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Turkish penal code

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  • Turkish penal code

    Turkish penal code

    The Times/UK
    January 19, 2008

    The UK and the EU must ensure that no one else is killed or persecuted
    for expressing their opinions
    Sir, Demonstrations in Turkey this weekend, marking the anniversary of
    the murder of Hrant Dink, the editor of the Turkish-Armenian newspaper
    Agos and a brave advocate for the universal right of free expression,
    are a reminder that Turkey must urgently reform its penal code, which
    brands those who speak out on certain subjects as `traitors' and so
    makes them targets for extremists.

    After referring in Agos to the Armenian massacres of 1915 as
    `genocide', Dink was charged with `insulting Turkishness' under Article
    301 of the Penal Code. He was then shot by an ultranationalist outside
    his Istanbul offices on January 19, 2007. His son, Arat, and the
    newspaper's owner were given suspended sentences in October.

    Like the many Turkish organisations that believe that true justice for
    Dink must include the urgent abolition of Article 301, we are dismayed
    at how little has changed in the past year. Writers, journalists and
    publishers continue to face charges under 301 and other similarly
    divisive articles, receiving frequent threats of violence as a result.
    Next week the Turkish parliament will discuss amendments to 301, but
    these are likely to prove inadequate, leaving `denigration of the
    Turkish nation' as a criminal offence carrying severe penalties.

    Unfortunately, the EU, in its negotiations with Turkey, has insisted on
    amendment rather than repeal of these dangerous laws. The UK and the EU
    should now do all they can to ensure Article 301 is no longer used as a
    tool of repression, and that no one else is killed or persecuted solely
    for expressing opinions.

    Agnès Callamard
    Executive Director, Article 19

    Jonathan Heawood
    Director, English PEN

    Henderson Mullin
    Chief Executive, Index on Censorship