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Analysis: U.S. has ally in Azerbaijan

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  • Analysis: U.S. has ally in Azerbaijan

    United Press International
    Jan 19 2008

    Analysis: U.S. has ally in Azerbaijan

    Published: Jan. 18, 2008 at 7:37 PM
    UPI International Correspondent

    WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- In retrospect, 2007 will be remembered
    as the high-water mark of Washington's attempts to develop the
    Caspian's post-Soviet hydrocarbon riches. If early 2008 is any
    indication, then the one remaining friend that America has in the
    Caspian basin is Azerbaijan. Neither Iran, subject to ongoing U.S.
    sanctions, nor the Russian Federation have evinced the slightest
    interest in sharing their oil and natural gas reserves with U.S.
    companies, while Turkmenistan's resources are locked up for the
    foreseeable future with Russia and China and Kazakhstan has played
    hardball with the Western consortium developing Kashagan, wringing
    out of its nervous joint partners a doubling of Kazakhstan's share in
    the massive development project. Only Azerbaijan remains as the first
    and brightest hope of Western efforts to corral Caspian development,
    a post-Soviet republic still firmly committed to its Western

    Azeri interest in maintaining its Western connections amid growing
    nationalist settlement in the Caspian basin is personified in the
    recent two-day visit of U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., head of the
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to Baku. On Jan. 14 Azeri
    President Ilham Aliyev received Lugar. The Azeri media heavily
    covered the event and proclaimed, "The head of the state said that
    bilateral cooperation between U.S. and Azerbaijan are developing
    successfully in all the fields."

    Lugar had a full agenda during his two-day visit: According to the
    Azeri media, among the topics that Lugar discussed were Washington's
    appreciation of Azerbaijan's anti-terrorist efforts, bilateral
    cooperation, the first world war's Armenian "genocide,"
    Nagorno-Karabakh, regional energy cooperation, Azeri elections and
    Iran's nuclear program.

    Perhaps the most notable of Lugar's observations came when, following
    his discussions with Aliyev, he suggested "George Bush should appoint
    a special representative on energy issues in the Caspian region. ...
    The appointment of special representative will be a signal that U.S.
    regards this region as a priority."

    Lugar's comments follow up on a letter that he and fellow Senate
    Foreign Relations Committee member Joseph Biden, D-Del., sent on Oct.
    4 to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stressing the need for such
    a special representative focused on energy issues in the Caspian to
    safeguard long-term U.S. interests.

    In words that doubtless enchanted his Azeri hosts Lugar added, "These
    long-term interests lie in not allowing Russia to be dominant in the
    South Caucasus and Central Asia."

    The prize is certainly tempting: The Caspian's 143,244 square miles
    and attendant coastline are estimated to contain as much as 250
    billion barrels of recoverable oil, boosted by more than 200 billion
    barrels of potential reserves, quite aside from up to 328 trillion
    cubic feet of recoverable natural gas.

    Whatever Lugar says, however, the reality is that in the short term
    Russia effectively "dominates" Kazakh and Turkmen energy exports.
    Turkmenistan uses the Soviet-era Transneft pipeline monopoly, while
    Kazakh oil exports currently flow westward through the 938-mile
    Caspian Pipeline Consortium joint venture. The CPC pipeline opened in
    2001 and has a current capacity of 700,000 barrels per day. While
    Chevron, LUKoil, ExxonMobil, BP, Rosneft, Shell, BG and KazMunaiGas
    are all CPC partners, the pipeline pumps oil westward from western
    Kazakhstan and Siberia to Russia's Novorossiisk Black Sea port.

    The West's great success is Azeri production, which now sends more
    than 800,000 barrels per day through both the Baku-Supsa and
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipelines; BTC is designed to handle up to 1
    million bpd and in 2008 Baku is hoping to increase exports up to 1.2
    million bpd. In 1994 Azeri President Geidar Aliyev signed the
    "Contract of the Century" with Western energy concerns to develop
    Azerbaijan's Caspian Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli fields. In 1997 the
    Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline opened to export Azeri oil from the black
    Sea to Western markets, but initial throughput was limited to 40,000
    bpd. Two years later Baku's export options broadened with the opening
    of the $600 million, 515-mile Baku-Supsa 100,000 bpd pipeline,
    followed by the inauguration of the $3.6 billion, 1,092-mile,
    million-barrel-per-day Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which had a
    capacity of 1 million bpd. The opening of the BTC pipeline allowed
    Azerbaijan to cut itself adrift from Russia's pipeline monopoly and
    represented the culmination of Washington's dream of a Caspian export
    route that bypassed both Russia and Iran.

    Since then however, Washington's reveries of controlling Caspian
    production have run into some nasty geopolitical realities. Last
    month Iran reiterated its previous position that Caspian offshore
    waters should be shared equally among coastal nations, setting back
    for the foreseeable future any definitive division of the Caspian's
    territory, a crucial element in Washington's strategy of constructing
    undersea pipelines.

    Even worse, Kazakhstan forced its Kashagan partners to rewrite the
    contracts for production of the massive Caspian offshore field, the
    world's largest single discovery of the last 30 years. Under the
    original joint venture agreement Kazakhstan's national hydrocarbon
    concern KazMunaiGas and Japan's Inpex each held an 8.33 percent share
    in the project, while ConocoPhillips holds a 9.26 percent share. Four
    major foreign oil companies that dominated the project -- Italy's
    Eni, France's Total, U.S. ExxonMobil and Anglo-Dutch Shell -- all
    held 18.52 percent stakes each. Under the new terms, State-run
    KazMunaiGas will pay $1.78 billion to increase its share from 8.33
    percent to 16.81 percent at the expense of its foreign partners, with
    Eni, Shell, Total and ExxonMobil seeing their stake drop from 18.52
    percent to 16.81 percent, while ConocoPhillips and Inpex will also
    have "slight" adjustments made to their stakes.

    For all of Lugar's calls to action, the appointment of a U.S.
    "special representative" for Caspian affairs would seem to be a
    classic case of too little, too late.