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BAKU: Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Will Be Solved In The Framework Of A

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  • BAKU: Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Will Be Solved In The Framework Of A

    Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be solved in the framework of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, OSCE Chairman-in-Office says
    Azeri Press Agency
    Feb 28 2008

    Baku. Lachin Sultanova - APA. The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Finnish
    Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva stated while meeting with Azerbaijani
    Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov that the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    will be solved in the framework of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

    Elmar Mammadyarov told the briefing about it, APA reports. The minister
    said that along with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict they discussed the
    presidential elections that will be held in Azerbaijan in autumn. The
    minister assured the visitor that the elections will be free and
    democratic. Ilkka Kanerva said he had open and efficient discussions
    with Elmar Mammadyarov on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict
    and the forthcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan.

    "We will continue to support the negotiations carried out in the
    framework of OSCE Minsk Group. This is the main priority for me and
    I believe that OSCE will achieve the solution to the problem," he said.

    Ilkka Kanerva said the political will demonstrated by both
    Azerbaijani and Armenian authorities for continuing the negotiations
    is commendable.

    "OSCE will support any conclusion reached by Azerbaijani and Armenian
    presidents," he said.

    The OSCE Chairman-in-Office underlined that holding free and democratic
    elections is also a very important factor.

    "Free and fair elections should be ensured. It is of great importance
    in terms of our future and respect to European values," he said.

    Asked whether he had discussions about the imprisoned journalists
    in Baku Ilkka Kanerva said the issue has not been discussed, as
    it is not in his competence. Expressing his regret at the arrest of
    journalists the OSCE Chairman-in-Office said the existence and activity
    of free media is a very important element for all open societies and
    democratic states.