By H. Chaqrian
AZG Armenian Daily
Yesterday the Turkish mass media, referring to "Haarez" newspaper,
Israel, spread information that the Prime Minister of Turker Recep
Tayyip Erdogan is disappointing the Israeli authorities. According
to the information, the Foreign Ministry of Israel protested against
Erdogan's statement that the armed forces of Israel kill hundreds of
Palestinians in each military operation in Gaza, while Palestinian
"Kassam" missiles did not cause death to any citizen of Israel.
On January 23 an official of the Israeli Foreign Ministry met with
Ambassador of Turkey Namik Tan and said, "The statement of Erdogan
caused great disappointment to Israel. Israel expected a quite
different position from a Prime Minister of a country having serious
problems with world terrorism".
It is expected that in connection with the statement Foreign Minister
of Isrtael Zipi Livny shall address Foreign Minister of Turkey Ali
Babacan and Prime Ministder of Israel Ehud Olmert shall address
By H. Chaqrian
AZG Armenian Daily
Yesterday the Turkish mass media, referring to "Haarez" newspaper,
Israel, spread information that the Prime Minister of Turker Recep
Tayyip Erdogan is disappointing the Israeli authorities. According
to the information, the Foreign Ministry of Israel protested against
Erdogan's statement that the armed forces of Israel kill hundreds of
Palestinians in each military operation in Gaza, while Palestinian
"Kassam" missiles did not cause death to any citizen of Israel.
On January 23 an official of the Israeli Foreign Ministry met with
Ambassador of Turkey Namik Tan and said, "The statement of Erdogan
caused great disappointment to Israel. Israel expected a quite
different position from a Prime Minister of a country having serious
problems with world terrorism".
It is expected that in connection with the statement Foreign Minister
of Isrtael Zipi Livny shall address Foreign Minister of Turkey Ali
Babacan and Prime Ministder of Israel Ehud Olmert shall address