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ANCA: Armenian Americans Set to Play Pivotal Role in Primaries

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  • ANCA: Armenian Americans Set to Play Pivotal Role in Primaries

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    [email protected]

    January 9, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Large Numbers of Voters in Key States: California, New York,
    Michigan, Massachusetts, Illinois, Connecticut, and New Jersey

    WASHINGTON, DC - In the wake of the hotly contested Iowa caucus and
    New Hampshire primary, Armenian Americans are better positioned
    than ever to play a decisive role in the key states that will help
    choose the Presidential nominees of the Republican and Democratic
    parties over the next 30 days, reported the Armenian National
    Committee of America (ANCA).

    In recent weeks, the ANCA has invited each of the candidates to
    share their views on Armenian Americans issues, and to comment on
    both the growing relationship between the U.S. and Armenian
    governments and the enduring bonds between the American and
    Armenian peoples. Questionnaires sent to the candidates have
    invited them to respond to a set of 18 questions, including those

    * Affirmation of the Armenian Genocide
    * U.S.-Armenia economic, political, and military relations
    * Self-determination for Nagorno Karabagh
    * The Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades
    * The genocide in Darfur

    "Armenian Americans are set to cast their votes in the presidential
    primaries in record numbers," said ANCA Eastern Region Executive
    Director Karine Birazian. "We look forward to working with all the
    campaigns to make sure that Armenian American voters go to the
    polls empowered to make informed decisions about the candidates who
    will best represent our community's views and values."

    "In California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, and throughout the
    Western part of the country, Armenian American voters are in a
    position to play a truly decisive role in this year's highly
    competitive battle between the candidates to secure the nominations
    of their party," said ANCA Western Region Executive Director Andrew

    Key States:

    Among the key states with large Armenian American communities to
    hold either primaries or caucuses over the next 30 days are the

    January 15th:
    Michigan primary (60,000 Armenian Americans)

    Michigan has been, for nearly a century, one of the largest and
    most vibrant Armenian American communities, with large numbers of
    families in the Detroit area and throughout the state. This
    contest is widely viewed as pivotal in the selection of the
    Republican nominee. The Michigan primary has lost considerable
    significance to Democratic candidates since conflicts over timing
    led the Democratic National Committee to decide not to count
    delegates from this contest.

    January 19th and 26th:
    Nevada Caucus (10,000 Armenian Americans)
    South Carolina Primary (3,000 Armenian Americans)

    Both Nevada and South Carolina have witnessed an influx of young
    professional Armenian Americans over the past decade, with a
    growing number of California Armenians relocating to Nevada, and a
    steady stream of Northeast Armenians moving south to the Columbia
    and Charleston areas. Republicans vote in South Carolina on
    January 19th, Democrats a week later on the 26th.

    January 29th:
    Florida primary (35,000 Armenian Americans)

    Florida's Armenian American community, located in and around Miami,
    Boca Raton, Orlando, Ocala, Naples, and Tampa, played a decisive
    role in the closely contested 2000 Presidential election. This
    year's primary will play an important role in the Republican
    nomination contest, but not on the Democratic side, which has, due
    to conflicts over timing, chosen not to count delegates from

    February 5th:
    Super Tuesday

    The large and active Armenian American communities, in eight of the
    states that will hold contests on Super Tuesday, are watching the
    field of candidates:

    Arizona Primary (15,000 Armenian Americans)
    California Primary (600,000 Armenian Americans)
    Colorado Caucus (8,000 Armenian Americans)
    Connecticut Primary (20,000 Armenian Americans)
    Illinois Primary (45,000 Armenian Americans)
    Massachusetts Primary (120,000 Armenian Americans)
    New Jersey Primary (75,000 Armenian Americans)
    New York Primary (100,000 Armenian Americans)

    The ANCA voter network:

    Armenian Americans in these states, and throughout the country,
    represent a motivated and highly networked constituency of more
    than one and a half million citizens spread across key primary and
    general election states. Armenian American voters are well
    represented in both the Democratic and Republican parties and
    across the political spectrum, and have consistently demonstrated a
    willingness to cross party lines to vote for candidates who have
    supported issues of special concern to the community.

    The ANCA mobilizes Armenian American voters through a network of
    over 50 chapters and a diverse array of affiliates, civic
    advocates, and supporters nationwide. ANCA mailings reach over a
    quarter of a million homes, and, through the internet, updates and
    action alerts reach well over 100,000 households. The ANCA
    website, which features election coverage from an Armenian American
    point of view, attracts over 100,000 unique visits a month. The
    ANCA also has broad reach to Armenian American voters via a
    sophisticated media operation of newspapers, regional cable shows,
    satellite TV, blogs, and internet news sites.

