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Factions of Armenian party clash over control of premises

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  • Factions of Armenian party clash over control of premises

    Haykakan Zhamanak, Armenia
    Jan 16 2008


    "Fatherly slap - 2"

    It was a war situation again at the CRU [Constitutional Right Union]
    since yesterday [15 January] morning, which led to CRU leader Hrant
    Khachatryan finding himself in a police station. What happened was
    that Hayk Babukhanyan [the leader of a rival wing in the CRU] came to
    the CRU [headquarters] with his team and accompanied by the police.
    Hrant Khachatryan, however, had locked the entrance door. After their
    requests to open the door were turned down, the police began to do
    their job. Probably suspecting that Hrant Khachatryan's team would
    not be willing to open the door, they had arrived with a toolbox.

    After trying hard, the police brought a power saw and finally opened
    the door. Before that Hayk Babukhanyan was saying that according to a
    court ruling the party has a vice-chairman - him - and although the
    ruling is faulty and illegal, they are obeying it and have come to
    work in their offices. But because their previous attempt on Saturday
    [12 January] failed, yesterday, Babukhanyan's team came accompanied
    by police. "For a year now, this man has taken the party hostage and
    we are deprived of using our property. Hrant Khachatryan is using the
    party's budget alone, he has assigned salaries to himself while our
    regional offices get no money at all," Babukhanyan kept saying.

    [Passage omitted: Babukhanyan's team finally entered the headquarters
    with the help of police]

    When Babukhanyan said he was the CRU chairman, Mr. Khachatryan asked
    him: "Hayk, who is the chairman of the party?" "I am," was the
    answer. "Hayk, I am asking for the last time, who is the chairman of
    the party," Hrant Khachatryan repeated his question. "I am, of
    course," Babukhanyan answered. This answer was followed by Hrant
    Khachatryan's slap. This is, by the way, the second time Hrant
    Khachatryan has slapped Hayk Babukhanyan. Police immediately took
    Khachatryan to a police station. Khachatryan was released about two
    hours later after giving an explanation. He said he was not charged
    with anything.