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GOP candidates clash more on immigration, emissions, genocide.

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  • GOP candidates clash more on immigration, emissions, genocide.

    Valley issues get parties' attention
    GOP candidates clash more on immigration, emissions, genocide.
    By Michael Doyle / Bee Washington Bureau
    01/18/08 23:22:31

    WASHINGTON -- The surviving presidential contenders from both parties are
    competing more furiously than ever, but beneath their surface discord they
    often find common ground on issues important to the San Joaquin Valley.
    Even as their competition escalates, Democratic Sens. Hillary Clinton and
    Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards agree the United States should
    formally recognize the Armenian genocide.
    The Democrats also uniformly back California's bid to impose stiffer
    greenhouse gas regulations. And they each support an agricultural guest-worker
    proposal called AgJOBS that could offer legal status to 1.5 million illegal
    immigrant farmworkers.
    Republican candidates clash more on those issues, mirroring in some ways
    their sharp policy divisions at the national level.
    On issues such as immigration, for example, the law-and-order advocates who
    emphasize stricter border controls can clash loudly with the self-styled
    compassionate conservatives who stress a blend of security and social
    For candidates from both parties, the Valley can offer a treasure trove of
    primary voters on Feb. 5.
    The candidates are enticing those votes through a combination of policy
    positions and personal appeals. Six of the major candidates have visited Fresno
    and the southern San Joaquin Valley since last year, and Ohio Rep. Dennis
    Kucinich is expected to visit Fresno on Sunday.
    "We'll be seeing more of them," predicted Mike Lynch, a Modesto-based
    Democratic political consultant. "They've got to come through here."
    The Democrats favor the same phrases on some Valley issues, with Edwards and
    Clinton both saying an agricultural guest-worker program will let farmworkers
    "come out of the shadows."
    While legislatively dormant at present, the agricultural guest-worker
    proposal remains politically volatile. It's an issue that can tip voters one way or
    another in regions like the San Joaquin Valley, home to many illegal
    immigrants and the farmers who employ them.
    Arizona Sen. John McCain, who visited the Valley early last year, is the only
    Republican candidate to formally endorse the agricultural guest-worker
    program, although former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani sounds sympathetic.
    McCain's position draws fire from his fellow conservatives, who denounce it as
    "McCain championed a bill to let every illegal immigrant stay in America
    permanently," former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney charged in a recently aired
    TV commercial in New Hampshire.
    Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee piled on, declaring that he "opposed the
    amnesty President Bush and Sen. McCain tried to ram through Congress" last
    The word "amnesty" is politically toxic, and supporters of the comprehensive
    immigration and agricultural guest-worker proposals speak of "earned
    legalization," whereby illegal immigrants must pay fines and meet strict criteria.
    Words likewise anchor the debate over an Armenian genocide resolution, which
    revolves around how to characterize the deaths of Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire between 1915 and 1923. Armenian-Americans and many historians consider
    the widespread slaughter a genocide.
    The issue is dear to the hearts of many Armenian-Americans, more than 50,000
    of whom are estimated to live in the San Joaquin Valley.
    California's bid to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles draws
    support from Democrats. While some Republicans, including Romney, argue that
    a consistent national emission standard is best, Democrats are united behind
    California's efforts, which are now the subject of a federal lawsuit.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress