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NKR: An Adequate Answer Is Anticipated

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  • NKR: An Adequate Answer Is Anticipated


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh

    Recently at the session of the government a lsit, making whole the
    sizes and values of the programs and arrangements foreseen by the NKR
    state budget in the sphere of agriculture, has been established. Our
    talk with the vice-premier, minister of of agriculture Armo Tsatrian
    was about it and a number of developments anticipating in 2008.

    - The new government has adopted a new policy towards agriculture:
    a turn to a village and agriculture. Many people anticipate positive
    changes from this turn. And at last, what is foreseen in 2008 in
    the sphere of agriculture, what principles will be in the axis of a
    new policy?

    - Really, the policy, foreseen in this sphere, can be defined as "a
    turn to a village and agriculture". The lines of the NKR President's
    pre-election program fall in that axis: a satisfaction of a state
    productive and purposeful assistance is foreseen in all the spheres
    and all the levels of agriculture. So we can distinguish the fact of a
    decrease of grain's crop yield. Naturally, it isn't strange, that the
    first programs of state assisitance are directed to that sphere. So the
    program of so called black ploughed land is in the process. The aim
    of it is an improvement of arable lands, which have become exhausted
    for years. Besides the above-mentioned programs, in the sphere of
    cultivation in 2008 a number of arrangements are also foreseen. So,
    in arrangements' scopes, directed to the protection of plants, an
    organized struggle will be carried against rodents and locusts.

    - Your listed programs touch basically upon cultivation. But what is
    foreseen in the sphere of cattle-breeding?

    - Like previous years, this year is also foreseen to realize
    antiepidemic measures by state means. In 2008 innovations will be
    also in that sphere. Serious attention will be paid to ancestral

    Concrete steps are foreseen in that direction: 360 million drams have
    been allocated for acquiring 99 head of cows of "Shwits" sort, for
    satisfaction of their feed and care and the material and technical

    This program will be continuous.

    - So far forth is satisfied the agriculture with specialists?

    - On the whole, we have specialists, but the problem is, that the
    majority belongs to elder generation and if today a corresponding
    policy is not carried, in future difficulties can rise in that

    - One of the most important questions is the problem of reprocessing
    of agricultural production.

    - Of course, by now some steps have been taken in that direction. So
    the representative of "Er-my" CJSC assures, that a problem of grain
    purchase won't be. At the same time, steps are taken for satisfaction
    of reprocessing of fruit-vegetable.

    - Development of agriculture is difficult to imagine without existance
    of technics. what is done in that direction?

    - This problem is sharp in the republic.It is foreseen to invest a
    leasing system in 2008 for acquring a technics.The process is already
    in force, corresponding works are carried.