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Issues On Creation Of New Diaspora Ministry Discussed

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  • Issues On Creation Of New Diaspora Ministry Discussed


    July 1, 2008

    Chairperson of the Armenian Foreign Ministry-affiliated State Committee
    on Diaspora Ties Hranush Hakobian met today with the scientists of
    the Armenian National Academy of Sciences to hear their viewpoints
    on the structure, principles of activity and functions of the future
    Diaspora Ministry.

    H. Hakobian noted that for the solution of the issue on preservation
    of Armenian culture and language in Diaspora and for using its full
    potential it is necessary to make a structural change which was done
    on time by the creation of a committee which has been regulating the
    issues, and now by the law on the "Structure of the Government of
    the Republic of Armenia" Diaspora Ministry must function from October.

    "During these three months we must try to create a concept, strategy as
    well as a statute and structure by which the ministry must be guided,"
    she said, suggesting that the scientists present their viewpoints
    and cooperate over the issue.

    "I do not think that it is possible to develop or organize any sphere
    without scientific-research grounds. Before starting any program it
    is first of all necessary to make a serious analyses. The scientists
    will be our most powerful aides, friends and participants in the
    organization work. It is not issue of anyone, this is an issue on
    the right organization of potential of the whole Armenians," she said.

    The chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Radik Martirosian
    said that the academy must have an essential participation with its
    institutions and specialists.

    Correspondent member of the academy Nikolay Hovhannissian said that
    the coordination of ties with Diaspora is a complicated sphere and it
    must not be allowed that the committee which turns to ministry slip
    suddenly. He said the establishment must become such a body which
    will ensure the contact of the state with all the Armenian communities.

    Director of the History Institute of the Academy Ashot Melkonian
    greeted the creation of the ministry and noted that one of the reasons
    of absence of pan-Armenian thinking is the absence of pan-Armenian
    history text-books. He suggested that such books be created and said
    that the institute takes the initiative.

    He also noted that the ministry must be given big authorities and
    financial means. According to him, if it is going to be a powerless
    establishment it is better not to be at all.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress