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Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter - 1/3/2008

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  • Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter - 1/3/2008

    Untitled DocumentPRESS RELEASE
    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168
    e-mail: [email protected]
    Contact: Iris Papazian

    JANUARY 3, 2008

    CHRISTMAS 2008

    Krisdos dzunav yev haydnetsav
    (Christ was born and made manifest)

    Orhnyal e haydnootyoonn Krisdosi
    (Blessed is the manifestation of Christ)

    "A wonderful and great mystery is revealed on this day; the shepherds sing
    with the angels who announce the good news to the world. A new King is born
    in the city of Bethlehem; O you people, bless him, for he became flesh for
    our sake. He whom heaven and earth cannot contain is wrapped in swaddling
    clothes, without being separated from the Father, he rested in the holy
    Hymn of Censing for the Nativity from the Armenian Liturgy.

    This Sunday, January 6, is Christmas, the day Armenians celebrate the
    birth and baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. Check the schedule of your local
    parish for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services.
    The Prelate, Archbishop Oshagan, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy on
    Christmas Day at Sts. Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey. On
    Christmas Eve, His Eminence will preside over Christmas Eve services at St.
    Sarkis Church in Douglaston, New York. .
    The Vicar, Bishop Anoushavan, will celebrate the Liturgy on Christmas at
    St. Illuminator's Cathedral in New York City. Following the Liturgy and
    Baptism service, His Grace will go to the Armenian Old Age Home in Flushing,
    New York, where he will visit the residents and join them and the home's
    administrators for dinner.
    * * *
    The Armenian Church has remained faithful to the original January 6th
    date for the celebration of the Nativity and Baptism, which all of
    Christendom celebrated. Rome changed the date of the birth to December 25
    (and kept January 6th as the date of baptism) in 336. This date gradually
    became accepted by all except by the Armenian Church and in Jerusalem where
    they continued to celebrate Christmas on January 6th, until they were
    coerced and forced to adopt the December 25th date. In the Holy Land the
    Orthodox churches still use the old calendar, which has a difference of
    twelve days.
    On Christmas Eve, the Liturgy is preceded by readings taken from various
    books of the Bible that cite the birth or the coming of the Messiah. The
    third chapter from the book of Daniel is read by a deacon and three young
    persons, representing Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego-the youths who refused
    to worship graven images and kept their faith in spite of threats of death
    by fire. This service is called "Candlelight Service," (Jrakalouys) and
    parishioners would return home carrying lighted candles to announce the
    birth of Christ. Traditionally, following Christmas Eve service, choir
    members would go from house to house singing hymns dedicated to the Nativity
    and Epiphany
    On January 6, following the Christmas Divine Liturgy, a special ceremony
    of the Blessing of the Water (Churorhnek) takes place commemorating the
    Baptism and manifestation (Epiphany) of Christ. During the early centuries
    the baptism ceremony took place-with great splendor-on the shores of a
    river. In modern times, especially here in the United States, the Blessing
    of the Water service takes place in the church immediately following the
    Divine Liturgy. Prayers are said, passages from the Gospel are read, and the
    dove-shaped vessel containing Holy Oil (Muron) is ceremoniously brought
    forward and the officiating clergyman pours the Muron into the basin of
    water at the altar. The priest dips the cross into the blessed water while
    reciting special prayers. A member of the congregation serves as the
    Godfather-a coveted honor. At the conclusion of the ceremony the faithful
    come forth to kiss the cross and take a small portion of the blessed water

    In the tradition of the Armenian Church the day following each of the
    five major feasts (Nativity, Easter, Transfiguration, Assumption, Holy
    Cross) is a memorial day, when the faithful go to the cemetery to have the
    graves of their loved ones blessed and offer prayers for the souls of the

    On Sunday evening, January 6, Archbishop Oshagan will host his annual
    Christmas open house at the Prelacy in New York City, from 6 to 9 pm. The
    traditional home blessing ceremony will take place.
    The Armenian tradition of home blessing has unfortunately greatly
    diminished in recent times. During our childhood it was considered essential
    to have our home blessed during the Christmas and Easter holy days. During
    the ceremony the priest blesses bread, water, and salt-all considered to be
    essential to life. It is customary to burn incense, echoing the words of the
    psalmist, "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you," (Psalm 141).
    The priest usually places a wafer (nushkhar) with the bread, water and salt.
    The wafer can be distributed amongst family members, or can be kept with
    staples such as flour, rice, salt.
    "Oh Christ our God, guardian and hope of all your faithful, protect and
    keep in peace your people under the protection of your holy and venerable
    cross; and especially this family, their home, the bread, the salt and the
    water. Save them O Lord, from visible and invisible enemies and make them
    worthy to glorify you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always,
    forever and ever. Amen."
    The Benediction from the Armenian Blessing of Homes Ceremony

    As he does each New Year, Catholicos Aram I and a number of members of
    the Cilician Brotherhood shared the joy of the New Year and Christmas with
    various segments of the Armenian community. His Holiness visited the
    children who reside in the "Birds' Nest," a home for orphans. The Birds Nest
    is under the sponsorship of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, and His Holiness
    recently appointed a new Board of Trustees to oversee the orphanage along
    with the director, Very Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Manjikian.
    During the holiday season the Catholicos visited the Home for the
    Elderly in Bourdj Hammoud. The elderly residents expressed their happiness
    by singing and reciting poems and offered words of gratitude to the
    Catholicos for remembering them.
    Also on the list of visits was the Azouniyeh National Sanatorium, where
    the Pontiff expressed the good cheers of the New Year and conveyed the
    joyous news of the birth of Christ. His Holiness also visited those
    residents who were sick and confined to their beds.
    Some members of the Cilician Brotherhood paid a visit to the "Roumye"
    prison where they performed a short religious service for the inmates and
    gave Holy Communion to those wishing to receive it.

    The Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia announced that His Holiness
    Catholicos Aram I will consecrate the Holy Muron (Holy Oil) on June 7, 2008.
    The Holy Muron, symbol of the grace of the Holy Spirit, is traditionally
    blessed every seven years. Only the Catholicos can consecrate the oil which
    is then distributed to the various dioceses for distribution to the
    parishes. The oil consists of 48 different herbs, flowers, and oils which
    are combined in a special vessel and mixed with some of the old Muron, thus
    creating an unbroken chain with the past. The Muron Blessing is expected to
    attract a large number of pilgrims from various parts of the world. More
    details will be forthcoming.

    An international gathering of youth is being organized by the Holy See
    of Cilicia. His Holiness Aram I is inviting the youth, 18 years and older,
    to attend this gathering which will include a one-week pilgrimage to Der
    Zor. Details will follow.

    The complete listing of Bible readings for 2008 is on the Prelacy web page.

    Bible readings for today, January 3, the fifth day of the Fast of the
    Nativity, are: Hebrews 12:25-13:6; Luke 21:20-33.
    "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its
    desolation has come near. Then those in Judea must flee to the mountains,
    and those inside the city must leave it, and those out in the country must
    not enter it; for these are days of vengeance, as a fulfillment of all that
    is written. Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing
    infants in those days! For there will be great distress on the earth and
    wrath against this people; they will fall by the edge of the sword and be
    taken away as captives among all nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on
    by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
    "There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the
    earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the
    waves. People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the
    world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see 'the
    Son of Man coming in a cloud' with power and great glory. Now when these
    things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your
    redemption is drawing near."
    Then he told them a parable: "Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as
    soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer
    is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know
    that the kingdom of God is near. Truly I tell you, this generation will not
    pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass
    away, but my words will not pass away."
    Luke 21:20-33.
    For listing of the entire week's Bible readings click here.

    In the Land of Blood and Tears: Experiences in Mesopotamia during the
    World War (1914-1918), by Jacob Kunzler. This book is a translation (from
    the original German) of the memoirs of Jacob Kunzler, who together with his
    wife Elisabeth worked in a mission hospital in the city of Urfa. Kunzler, a
    Swiss missionary and physician, witnessed how the Young Turk regime carried
    out genocide against the Armenians. The Kunzlers later became head of the
    Near East Relief orphanage in Ghazir, Lebanon, where thousands of Armenian
    orphans were protected by Jacob and Elisabeth Kunzler, who were
    affectionately called "Papa" and "Mama" by the children.
    This English translation is edited by Ara Ghazarians, who also wrote the
    Preface. A Foreword by Vahakn N. Dadrian and an Introduction by Hans-Lukas
    Kieser, the editor of the German edition, bring added value to this volume.
    This soft cover edition is $25, plus shipping and handling. Contact the
    Prelacy Bookstore by email, [email protected] or by phone

    Come Into My Kitchen: Old-World Armenian Recipes and International
    Favorite Cuisines, by Dorothy Arakelian. This is a nice collection of
    recipes from Dorothy Arakelian, whose children have long encouraged her to
    produce a cookbook of her treasured recipes. Her mother, Dekranouhi
    Ajdaharian, was well-known in Philadelphia for her outstanding culinary
    talent. Many of the recipes in this book are those that were handed down
    >From mother to daughter; others are the author's own favorites.
    Come Into My Kitchen, is $31.99 (hard cover), plus shipping and

    EMAIL, [email protected] OR BY TELEPHONE, 212-689-7810.


    And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you
    good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
    For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is
    Christ the Lord.
    (Luke 2:10-11)

    Calendar of Events

    February 10-Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Worcester,
    Massachusetts, Annual Membership Meeting. Snow date: February 24.

    February 24-Annual Membership meeting, St. Gregory Church (North Andover,

    March 2-Musical Armenia, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, New York City,
    featuring Aleksandr Nazaryan on viola and Karen Tchougourian on piano.

    June 7-Blessing of Holy Muron in Antelias, Lebanon. Details will follow.

    June 27 to July 6-St. Gregory of Datev Institute, Summer Christian Studies
    Program for youth ages 13-18 at St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson,
    Pennsylvania, organized by the Armenian Religious Education Council. For
    more information click here.

    July 19-"A Hye Summer Night 3," dance hosted by Ladies' Guild of Sts.
    Vartanantz Church and ARS Ani Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island. For details

    August 15-17-International Gathering of Youth and Pilgrimage to Der Zor,
    organized by the Catholicosate of Cilicia. Details will follow.

    October 25-Gala celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Prelacy of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church of America under the jurisdiction of the Great
    House of Cilicia and the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the
    Armenian Church of America. Marriott at Glenpointe, Teaneck, New Jersey.
    Details to follow.

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web site.

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox, add
    [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please credit
    Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about their
    major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]