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BAKU: Rustam Ibrahimbekov: "Being A Citizen And Intellectual, I Do N

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  • BAKU: Rustam Ibrahimbekov: "Being A Citizen And Intellectual, I Do N


    02 July 2008

    Day.Az interview with Rustam Ibrahimbekov, chairman of the Azerbaijan
    Cinematographers Union and honored art figure of Russia and Azerbaijan.

    - I will put a direct question: has Ukrainian film director of Armenian
    origin Roman Balayan, who shot a film "Birds of Heaven" by your script
    ever displayed his negative attitude towards Azerbaijani people?

    - Never and nowhere! I have been acquainted with Roman Balayan since
    mid 1970s and I can take whole responsibility for saying that he has
    always spoken of his love to Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis.

    My Armenian friend and prominent writer Grant Matevosyan had the
    same opinion and he had never voiced any anti-Azerbaijani statements,
    but he was deeply upset with the conflict between our countries.

    I am sure that we should differ from the Armenian leadership,
    which advocates thesis of genetic incompatibility of Armenians and
    Azerbaijanis. We need to prove that we teach our children not to
    hatred towards neighor countries but to love to our native country.

    - How then would you comment on the fact that your statement according
    to which not Armenian people but the Armenian leadership, army and
    policy of Armenia are our enemy was critically greeted in the society?

    - As far as I know, it was Yeni Musavat newspaper which voiced sharp
    criticism of my civil position. But I want to know what have all,
    suffering from neo-Bolshevism done for Azerbaijan, demonstrating firm
    hatred towards different opinions and criticizing my statements? Where
    were they when I wrote the play "Ultimatum" in 1982? Where were they
    when in the hardest moments of Azerbaijan I have been took part in
    improving relations between the then-working leadership of the country
    in the face of Ayaz Mutallibov and Popular Front?

    I say all this because I am confident that it would be good for those
    who criticize me to recall the phrase: "Before preaching, you should
    respect commandments".

    As is known, Azerbaijan and Armenia are in a state of war due to
    occupation of 20% lands of our country. The very fact of occupation of
    the territory of one country by another, as well as the failure of the
    occupied country, in this case, Armenia, to agree to free the lands,
    recognized as part of Azerbaijan by all international organizations
    and world society, evidence the occupational policy of the Armenian

    I am sure that Azerbaijan will never reconcile with the loss of its
    native lands, who are currently under occupation and will use both
    diplomatic and, if needed, military ways for returning of its lands.

    At the same time, being a citizen and an intellectual, I do not
    consider the whole Armenian people to be our enemy. Admitting the
    existence of conflict between our states, I reject the conflict
    between the Armenian and Azerbaijani people. I bow my head before
    the victims of bloody and the most brutal massacre of civilians in
    Khojaly, before the memory of all our compatriots, falling victims
    of conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    But, believe me, many Armenians, who were obliged to leave
    Azerbaijan but continue to consider our country their motherland
    and hope to return here as soon as possible, also suffered from this
    conflict. Moreover, it is fascists who support thesis about a conflict
    between peoples.

    In this connection, I regret that Robert KOcharyan, who voiced fascist
    thesis about genetic incompatibility of the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    people, has been leading Armenia.

    Believe me, I would not want some representatives of Azerbaijani
    people, who is famous for its tolerance, to come down to voicing such
    a thesis.

    - Which can be the political outcomes of dissemination of your critics'
    thesis by the Armenian side for Azerbaijan?

    - The most negative. For, as you have mentioned, this is merely a
    politically incorrect position. Let's see: the Armenian leadership
    in an attempt to protract the just resolution of Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict, voices thesis that there are no guarantees to security of
    Armenian population of Nagorno Karabakh in case Azerbaijani lands
    return to us.

    Unfortunately, instead of proving these statements of the Armenian
    leadership unfounded, some representatives of our side made statements,
    whose dissemination is profitable for the Armenian leadership to argue
    the thesis they declare, either on purpose or by their foolishness.

    These local jingo undermine the peaceful resolution of Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict with their statements. I would recommend them to learn more
    and recall that any conflicts have both the beginning and the end,
    and to persuade them, I want to remind them of centuries of wars
    in Europe, which do not hamper the current peaceful and respectful
    attitude between the people, involved in them.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress