17:02 29/02/2008
Morelia/Linares supreme tournament second round started. The key point
of the tournament became Levon Aronyan-Wiswanathan Anand competition.
In the eighth round the champion of the "Chorus Chess 2008" Levon
Aronyan took the revenge from Vesselin Topalov and won the game.
Note that our chess player lost the game with Topalov.
Hence, after this round Aronyan has 4.5 scores and is positioned
in the second horizontal. The leader of the competition is Indian
Wiswanathan Anand with 5.5 scores. The third horizontal is occupied
by Norwegian GM 17-year-old Magnus Karlsen with 4.5 scores. Topalov
and Shirov are in the fourth and fifth horizontals.
Taimur Radjabov is in the sixth and Ivanchuk and Leko in the seventh
and eighth horizontals.
17:02 29/02/2008
Morelia/Linares supreme tournament second round started. The key point
of the tournament became Levon Aronyan-Wiswanathan Anand competition.
In the eighth round the champion of the "Chorus Chess 2008" Levon
Aronyan took the revenge from Vesselin Topalov and won the game.
Note that our chess player lost the game with Topalov.
Hence, after this round Aronyan has 4.5 scores and is positioned
in the second horizontal. The leader of the competition is Indian
Wiswanathan Anand with 5.5 scores. The third horizontal is occupied
by Norwegian GM 17-year-old Magnus Karlsen with 4.5 scores. Topalov
and Shirov are in the fourth and fifth horizontals.
Taimur Radjabov is in the sixth and Ivanchuk and Leko in the seventh
and eighth horizontals.