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Target Of Convenience: Anti-Semitism On Increase As Provocation Agai

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  • Target Of Convenience: Anti-Semitism On Increase As Provocation Agai

    Vahan Ishkhanyan
    04 July, 2008

    Rimma Varzhapetyan, chairwoman of the Jewish Community of Armenia,
    says there is no anti-Semitism in Armenia as such, however, sometimes
    anti-Semitic materials appear in the press and their number has grown
    in the recent days.

    Her statement was in response to a comment last week by US Assistant
    Secretary of State David Kramer, that some media outlets propagandize
    anti-Semitism. He said "It is unacceptable to have anti-Semitism in
    a country with historically friendly relations with Israel and the
    Jewish community."

    Varzhapetyan says there are two reasons that stir Armenia
    anti-Semitism. One is the long-standing resentment that Israel does
    not recognize the Armenian Genocide. The other - and the reason for
    more recent hate-talk - is the exploitation of the heritage of the
    wife of Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who comes from Jewish ancestry.

    Varzhapetyan says anti-Semitism is provoked as a tool in the current
    political struggle

    "In the first case it is the natural reaction of the nation that
    has undergone genocide to the views of people who have survived a
    Holocaust. But it is not widely spread and nothing of the kind is
    seen on a state level," Varzhapetyan says.

    Varzhapetyan, who is Jewish, says she is noticed for her activities
    in the fight for recognition of the Armenian Genocide among the
    representatives of the ethnic minorities of Armenia, although attacks
    in the press are targeted against her and the Jewish community (Hayots
    Ashkarh, May 7th, called friendship with the Jewish community and
    personally with Varzhapetyan a form of fawning).

    The second reason had disappeared with the presidency of Ter-Petrosyan
    and has now returned with him.

    Varzhapetyan recalls the Golos Armenii newspaper in a number
    of publications used to explain the crisis in Armenia with
    Ter-Petrosyan,'s wife, Ludmilla, being a Jew and a Zionistic
    plot connected with her. "We were very much annoyed proving the
    hardships were tied up to the blockade, the Perestroika and other
    circumstances." The Jewish community that was equally impoverished
    during the 'dark and cold' years had appealed to Ludmila Ter-Petrosyan
    for support but was denied with an explanation saying: "I have no
    such opportunity [to support]: I help all women of Armenia."

    The community has had almost no problem with the media after the change
    in power. Only the ALM TV channel used to make anti-Jewish statements,
    but ceased after the State Department report mentioned the facts and,
    as the news said, after then President Kocharyan reprimanded the
    channel. Armen Avetisyan, chairman of the Union of Armenian Aryans
    was tried and sentenced to two months in jail for anti-Semitic and
    anti-Yezidi propaganda.

    Ten years later anti-Semitism is used against Levon Ter-Petrosyan,
    this time as an opposition; it's examples were the articles published
    in May 24th issue of Hayots Ashkharh titled: "Levon Ter-Petrosyan
    or Levon Fraimi Pliskovski: Armenian National Congress or Jewish
    Congress?" as well as the article's retelling in May 27th Golos
    Armenii. The article says "the Jewish-Masonic lobby spent $65-70
    million and plans to spent twice and thrice more on Ter-Petrosyan's
    campaign" to bring him to power.

    Varzhapetyan says Kramer recalled the article in a conversation with
    her during a meeting with non-governmental organizations at the US
    Embassy qualifying it as typical anti-Semitism: "The first reaction
    to the publication was to respond, but we didn't, because the aim
    of the article was to fight the opposition by means of irritating
    anti-Semitic sentiments. But probably the person responsible for
    the media monitoring discovered the article and the problem of
    anti-Semitism was included in Kramer's program. "He is also a Jew and I
    am deeply grateful to him for raising the issue before the government."

    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called the manifestations of
    anti-Semitism in the media condemnable and unacceptable during the
    meeting with Kramer, saying there is no anti-Jewish atmosphere in
    Armenia in reality.

    Varzhapetyan says many real arguments can be brought to fight against
    the opposition, but they are not used: "There are so many things to
    be used for the struggle - to show the negative sides of one and
    the positive sides of the other, but they don't do that, they opt
    for irritating anti-Semitism and it's terrible that the kind of an
    article may cause hatred against Levon [Ter-Petrosyan]."

    Varzhapetyan says she can't tell the way the Jewish community here
    of 800 people participated in the voting, because it is personal
    business. She says she has voted for Serzh Sargsyan as the country has
    witnessed progress after LTP's resignation: "I can recall the hard life
    of those days when Ter-Petrosyan ruled the country. I can forgive it,
    but I have not forgotten and wouldn't like to return to it."

    She says also the problems of ethnic minorities were neglected under
    the previous authorities, but were paid serious attention under
    Kocharyan and the state budget begun providing them with a certain
    amount of money.

    The article in Hayots Ashkharh says Peter Rosenblat, the representative
    of the Jewish Committee of America arrived in Armenia in late May as
    if for getting a report from Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

    During the meeting with the Jewish community on May 27th Rosenblat
    stated the publications are fake and authorized the Jewish community
    to deny them in his name.

    In reality Rosenblat met President Serzh Sargsyan, although this
    meeting also became a matter of political speculations, this time from
    the opposition side. The pro-Ter-Petrosyan Haykakan Zhamanak mocked the
    meeting, saying Sargsyan is forced to meet with unimportant persons.

    The flag of Israel appeared at one of the post-election opposition
    rallies in February that Hayots Ashkharh used to tie Ter-Petrosyan
    to Jews.

    The Jewish community stated then they were annoyed with the appearance
    of the flag in the rally. "We thought then it was a provocation, but
    it appeared later it was done by a Jewish woman living in Armenia,
    who has nothing to do with the community in support of Lyudmila
    [Ter-Petrosyan], despite she had neither the moral nor the legal
    right for that."