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Who Makes Up The "Party Of Stability"?

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  • Who Makes Up The "Party Of Stability"?

    Vardan Barseghyan

    Hayots Ashkhar
    Published on February 29, 2008

    We have already analyzed the team of the "revolutionary movement",
    we have spoken about the main groups included in it. It would be
    interesting to make similar investigation in the opposite camp as well,
    which we conditionally call "party of stability". The overwhelming
    majority of society is against colored revolution. And this society
    is naturally far not homogeneous it includes different groups.

    The first group consists of those who, strange, as it may seem, don't
    suffer from sclerosis and haven't forgotten about the catastrophic
    consequences of the governing of Armenian Pan National Movement. They
    perceive the return of Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Armenian Pan National
    Movement as serious threat for the country. Whereas some of them
    don't cherish illusions towards the government in power, but on the
    one hand, as they say, they choose the lesser of two evils, and on
    the other hand they highly appreciate the stability provided by the
    administration in power.

    Second - those who have found their place in this life. Of course here
    we don't mean materialistic well-being (most of the revolutionaries,
    softly speaking, are far not homeless). What we mean is their
    moral-psychological attitude towards the reality. They can see the
    slow but stable positive change in our lives during the last 10 years.

    Third - those who are in the state machinery, and the majority of the
    representatives of this spine. The stance of these people is obvious,
    only because they didn't respond to the appeal of the "movement"
    to joint them, with the exception of the nephew of the ex-President,
    Shahen Karamanukyan's son.

    Forth - the majority of entrepreneurs, employees of private companies
    and intellectuals, that is to say those who are called "the consumers
    of stability". It is another issue that these people will never take
    to the streets to defend stability. Instead they defend the rear and
    it is enough.

    Fifth - the law enforcement bodies, the army and in general the force
    structures. Here we must lay special emphasis on the army.

    Those "Yerkrapah" (defenders of the land) representatives who joined
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan are like a drop in an ocean, in general:

    a) Patriotic disposition is more emphasized in the army

    b) The officers' staff are gifted with state-oriented instinct

    c) They are well conscious in the army that if due to the colored
    revolution they manage to establish the power of cosmopolitan elite,
    they will not need the present officers' staff.

    Thus the patriotic and state-oriented stance of the officers' staff
    is combined with their personal interests, and the latter is a very
    powerful motive for orientation.

    Sixth - the majority of business-elite. There is a wide spread
    conviction among the "revolutionaries" that allegedly these people
    are extremely inert, they are cowards, and lack any ideology. And the
    most important thing is that deep in their hearts they allegedly hate
    the government in power. But it is far not true.

    Armenian oligarchs, with scanty exceptions, and in general the elite
    support the idea of law and order, which, besides all, guarantees
    their rule in the country.

    Certain complaints about money and ownership, inter-clan clashes, etc.
    don't have any impact on the consensus. Let alone the fact that most
    of them are very patriotic they have their convictions and they are
    far not cowards.

    Naturally we enumerated not all the groups of the
    "anti-revolutionaries". As you see these people are from quite
    different layers of society. Some of them have clear convictions and
    system of values. And there are some, who have appeared in that camp
    ex officio or they simply pursue commercial or personal interests,
    having no convictions.

    And together the "anti-revolutionaries" make up the majority of