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Great Master Of Laughter Of Armenian Stage Karp Khachvankian Would T

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  • Great Master Of Laughter Of Armenian Stage Karp Khachvankian Would T


    Noyan Tapan
    Jan 24, 2008

    YEREVAN, JANUARY 23, NOYAN TAPAN. Karp Khachvankian, an incomparable
    comedian, honoured actor of the Armenian stage, would turn 85 on
    January 23.

    The great master of laughter or as his admirers and friends call him
    the Charlie Chaplin of the Armenian stage, served to the stage of
    Paronian and his loyal audience with faithful love and devotion for
    54 years running.

    On January 23, on the occasion of the 85th birth anniversary of Karp
    Khachvankian, Boris Pepanian, who played at H. Paronian State Theater
    of Musical Comedy for many years and who was a playmate of the great
    comedian for 28 years, spoke about his memories ans impressions
    concerning the master.

    "Karp Khachvankian was a phenomenon in the history of the Armenian
    theater, a phenomenon, which, perhaps is not born once in a century:
    this is the secret. It is already 10 years that the theater has become
    an orphan. It is sad without Karp Khachankian. There isn't his soul,
    round which creative flights took place. To speak about him is both
    difficult and too easy. It is very difficult without him and especially
    for me, and I think, for the theater and his loyal audience as well,"
    said Boris Pepanian.

    According to him, there are many talented actors, but there are few
    actors who enjoy so much popularity: "Karp could control the audience
    with his wonderful magic play making it laugh and cry together
    with him."

    "Karp was as much interesting and attractive on the stage as he was
    modest in his life. He never liked to celebrate anniversaries. He was
    walking in the streets in the way so as not to be noticed. In life
    he did not like mediocrity and mediocres in principle: he tried not
    to notice them, the reason of which, perhaps, was his supreme gift
    to see excellence in everything. It was all the same for him to play
    in a region, abroad or in the capital. Each time he was playing the
    way as if it was his first time on the stage," Boris Pepanian told.

    In the words of Boris Pepanian, it was in 1973 that he played with
    Karp Khachvankian for the first time in the comedy "Love under the
    stars", taking the part of Karo. "I learnt much from him, I was his
    pupil and friend for many years. Today also I need him. I learned
    from him all the time as we worked together", said the actor.

    Karp Khachvankian got his first professional education in the actor's
    department of "Georgian film" studio, after which, in 1944, receiving
    a job invitation from Artemi Ayvazian, he moved to Yerevan, where
    taking the part of Bony in Kalman's play "Silva", irrevocably got
    attached to the audience of Yerevan.

    During his 50-year stage activity, the actor played more than 100
    roles winning the audience's love. Some of that roles have much
    more popularity: Knyaz, in "Taxi-Taxi", Niko in "Eastern Dentist",
    Phillip in "Freedom Storm, Dzoneti in "Venice Twins"....
    From: Baghdasarian