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War prevention to be insured in 2008, Kazimirov says

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  • War prevention to be insured in 2008, Kazimirov says

    AZG Armenian Daily #006, 15/01/2008

    Karabakh Conflict


    Head of the Union of Russian Diplomats Vladimir
    Kazmirov said he sees no perspectives of progress on
    Karabakh conflict in 2008.

    "One has to be very bold to hope for something in
    2008. Many people said that 2006 was a `window of
    opportunities'. Now, I deem, is the time to think
    about making any use of the `window of no
    opportunities', taking into consideration the
    elections in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, USA, the
    situation in Kosovo, and so on," he said on the
    "Expanded Black Sea Region" science conference in

    The Russian expert added that the talks on
    Nagorno-Karabakh are in a stalemate. He stated that
    the most essential problems in
    Armenia-Azerbaijan-Karabakh relationships remain
    unresolved. "I would be glad If I had been wrong, and
    I would be the first person to leap with joy in case
    any progress is registered in 2008. But one should not
    count on that.

    According to Kazimirov, each side of the conflict has
    its own priorities. The priority of Armenia and
    Karabakh is the definition of the status of the NKR,
    Azerbaijan's priority is the withdrawal of armed
    forces from the occupied territories and the
    liberation of the prisoners of war. The international
    society must first of all be interested in preventing
    a new war in the region.

    Kazimirov said that although the possibility of a new
    war seems rather dim at the moment, it has a number of
    real aspects. To his opinion in 2008 all measures
    should be taken to prevent any possibility of war. It
    is better to take preventive measures rather to try to
    amend the evil that has been already done, he said,
    criticizing the OSCE Minsk Group for often adhering to
    the latter principle.

    By A. Haroutiunian, translated by A.M

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress