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Only 0.08% Of European Tourists Visit Armenia

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  • Only 0.08% Of European Tourists Visit Armenia

    12:57 03/07/2008

    Recently governmental approve of the 'conception on tourism promote'
    will be realized in stages. The first stage is planned to realize in
    2008-2011 and the rest stages will be planned after the monitoring
    of realized projects, being held in that period. Mekhak Apresyan,
    the head of tourism office of the ministry of Economy, informs it

    According to the head of the office the aim of the 'conception on
    tourism promote' is to describe and evaluate the Armenian tourism
    resources, trends and prospective of tourism development in Armenia,
    as well as define the main aim of state policy in this sphere,
    evaluate war-calls and obstacles decide problems, directions and
    principles of state policy for the realization of the goal.

    'The main problem of the project is to develop eco-tourism, rural
    and communal tourism, winter tourism as well as resort and healthcare
    tourism',-he added.

    Apresyan notified that Armenia, being a stable country for business
    and inculcation, safe and attractive for tourism, rich with natural and
    historical resources has an opportunity to offer various, competitive
    tourism results and high-quality service to international tourism
    market and added that during the last 10 years an unprecedented
    evolution has been registered, but comparing with international
    scale, few people visited Armenia. Only 0.08% of European and 0.04 %
    of would tourists visit Armenia. What concerns the income of inter
    country tourism; in 2006 it used to be 299mln. US dollars.

    He said that in order to realize the aim of state policy in the
    sphere of tourism it is necessary to satisfy stable development of
    tourism which demands the active and efficient cooperation of all
    interested sides: members of state and local governments, private
    sectors and inhabitants.

    According to Apresyan the aim of state policy in tourism is to widen
    the input of the sphere in national economy, create conditions for
    the development territorial economy at the same time struggling
    against poverty.

    The head of the office said that it helps to realize the rise of
    tourists` number at the same time increase the income and offered
    more high-quality tourism results and new work places. For solution
    of the problem of this sphere it is necessary for and foremost to
    define and develop the sightseeing centers and tourism results,
    create price system in Armenia, define the list of services, arouse
    target markets, continually study the tends of development, develop
    Armenia as an attractive country for tourism.

    He assured that these projects will come true and some part of
    it is in process of creation. Tourism develops mainly based on
    tourism resources: natural, historical, human, and without them it
    is impossible to secure its protection and reproduction. It means
    none of us is privy.