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Baku: Vladimir Timoshenko: "Azerbaijan Should Announce Moratorium On

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  • Baku: Vladimir Timoshenko: "Azerbaijan Should Announce Moratorium On


    03 July 2008

    Day.Az with famous political scientist Vladimir Timoshenko.

    - These days Armenian President and Foreign Minister have made loud
    statements that "Nagorno Karabakh will never accept the lower status
    than its current one, that is de-facto independence. Are these just
    statements, intended for internal consumption or evidence of toughening
    position of official Yerevan?

    - The recent statements made by Armenian President and Armenian
    Foreign Minister make me think definitely. In place of the Azerbaijani
    leadership, I would have declared moratorium on conduction of talks
    not only between the Presidents but also the Foreign Ministers. There
    has been no progress in the negotiation process. Armenians have taken
    a radical position and attempt to make us concede.

    If we really base on the position of territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan and do not agree to make any concessions in this issue,
    first of all, we should announce a moratorium on the continuation of
    talks. Let the Minsk Group continue its hopeless activity and if they
    have something new, they will define any steps to close the positions,
    they should report directly to the leadership of our country, which
    will further take a decision about further steps. If we just hold
    talks, it has a certain threat for Azerbaijan, as time works on
    Armenia, as they have time to consolidate their illegal regime in
    Nagorno Karabakh.

    Second, I would try to avoid such phrase as "the peaceful ways of
    resolution of the conflict". I would also avoid the phrase "alternative
    way of the problem settlement", replacing it with "Azerbaijan takes
    all urgent measures to ensure its territorial integrity" and let
    everyone take as he wills.

    Moreover, I would ask our mass media to stop paying such increased
    attention to our defense budget as it causes nothing but harm. In
    this issue I would recommend to follow USSR's way, where mass media
    showed only the party of defense expenses, used for military training,
    technique and weapons, while the social issues, house building,
    nutrition, treatment and others were not included into the defense

    If we seriously deal with the issues of military construction, we
    should speak less on this topic, for the more we do it, the more it
    seems that we try to scare someone. This is not the way out.

    - Do you think that the recent military parade in Baku also did not
    impress Armenians?

    - I don't. Parade is mostly our internal issues. I regarded it as a
    means for influencing the young generation and youth.

    Armenian army is also well-equipped. We do not have full information
    about it. Do you remember how many facilities were transferred to
    Armenia following the disbandment of the 366th division and withdrawal
    of Russian bases from Georgia.

    It would be naive to reckon that Armenians would voice readiness to
    liberate our lands following the parade.

    - Is resumption of hostilities with Armenia possible?

    - Armenia does not need hostilities for sure. They have almost attained
    their goal and try to preserve the quo status.

    On the whole I would separate Nagorno Karabakh from seven other
    occupied regions around it. The settlement of Karabakh status can
    be left for later, but we have a right to initiate open attack
    and liberate these seven regions any time, which would comply with
    international law

    This is our territory! Name another country, whose 20% lands are
    under occupation. Remember, how the world community interfered when
    Iraq attacked Kuwait, while 20% of our lands have been occupied and
    nothing. Only several years ago the world community recognized Armenia
    as an aggressor and Karabakh regime as separatist on the background
    of so many years of silence!

    We will define the Nagorno Karabakh status peacefully and we have a
    right to liberate the regions around it as we want. Though Karabakh
    is also our territory and we will liberate it sooner or later.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress