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Board Members Resign to Protest Chair's Ousting

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  • Board Members Resign to Protest Chair's Ousting

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ent/article/2008/07/04/AR2008070402408.html

    Board Members Resign to Protest Chair's Ousting
    Leader in Georgetown-Based Agency Encouraged Scholars to Research Mass
    Killing of Armenians

    By Susan Kinzie
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Saturday, July 5, 2008; B05

    The issue that has roiled U.S.-Turkish relations in recent months -- how
    to characterize the mass killing of Armenians in 1915 -- has set off a
    dispute over politics and academic freedom at an institute housed at
    Georgetown University.

    Several board members of the Institute of Turkish Studies have resigned
    this summer, protesting the ouster of a board chairman who wrote that
    scholars should research, rather than avoid, what he characterized as an
    Armenian genocide.

    Within weeks of writing about the matter in late 2006, Binghamton
    University professor Donald Quataert resigned from the board of
    governors, saying the Turkish ambassador to the United States told him
    he had angered some political leaders in Ankara and that they had
    threatened to revoke the institute's funding.

    After a prominent association of Middle Eastern scholars learned about
    it, they wrote a letter in May to the institute, the Turkish prime
    minister and other leaders asking that Quataert be reinstated and money
    for the institute be put in an irrevocable trust to avoid political

    The ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Nabi Sensoy, denied that
    he had any role in Quataert's resignation. In a written statement, he
    said that claims that he urged Quataert to leave are unfounded and

    The dispute shows the tensions between money and scholarship, and the
    impact language can have on historical understanding.

    Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were killed when the Ottoman Empire
    collapsed after World War I. Armenians and Turks bitterly disagree over
    whether it was a campaign of genocide, or a civil war in which many
    Turks were also killed.

    In the fall, when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
    championed a bill that would characterize the events of 1915 to 1917 as
    genocide, the Bush administration fought it and several former defense
    secretaries warned that Turkish leaders would limit U.S. access to a
    military base needed for the war in Iraq.

    The Turkish studies institute, founded in 1983, is independent from
    Georgetown University, but Executive Director David Cuthell teaches a
    course there in exchange for space on campus.

    Julie Green Bataille, a university spokeswoman, wrote in an e-mail, "we
    will review this matter consistent with the importance of academic
    freedom and the fact that the institute is independently funded and

    The institute's funding, a $3 million grant, is entirely from Turkey.

    A few years ago, Quataert said, members of the board checked on what
    they thought was an irrevocable blind trust "and to our surprise it
    turned out to be a gift that could be revoked by the Turkish

    Quataert, a professor of history, said the institute has funded good
    scholarship without political influence. The selection of which studies
    to support is done by a committee of academics on the associate board,
    he said, and approved by the board, which includes business and
    political leaders. Never once, he said, did he think a grant application
    was judged on anything other than its academic merits.

    He also noted that during his time there, no one applied for grants that
    would have been controversial in Turkey. Asked if any of the research
    characterized the events as genocide, Cuthell said, "My gut is no. It's
    that third rail."

    Roger Smith, professor emeritus of government at the College of William
    and Mary, questioned whether the nonprofit institute deserves its
    tax-exempt status if there is political influence -- and whether it is
    an undeclared lobbying arm for the Turkish government.

    Cuthell said none of the institute's critics ever bothered to check the
    truth of Quataert's account with the institute: It does not lobby,
    Cuthell said, and "the allegations of academic freedom simply don't hold

    The controversy began quietly in late 2006 with a review of historian
    Donald Bloxham's book, "The Great Game of Genocide." Quataert wrote that
    the slaughter of Armenians has been the elephant in the room of Ottoman
    studies. Despite his belief that the term "genocide" had become a
    distraction, he said the events met the United Nations definition of the

    He sent a letter of resignation to members of the institute in December
    2006, and one board member resigned.

    But in the fall, around the same time that Congress was debating the
    Armenian question, Quataert was asked to speak at a conference about
    what had happened at the institute. He told members of the Middle
    Eastern Studies Association that the ambassador told him he must issue a
    retraction of his book review or step down -- or put funding for the
    institute in jeopardy.

    His colleagues were shocked, said Laurie Brand, director of the school
    of international relations at the University of Southern California.

    Ambassador Sensoy, who is honorary chairman of the institute's board,
    said in a statement this week, "Neither the Turkish Government nor I
    have ever placed any pressure upon the ITS, for such interference would
    have violated the principle of the academic freedom, which we uphold the
    most. The Turkish Government and I will be the first to defend ITS from
    any such pressure."

    Since the May 27 letter from the scholars association was sent, several
    associate and full members of the board have left. Marcie Patton, Resat
    Kasaba and Kemal Silay resigned; Fatma Muge Gocek said she would resign,
    and Birol Yesilada said his primary reason for stepping down at this
    time is his health, but that he is concerned about the conflicting
    accounts of what had happened. "It's a very difficult line that scholars
    walk," Patton said, "especially post-9/11, especially because of the
    Iraq war."