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Turkish Thesis Regarding 1915 Events Adopted By OSCE

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  • Turkish Thesis Regarding 1915 Events Adopted By OSCE

    Thursday, July 03, 2008

    Turkey's thesis against Armenian allegations about the events of 1915
    has been adopted for the first time by the general assembly of the
    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

    "The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's annual session was held in
    Kazakhstan's capital Astana with the main theme of 'Transparency
    in the OSCE'. During the session, a motion submitted by the Turkish
    delegation was adopted. The motion underlines that past events like
    genocide should be recognized only after historians carried out a
    detailed research in all kinds of archives," Alaattin Buyukkaya,
    who leads the Turkish group at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,
    told a statement on Wednesday.

    In 2005, Turkey officially proposed to the Armenian government the
    establishment of a joint historical commission composed of historians
    and other experts from both sides to study together the events of
    1915 and to open the archives of Turkey and Armenia, as well as
    the archives of all relevant third-party countries and share their
    findings publicly.

    Unfortunately, Armenia has not yet responded positively to this
    initiative and Turkey's proposal remains on the table.

    Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic links since Ankara
    intensified its protests against Armenian invasion and violence in
    the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which Armenia invaded in a war with
    Azerbaijan in the early 1990s.

    The border between Turkey and Armenia has been closed.

    Armenia, with the backing of the Diaspora, claims up to 1.5 million
    of their kin were slaughtered in orchestrated killings in 1915. Turkey
    rejects the claims, saying that 300,000 Armenians along with at least
    as many Turks died in civil strife that emerged when the Armenians
    took up arms for independence in eastern Anatolia.

    "The OSCE is the biggest international organization behind the United
    Nations. Adoption of the Turkish thesis by the OSCE is a significant
    achievement against the Armenian allegations. Also, the Turkish thesis
    regarding the events of 1915 was adopted for the first time on an
    international platform. The OSCE has 56 member states. Only Armenia
    voted against the motion. A majority of the other member states voted
    in favor of it," he said.

    "The motion says that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly encourages the
    formation of joint history commissions by historians and experts from
    the third countries in case of a research into political and military
    archives to scientifically and unbiasedly enlighten a disputed period
    in history in an effort to serve transparency and common understanding
    among the member states," Buyukkaya added.

    The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE is the parliamentary
    dimension of the organization, whose 56 participating States span the
    geographical area from Vancouver to Vladivostok. The primary task of
    the 320 member Assembly is to facilitate inter-parliamentary dialogue,
    an important aspect of the overall effort to meet the challenges of
    democracy throughout the OSCE area.