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The Verve latest EMI artist to go on strike

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  • The Verve latest EMI artist to go on strike

    The Verve latest EMI artist to go on strike

    Jazz-Hands summit to be convened to resolve dispute. Elsewhere, Pete
    Doherty floods the bathroom, and discovers his Armenian roots

    Paul MacInnes
    Tuesday January 15, 2008
    Guardian Unlimited

    Writing about the business pages is fun. More fun than writing about
    the gossip pages, that's for sure. Business writers are numerate, for
    starters, don't finish every story with a pun and - unlike Bizarre's
    Smart Gordon - aren't hell-bent on casting themselves as some kind of
    journalistic Kray twin set on imposing his own code of morals on the
    whole of showbiz.
    Sorry, that was an aside.

    What we meant to say was that there's lots of stuff about EMI in
    today's business pages. Some of it has already been redundified by this
    morning's announcement of up to 2,000 job losses at the "troubled music
    group" (like troubled Britney Spears, only with slightly greater
    overheads), but the Telegraph remains ahead of the crowd with a story
    suggesting the Verve could be the next artist from the label to go on

    Here's their introductory paragraph for your consideration: "The Verve
    are to join Robbie Williams and Coldplay in threatening to withhold
    their next album from EMI until they receive assurances about marketing
    and the company's financial health."
    The paper goes on to quote the reformed Wiganites' manager, one Jazz
    Summers, as saying: "Why would we deliver a record when EMI is cutting
    back on the marketing and is in financial difficulty? I am going to
    tell Guy Hands I want assurances."

    Tell him he shall indeed, as Summers and a delegation of pop managers
    (with perhaps the highest ratio of sunglasses per capita outside of the
    Austrian Snowboard Polishers Union - aka ASPU) are scheduled to meet
    with Guy Hands later today. May we be the first to christen this
    meeting the Jazz Hands faceoff. We thank you.

    It's a faceoff that looks set to be heated too, if Jazz's
    Hands-smacking is anything to go by: "He has got not a clue [note
    dramatic inversion] of what this business is about." Ouch. More
    tomorrow no doubt.

    Peter Doherty. Those two words used to stand for a whole host of
    disreputable activities, from wearing the same hat for weeks on end to
    failing to clean weeping sores adequately. These days, now that he's
    clean of the drugs (copyright every credulous showbiz hack in the
    land), those habits are a thing of the past. And, instead, he's
    watching Watership Down.

    3am have been reading Pete's blog and have cribbed the following tidbit
    about Pete's current stay in Barcelona for their readers' amusement
    this morning.

    "I was in bed by 3, watching Watership Down and working on some new

    There then follows a brief period in which Pete writes about buying
    trinkets from a market.

    "Shit, pesky internet. Forgot about my bath and just flooded the

    "Oh dear. Oh dear oh deary lordy be. Ankle deep."

    Let this anecdote stand as refutation of all those jokers who believe
    blogging to be nothing more than intimate revelation of inconsequential
    experience. Let that final line also stand as a reasonable marker as to
    what you might expect from Pete's new solo album, as discussed this
    morning by Kim Dawson in Kim Dawson's playlist.

    "Pete Doherty insists that his forthcoming solo project doesn't spell
    the end of Babyshambles.

    "The former Libertines member has completed half of his
    highly-anticipated debut solo album, but has vowed to continue making
    music with his bandmates too.

    "Pete, 28, said: 'It doesn't conflict with Babyshambles at all. It's
    just a continuation of what I do.

    "'I've always done solo recording, but instead of just knocking it out
    on the internet like I used to I'm getting a little album together.'"

    Obviously, by the time the album's finally released, knocking it out on
    the internet is likely to be the only viable business model remaining.
    But videos of him running a bath, they'll be worth a fortune!

    And finally, mainly because we can't be bothered to re-run all the
    coverage of the Brits nominations from today's pages seeing as they've
    all dutifully trotted out the "return of pop' line the organisers have
    been putting out for a few weeks, an observation.

    If you use Google chat, and type the word(s?), the software
    instantly turns it into a link. It's a process which works on no other
    pop star, at least none of the names we've tried.

    Here is why: In the News has exclusively learned that looks
    like a URL to computers, who our production team tells us are
    programmed with tragically little knowledge of hip-pop luminaries.
    Also, .am is the suffix for websites in Armenia (officially, the
    Republic of Armenia).

    Every day's for learning.