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BAKU: Paul Goble: `The Day the Soviet Union Died'

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  • BAKU: Paul Goble: `The Day the Soviet Union Died'

    Today, Azerbaijan
    Jan 20 2008

    Paul Goble: `The Day the Soviet Union Died'

    20 January 2008 [13:28] - Today.Az

    The exact place and time the Soviet Union died continues to be a
    matter of debate.

    Some say it occurred when Gorbachev handed over the nuclear football
    to Yeltsin at the end of December 1991. Others argue it took place
    earlier that month when the three Slavic presidents met to do away
    with the Soviet leader's job.

    Still others point to the failure of the Moscow coup in August of
    that year, the occasion of Yeltsin's triumph and Gorbachev's complete
    failure to understand what had taken place in his country. And some
    say it coincided with the Kremlin's murderous attacks on the people
    of Lithuania and Latvia in January 1991.

    But perhaps the moment that has the best claim to be the occasion
    when the Soviet Union died is one that up to now has had fewer
    advocates. It occurred a year earlier in Baku, when Moscow sought to
    suppress the Azerbaijanis but unwittingly snapped the fraying bonds
    of loyalty to the USSR that nation and others as well had felt.

    On January 19-20, 1990, a date commemorated this year as every year
    by the people of Azerbaijan, Soviet security forces went on a rampage
    in Baku, killing or wounding hundreds of its citizens. While the
    exact number of victims is disputed, it was almost certainly greater
    than the total of all other Soviet police actions under Gorbachev.

    The Soviet president and his comrades acted not to protect ethnic
    Armenians as they claimed but rather to punish Azerbaijanis for their
    increasingly independent stance and to send a message to them and to
    all the other republics that their Moscow rulers were prepared to do
    anything, including murder, to hold on to their power.

    But the brutality of this act of state terrorism - a Soviet tank ran
    over the car carrying some senior members of the Azerbaijani Academy
    of Sciences, and Soviet soldiers shot people at random on the street
    or even those looking out the windows of their apartments - had
    exactly the opposite effect that Moscow intended.

    In Azerbaijan, the Kremlin's action convinced even those who had
    doubted it before that they could have no future inside the USSR.
    Indeed, the day after the killings, many Communist Party members
    there, including some of its most senior leaders, tore up their party
    cards, an action that showed there would be now going back.

    And elsewhere in the USSR the message Gorbachev and the Soviet
    leadership hoped to send backfired. Both where many were already
    seeking independence from Moscow and where few had yet thought about
    it, Soviet actions in Baku 18 years ago today did not intimidate but
    rather destroyed the fear that had kept the USSR together.

    Besides the need for simple historical accuracy, there are three
    reasons for people in the region and the world why it is vitally
    important for everyone in the region and beyond to recognize that
    January 1990 in Baku was the time and place of the demise of the
    Soviet Union.

    First, given the difficulties and uncertainties of the post-Soviet
    transitions in many of these countries, some members of the older
    generation there now view the Soviet past with nostalgia. Having
    forgotten the evils of that system, they even tell pollsters that the
    Brezhnev years were "a golden age" when they were secure and their
    country respected.

    Some political leaders across this region even have sought to exploit
    such attitudes to build their own power either by arguing, as
    Russia's Vladimir Putin has done, that the end of the USSR was the
    greatest tragedy in the 20th century, or suggesting that the peoples
    of this region need Soviet-style stability even at the cost of

    Such leaders naturally do not talk about the violence the Soviet
    system visited on individuals and groups whose only "crime" was to
    speak the truth and to entire nations - be there Kazakhs, Lithuanians
    or Azerbaijanis - whose only "deviation" was to want to have the
    chance to determine their own destinies.

    Recalling to these people what happened at Baku 18 years ago today is
    thus important as a powerful antidote to any who have so forgotten
    what the Soviet system was like that they would support its full or
    partial return.

    Second, with each passing year, the share of the population in the
    post-Soviet states who lived under and were shaped by the communist
    regime is declining, and in many places, it is falling fast. Few
    under the age of 40 today were formed by the communist regime, and
    none at all of those who are now under the age of 30.

    Because these younger people do not have immediate memories of what
    Soviet rule meant, they frequently have a distorted or at least
    incomplete view of what it was about and thus are available for
    mobilization by unscrupulous politicians who play up what they say
    were the "glories" of that system while saying nothing about its

    The danger that young people, who should be the hope of the future,
    might help power a return to that past is so great that one
    Belarusian paper this week went out of its way to explain to the
    generation which never knew the USSR why no one should want its

    ( amp;sn_cat=37).

    The Soviet Union, "Salidarnasts'" wrote, began its life as "an
    unbridled, cruel and clever monster" but ended as "a powerless,
    malicious and pathetic figure," capable of massive but senseless
    violence against its own people and others, yet incapable of giving
    anyone freedom, dignity, or a better life.

    That system "would have been 85 years old on December 30th" of last
    year, the Belarusian paper observed, "But happily the USSR did not
    survive to that date." One of the reasons it did not is that despite
    its outwardly impressive coercive powers, its people - again be they
    Balts, Belarusians or the residents of Baku - no longer respected it.

    Having failed to provide any basis for loyalty other than fear, the
    Soviet Union was swept away into the dustbin of history it was always
    threatening to send others to when people there demonstrated that
    they were no longer afraid and that for them, Moscow's period use of
    violence simply underscored the weakness of the system.

    Informing this younger generation whose members never lived under
    communism about how that tectonic shift occurred in the Azerbaijani
    capital 18 years ago today thus can help immunize them against the
    duplicitous claims of those who distort the history of the Soviet
    past for their own purposes.

    And third, many far beyond the borders of what was the Soviet Union
    need to learn in detail what happened in Baku and why the events
    there played such a critical role in the demise of the USSR so that
    they will be able to escape the still-widespread myths about just
    what happened here.

    On the one hand, because so few people in the West in 1990 looked
    beyond Moscow except to those republics with large and active
    co-ethnic communities in the West, many analysts there continue to
    exaggerate the role of the Russians and those with such ties in the
    demise of the Soviet Union while minimizing the contributions of

    To say this is in no way to play down the contributions that the
    Russians and these others made to the demise of the Soviet system
    both by calling attention to other crimes and by their struggling
    against the system. These were enormous. But both historical justice
    and the possibility of a better future requires a more comprehensive

    And on the other, because so many people in the West then and now
    view predominantly Muslim countries like Azerbaijan only through the
    prism of their conflicts with non-Muslims and as the objects of
    history rather than its subjects, they are unprepared to acknowledge
    the independent importance of what happens in these states.

    The continuing failure of many in Western countries to do so
    reinforces a highly selective, culturally myopic view of the
    historical record. And far more seriously, it undermines the chances
    that Western countries and the peoples of these countries have to
    work together.

    Reminding those in the West who have a less than comprehensive view
    about what happened in Baku 18 years ago today and the role that the
    people of Azerbaijan played in the death of the Soviet Union thus can
    ensure that they will be better prepared to help create a future in
    which tragedies like Black January will never happen again.

    Paul Goble
    Baku, January 20
