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Candidate Sargsian Promises to Fight Bribery and Corruption

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  • Candidate Sargsian Promises to Fight Bribery and Corruption


    YEREVAN, JANUARY 15, NOYAN TAPAN. The reforms of the second generation
    will have a direct impact on the well-being of the whole people. This
    was mentioned in RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsian's preelection program.

    It was mentioned that an efficient manpower market is needed to provide
    people with a job, which will give a possibility to disclose
    unemployment's structure and will enable to implement target retraining
    programs. Creation of efficient, competitive scientific and educational
    system meeting the requirements of time is considered as important in
    the program.

    According to the program, medicine will be affordable for everybody.
    The quality of medical services will be essentially improved thanks to
    introduction of new, high technologies in the health sphere. Steps will
    be undertaken to make Armenia a health center in the region. Country's
    resort centers (Jermuk, Arzni, Dilijan, Aghveran) will be modernized
    for that purpose.

    The candidate for presidency considers raising salaries as a very
    important social problem in consideration that pension will be
    considerably higher than poverty limit. Parallel to it the work on
    introduction of multi-level pension system will continue, including
    introduction of accumulation pension system. "Our population should
    learn to economize. The young generation should assume responsibility
    of secure old age by taking part in the pension security accumulation
    system," the program mentioned.

    It was also mentioned that it is impossible to implement the second
    generation reforms without formation of an efficient government system.
    In particular, it is envisaged to introduce the electronic government
    system, which will ensure rendering of state services at state
    government and local self-government institutions through Internet by
    reducing the contact between a state official and a citizen to minimum
    and considerably reducing corruption risks. According to the candidate,
    fighting bribery and corruption will be one of the pivotal issues of
    his policy. "Solution of problems connected with corruption, shadow
    economy, unequal competition conditions is in the sphere of efficient
    management and requires harmonious change of government technologies,
    means and methods," the program mentioned.

    According to the program, disproportionate territorial development is a
    serious obstacle for country's socio-economic development. It is
    supposed to move some functions from Yerevan to other regions for
    improving this situation. Prevention of migration of population from
    remote and border regions is also considered important. The necessity
    of a complex approach to the issue of development of the whole
    territory of Armenia, elaboration of a national program of territorial
    development under the concept State-Private Partnership was mentioned.