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"Presidential Elections Will Not Yield To Parliamentary Ones"

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  • "Presidential Elections Will Not Yield To Parliamentary Ones"


    [04:05 pm] 16 January, 2008

    On January 16 Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic
    of Armenia Tigran Torossian received the Secretary General of the
    CIS Interparliamentary Assembly (IPA) Mikhail Krotov. The meeting
    was attended by the Armenian Permanent Representative at the CIS
    Interparliamentary Assembly Felix Ghushchian.

    The partries focused on the forthcoming presidential elections in
    Armenia. Th NA Speaker expressed hope that the elections will not be
    less successful than the parliamentary ones and will meet international
    standards, enabling observers to register good results. Mr. Torossian
    attached importance to the work of the CIS IPA observation mission,
    which had its contribution to the successful conduct of the
    parliamentary elections in May.

    On behalf of the President of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and
    himself Mikhail Krotov congratulated Mr. Torossian on New Year and
    wished a democratic year to Armenia. After receiving an invitation of
    carrying out an observation mission in Armenia, a group of 10 experts
    has been formed to conduct an interim monitoring in early February.

    Mr. Krotov confirmed that they had studied the Electoral Code of the
    Republic of Armenia still during the parliamentary elections, they
    are aware of the changes implemented in November. They think that the
    Code has been maximally improved and corresponds to international
    standards, thus creating good legal bases for the conduct of the
    elections. According to his assessment, the Electoral Code provides
    the opportunity to increase voter turnout, improve voting lists and
    prevent fraud. Mr. Krotov also informed that in February the head of
    the observation mission Anatoli Torshin intends to have meetings with
    the leadership of Armenia, the President of the Central Electoral
    Commission and presidential candidates.