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Message of Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All

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  • Message of Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All



    the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    `In this the love of God was made manifest among
    us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the
    world, so that we might live through Him.' 1 John 4:9
    Dearly Beloved Faithful,
    Our souls are enveloped once again with the
    all-renewing ineffable mystery of the Holy Nativity
    and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ. And today, we
    along with all who await the Savior, rush toward the
    manger, to be joined in faith in the humble cave of
    Bethlehem with the joyous shepherds and wise magi
    bringing gifts to the Savior of the world; to bow down
    before the infant, to see the light of God's mercy
    descending to the earth, and praise the Holy Birth of
    the Son of God with the angels, `Glory to God in the
    highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men'.
    It is the Son of God, the only begotten of the
    Father, who has come to the world as love manifested.
    He conquered the world with infinite love, changed the
    course of history, and granted mankind distanced from
    God the grace of salvation and eternal life - grace to
    return to God. `In this the love of God was made
    manifest among us, that God sent His only begotten Son
    into the world, so that we might live through Him.' (1
    John 4:9)
    The Holy Nativity and Theophany of our Savior has
    been proclaimed for two millennia through the
    sacrifices of the martyrs, the lives of the saints,
    the genuine faith of innumerable souls, and through
    virtuous deeds. The Gospel of hope that gives life is
    preached to renew the lives of men and women through
    philanthropic values, and by cultivating the paths of
    peace, justice and human rights. The recognition and
    understanding of Christianity through the living
    presence of God have born plans of transforming
    societal life and brought forth a world outlook and
    culture of valuing human life, called to serve the
    welfare of the world and the happiness of mankind.
    However, the spheres of the life of humankind have
    not always been bountiful with the belief in the
    presence of God. Alongside the beneficial golden
    stalks of the harvest, we see the damaging growth of
    weeds. The world today resembles Bethlehem where the
    wise and the humble worship the newborn Christ Jesus,
    believing in the saving grace He gifts to us. But the
    world also resembles the other Bethlehem - the one
    which denied shelter to the Savior, where exist Herods
    who crave power and massacre children, Judases who
    betray innocents to death for thirty pieces of silver,
    Pilates who wash their hands in the face of injustice,
    and manifold modern day crucifixions - wars,
    terrorism, falsehoods, need and helplessness. As long
    as we continue in paths such as these which distance
    us from God, the world shall always feel the need for
    peace and justice, the want of kindness, humility,
    mercy and compassion.
    Indeed dear ones, this is not the Will of God, this
    is not the calling of the world and man. God's gift is
    the life renewed by Christ. God's gift is the love
    revealed by Christ, which through the great and
    miraculous Holy Birth of our Lord and Savior has
    connected the four corners of the world today under a
    brilliant and glorious rainbow. And the star of
    Bethlehem which disperses the darkness, shines above
    the crises, intrigues and lawlessness of the world,
    and gleams hope with love from heaven to renew the
    souls of mankind with the invitation of the creation
    of a new life: `...and on earth peace, good will toward
    With this sacred mystery of the Holy Nativity, it
    is the greatest commandment of love which is conveyed
    to the world, `A new commandment I give to you, that
    you love one another', says the Lord, `even as I have
    loved you, that you also love one another.' (John
    13:34). There is no greater power which transforms the
    life of man, nations and societies than love, which
    `is not jealous or boastful, is not arrogant or
    rude...does not insist on its own way, does not rejoice
    at wrong, but rejoices in the right, bears all
    things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures
    all things' (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
    This is how that world shall be born, where peace
    and justice reign, where good and goodness are
    fruitful with brotherly love, solidarity among
    peoples, and cooperation among states. Truly, human
    efforts to transform life shall not be in vain with
    true love and the belief of the presence of God in the
    world. The path of the Lord is always the path of new
    life, always toward the better, toward the perfect,
    which shall become reality through man's works of
    faith, and the mercy and blessings of God.
    Dearly pious sons and daughters,
    On this joyful day of the Holy Nativity and
    Theophany, we offer thanks to the Lord, Who has
    granted His grace of salvation to our people as well,
    blessed our lives with the light of hope, faith and
    love and the spirit of creation. Relying on the
    Savior, it is with His commandment of love that our
    forefathers in the homeland and the dispersion were
    able to withstand the tribulations of centuries,
    struggled to keep their individual identity and
    heritage, and once again build a new and vibrant life.
    The spirit of love towards one another has turned into
    care, attentiveness, effort, devotion and heroism
    within Armenian life dispersed around the globe.
    With that spirit today within the free shores of
    Armenia and Artsakh, and on the horizons of the
    renaissance of Armenian spiritual and national life
    throughout the world, the hopes and prayers of our
    forebears and the faith of our people are manifesting
    themselves as works of patriotism and love of Church -
    as good fruits of our lives. It is with that same
    spirit that we shall continue to live today as well,
    to triumph over the imperatives facing us, to defend
    the values of liberty, justice, human rights,
    philanthropy and honesty, though which the God-loving
    soul of our people shall continue to be cared for;
    through which our life in the homeland and the
    Diaspora shall be strengthened.
    Therefore, dear ones, let us advance with the
    unflinching faith of a pilgrim and always work in
    unison and with one will under God's blessing, for it
    is truly said that through division the great become
    small, yet through unity the small become great.
    It is with the great tiding of the Holy Nativity of
    our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we greet you
    once again, our dear faithful, and bless all of you.
    We extend our greetings of fraternal love in Christ to
    the incumbents of the hierarchal sees of our Apostolic
    Holy Church: His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the
    Great House of Cilicia; His Beatitude Archbishop
    Torkom Manoogian, Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem; His
    Beatitude Archbishop Mesrob Mutafian, Armenian
    Patriarch of Constantinople; and all of the oath-bound
    clergy of our Church.
    We extend our pontifical blessings and greetings to
    the President of the Republic of Armenia, Robert
    Kocharian; the President of the Republic of Nagorno
    Karabakh, Bako Sahakian; to all Armenian state
    officials, and to the leaders and representatives of
    diplomatic missions accredited to Armenia.
    Let us pray together that the heavenly graces and
    gifts of love of the Savior's Holy Nativity and
    Theophany increase in the world, leading all of
    humanity to the desired paths of goodness, justice and
    From this holy altar of the descent of the only
    begotten, with prayers and appeals for the blessings
    of the Savior, we once again convey the renewing
    tiding of the Holy Nativity from the Mother See of all
    Christ is Born and Revealed, Great Tidings to you
    and us.