats who
    feared the Kremlin might try to set one group of OSCE monitors against
    another. Parliamentary Assembly President Goran Lennmarker earlier
    in February notified Moscow that due to unspecified "circumstances"
    parliamentarians would not monitor the upcoming Russian presidential

    The mid-February Vienna meeting showed that OSCE parliamentarians
    remain divided over ODIHR's decision to boycott the Russian ballot.

    British lawmaker Bruce George said he believed ODIHR was "right," and
    that the Parliamentary Assembly "was wrong in going [to Russia] to try
    to dignify an election which was not to remotely meet international

    Countering George's arguments, Portuguese representative Joao Soares
    said he viewed ODIHR's decision as "a mistake" He further argued that
    any international election observation mission, even performed in a
    non-democratic environment, is meaningful.

    Such opposite statements are yet another indication that when it
    comes to election monitoring the OSCE no longer speaks in one voice.