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Karabakh's Ex-Defence Minister Says No Election Deal With Armenian P

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  • Karabakh's Ex-Defence Minister Says No Election Deal With Armenian P


    Jan 26 2008

    The former defence minister of the unrecognized republic of
    Nagornyy Karabakh and leader of Armenia's Alliance (Dashink) Party,
    Samvel Babayan, has told an Armenian newspaper that he would not
    support Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan in the 19 February
    presidential election and denied reports that he will become the
    Armenian defence minister if Sargsyan is elected. Babayan, however,
    said that he "will be ready for any role to protect my fatherland"
    if war starts. The following is excerpt from report by Ruzan Minasyan
    in Armenian newspaper Aravot on 26 January headlined "What I have
    promised will be made public" and "Interview with Samvel Babayan,
    former defence minister of Nagornyy Karabakh".

    [Correspondent] Mr Babayan, congresses of the Alliance (Dashink)
    Party and the National Rebirth Party followed one another at the end
    of 2007, debating merging with the Liberal Democratic Party [LDP]
    (Ramkavar Azatakan). What is the state of this process?

    [Babayan] In political aspect, a staple of the issues has been
    solved. At the moment, the intensive work on merging the three parties'
    structures is under way in regions. [Passage omitted: details of
    merging process]

    Liberal Democrats' stance

    [Correspondent] You have promised to make public the details of
    what you define as crimes committed by the former authorities during
    war years.

    [Babayan] Everything that I promised will be made public.

    Unfortunately, my statement has been interpreted in different ways.

    There have even been reports claiming I have allegedly supported
    [Armenian Prime Minister and presidential candidate] Serzh Sargsyan
    with my statement. Meanwhile I merely stated the truth. It was
    even mentioned that this statement is a result of mine and [Armenian
    ex-President and presidential candidate] Levon Ter-Petrosyan's personal
    disagreements. I don't have any personal conflict with the first
    Armenian president. [Passage omitted: more details on disagreements
    with Ter-Petrosyan]

    [Correspondent] Your political opponents maintain that you will
    endorse Serzh Sargsyan's candidacy, therefore, the statement about
    the LDP's neutral position is unexpected.

    [Babayan] First of all, the LDP's draft decision [presumably on
    election] was discussed with both me and Albert Bazeyan, after which
    it was approved by the LDP's current leadership. [Passage omitted:
    Babayan expands on the issue of merging with LDP]

    On the eve of the presidential election, various forces have started
    speculating that this all [presumably merging of small parties] has
    been allegedly done for endorsing the authorities' candidate in the
    presidential election. I couldn't allow this unprecedented process be
    a subject for this kind of speculations. On the other hand, none of
    the officially endorsed presidential candidates and their presented
    programmes fully suits our stance, therefore we do not intend to
    support anyone's candidacy and become his opponent one year later.

    Supporting someone is also responsibility. This is responsibility for
    the contender's presented programme and his further activity. But
    how can I take this responsibility if in many cases I do not agree
    with the contender's viewpoints?

    [Correspondent] Nevertheless, does the LDP see itself in the opposition
    or authorities' camp after the merging of the three parties?

    [Babayan] In my opinion, the LDP should be an ideological opposition.

    [Passage omitted: more on the issue]

    Speculations on Karabakh issue

    [Correspondent] These days, presidential hopefuls among other issues
    are also discussing the Karabakh issue. First of all, how truthful
    are their arguments?

    [Babayan] Speculating on the Artsakh [Nagornyy Karabakh] issue
    for political purposes seems unclear to me. If by speculations we
    understand the parties' accusations of betrayal against each other,
    in this case no-one has grounds for this at present for one simple
    reason: the public is unaware precisely what document is on the
    negotiating table. But, on the other hand, politicians are obliged
    to present their personal visions on the settlement. I consider it
    dangerous to avoid this issue and do not trust such politicians.

    Fortunately or unfortunately I know presidential contenders quite well
    and my vision of ways of the Artsakh issue settlement significantly
    differs from their positions. I do not believe it is appropriate
    now to discuss my point of view regarding the Artsakh issue
    settlement. Presidential hopefuls' positions on this issue are now
    much more important. I must only admonish our citizens not to trust
    the candidates, who speak about the settlement using such words as
    "beneficial for Armenia", "for national interests" etc. The electorate
    has the right to know the maximum limit of mutual concessions that
    our highly respected candidates are ready to make.

    [Passage omitted on Babayan's business activities]

    Ready to protect "fatherland"

    [Correspondent] How plausible is the fact [reports] you will soon be
    appointed the Armenian defence minister?

    [Babayan] First, these sources also said that I will support Serzh
    Sargsyan's candidacy. As you are now convinced, this is not the case.

    I have dedicated the best ten years of my life to the fatherland,
    depriving myself from regular communication opportunity with my family,
    children and friends. And what have I received as a result? A show on
    "murder attempt" and five years of illegal imprisonment. This was an
    evaluation of my contribution for taking the responsibility in 1992
    and organizing the liberation and protection of our fatherland's
    significant part [means Nagornyy Karabakh] jointly with the people.

    This was an evaluation I was given during five post-war years for
    creating the most powerful army in the region, according to foreigners'
    calculation. This was an evaluation I was given for organizing the
    first most magnificent [military] parade in our newest history. Then
    why should I again assume this role?

    [Correspondent] And if war starts?

    [Babayan] Heavens forbid, in case of imminent war danger, I will
    take all the responsibility and will be ready for any role to protect
    my fatherland.