    Review of the Major Candidates:


    Hillary Clinton:

    As a Senator, Hillary Clinton has, since 2002, cosponsored
    successive Armenian Genocide resolutions, however she publicly
    voiced reservations about the adoption of the current resolution in
    an October 10, 2007 meeting with the Boston Globe editorial board.
    She joined Senate colleagues in cosigning letters to President Bush
    in 2005 and 2006 urging him to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

    Hillary Clinton for President
    4420 North Fairfax Drive
    Arlington, VA 22203
    Tel: 703-469-2008

    John Edwards:

    As a Senator, John Edwards cosponsored successive Armenian Genocide
    Resolutions beginning in 2002. He also supported Section 907
    restrictions on U.S. aid to Azerbaijan, due to its ongoing blockade
    of Armenia. As a Presidential candidate in 2004, he stated that the
    "time is to recognize the Armenian Genocide" and that Turkey's
    blockade of Armenia must end. His advocacy on behalf of the family
    of 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan, who died after her insurance
    company denied funding for a liver transplant, has been warmly
    received by Armenian Americans around the country.

    John Edwards for President
    410 Market Street, Suite 400
    Chapel Hill, NC 27516
    Tel: (919) 636-3131

    Barack Obama:

    As a Senator, Barack Obama has spoken in support of U.S.
    affirmation of the Armenian Genocide and cosigned a letter urging
    President Bush to recognize the Armenian Genocide, but has yet to
    cosponsor the Armenian Genocide Resolution. While visiting
    Azerbaijan in August 2005, Senator Obama was asked by reporters why
    he cosigned the letter to President Bush. Obama defended his
    decision by stating the genocide was a historical fact. He
    publicly criticized the firing of former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia
    John Evans, who was dismissed for speaking truthfully about the
    Armenian Genocide, but voted for Richard Hoagland, the nominee to
    replace Evans, who had denied the Armenian Genocide in his
    responses to Senate inquiries.

    Obama for America
    P.O. Box 8102
    Chicago, IL 60680
    Tel: (866) 675-2008


    Rudy Giuliani:

    As Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani issued several
    Armenian Genocide proclamations and attended ANC-NY
    Armenian Genocide commemorations in City Hall. In 2001, he
    hosted His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All
    Armenians, for breakfast in the Mayor's residence, Gracie

    Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee
    295 Greenwich St, #371
    New York, NY 10007
    Tel: 212-835-9449
    Website: http://

    Mike Huckabee:

    As Governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee issued a 2001 proclamation
    commemorating the Armenian Genocide that noted that Turkey
    continues to deny this crime and that Armenians have yet to receive
    reparations. He also issued a proclamation marking a "Day of
    Remembrance of the Turkish and Armenian Tragedy" - a euphemistic
    attempt to obscure the genocidal intent of Ottoman Turkey toward
    its Armenian subjects. The local Armenian community's
    disappointment with this second proclamation was covered by the
    Arkansas News Bureau, which quoted ANC-Arkansas spokesperson Leo
    Stepanian as saying: "It was not a tragedy. It was a genocide."

    Huckabee for President
    P.O. Box 2008
    Little Rock, Arkansas 72203
    Tel: 501-324-2008

    John McCain:

    As a Senator, John McCain has opposed the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution and not been supportive of other Armenian American
    issues. At a town hall meeting on Sunday, January 6, 2008 Senator
    McCain was reported to have answered a question on the Armenian
    Genocide by noting that he recognizes the Armenian Genocide, but
    opposes the Armenian Genocide Resolution due to the Turkish
    government's sensitivities. In correspondence with Arizona
    constituents he wrote, in October of 2007, that, "Condemning modern
    Turkey for the acts of the Ottoman Empire would serve only to harm
    relations with the Turkish people while injecting the Congress into
    the sensitive role of historian of a period clearly preceding the
    births of all but a very few congressmen. That is not a
    development I wish to help facilitate."

    In 1989, Senator McCain introduced legislation supporting a
    peaceful and fair settlement of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict and
    later supported Section 907 and the Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act.
    Later, in 1999, he voted against maintaining Section 907.

    John McCain 2008
    P.O. Box 16118
    Arlington, VA 22215
    Tel: 703-418-2008

    Mitt Romney:

    As Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney is not on record as
    having issued Armenian Genocide proclamations or having taken other
    meaningful official public actions in support of Armenian American

    Romney for President
    P.O. Box 55899
    Boston, MA 02205-5899
    Phone: (857) 288-6400

    As always, the ANCA welcomes feedback on its service to the
    Armenian American community. Please forward your thoughts and
    suggestions about the 2008 Presidential election by email to
    [email protected].