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3500 Years Older !

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  • 3500 Years Older !

    3500 YEARS OLDER !

    July 1, 2008

    Edinburgh - Tourists familiar with Scottish heritage would be
    astonished to discover the possibility of famous Stonehenge been
    originated in Armenia, claiming the fact that the Armenian land is
    the real cradle of civilisation.

    Famous professor and world's known specialist on stone monuments
    Gerald. S.

    Hawkins had acknowledged that Karahunj is 7,500 years old, which
    means that it is 3,500 years older than Scotland Stonehenge, older
    than Karnak in France and Newgrenge in Ireland. It may prove what some
    people already suspect that Armenia is the cradle of the civilisation.

    The sight is beautiful and ancient, well worth the visit. Astronomers
    from Europe and the US are showing increasing interest in the complex,
    and several expeditions have already taken place. To compare Armenian
    Karahunj with Scottish Stonehenge visit for its
    unique images under Zorats Karer.

    >From a conversation with a friend: The names Stonehedge and Karahunj
    have the same meaning. Stone is kar in Armenian and hunj has become
    henge in English.