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"Only One Official From Karabakh"

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  • "Only One Official From Karabakh"


    31 January, 2008

    Before the presidential candidate Serge Sargsyan arrived, the central
    part of Achapnyak community was already crowded. People have come to
    hear the famous singers, whose performances were interrupted by Serge
    Sargsyan's speech. "I have come to ask for your votes. I have been
    a state employee for many years. I have been engaged in the solution
    of the nation's problems for 20 years. During this period I have
    acquired experience, knowledge, I have overcome many difficulties and
    I am aware of all the problems in the country and how they should be
    solved. Thus, I ask for your support", began Serge Sargsyan his speech.

    The presidential candidate convinced the citizens that they could
    improve the situation in Armenia together and together they should
    continue the reforms and build a more prosperous Armenia. He ensured
    that we had much to prove to the world and occupy our worthy place
    in the European family. "We will choose the path of a more developed

    "We do not defame others, we do not show preference to others",
    pointed out Serge Sargsyan. He noted that one of the candidates said
    that in case Serge Sargsyan became the President, we would a Prime
    Minister from Karabakh, but Mr Sargsyan denied this. "Only one of
    12 officials is from Karabakh in the Government. I ensure that we
    will live in another country in 4-5 years and life will change for
    better. So, go ahead Armenia to the fair Armenia, to the Armenia we
    have always dreamed of", concluded Serge Sargsyan.