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Turkey is =?unknown?q?Typing=A6Favorite?= Posts of the Week

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  • Turkey is =?unknown?q?Typing=A6Favorite?= Posts of the Week

    Global Voices Online, MA

    Turkey is Typing¦Favorite Posts of the Week

    Tuesday, June 26th, 2007 @ 01:43 UTC

    by Deborah Ann Dilley

    Topics: Arts & Culture, History, Entertainment

    Today's Turkey is Typing takes us through my list of favorite postings
    this week: from prostitution as a cause of the holocaust, a curse or
    two, culturicide, bureaucracy and carpet cleaning, a new edition of
    the guide to Turkish blogs....and a startling omission about what
    someone would do for love of a 'smoking hot' bod.

    Today feels like a random day, so you will get a random posting with
    all of the Turkish posts this week that tickled my fancy.

    The Cause of the Holocaust

    Me and Others writes this week about how the fabled quote from Hitler
    `After all, who remembers the Armenians' is used over and over as a
    justification of the Jewish Holocaust during World War II, and how it
    has been used by Armenian activists to vilify the Turks. Of course,
    there could be other causes¦such as a Jewish prostitute:

    but i have some bad news for those who want to blame the bad turks for
    the nazi crimes. here is an article for you which says `hitlers
    holocaust might have stemmed from syphillis from a jewish prostitute.'
    so it must be not the turks but a jewish prostitude who is behind the
    most evil crimes of the modern times.

    honestly, i dont believe either of the theories have anything to do
    with the realities. such a big evildoing cannot be simply explained by
    one single culprit reason. there are library full of documents trying
    to investigate and fully understand the holocaust, and just simply
    blaming the turks or a misfortunate jewish girl, or even hitler
    himself will not do it.

    Curse of the Turk

    Two more posts this week about Turkishness. One from Hans at
    Internations Musings detailing the Curse of Turan:

    The Curse of Turan (Hungarian: Turáni átok) is a popular
    belief that Hungarians have been under the influence of a malicious
    spell for many centuries. The `curse' manifests itself as inner
    strife, pessimism, misfortune and several historic catastrophes. The
    first disaster was the invasion by the Mongols, and the second the
    invasion by the Ottomans, Battle of Mohács in 1526.

    The second post is more about the curse of fame¦.or rather how to
    obtain it as Talk Turkey illustrates:

    I write this post as a response to the Turkish girl who keeps emailing
    me about becoming a star in Hollywood. You don't become a star, you
    start out as one, unless of course your 'star' alignment happens to be
    in the right place at the right time. Try the Turkish market first. I
    am sure they'll eat you alive as an American Turk discovering her
    roots. Great story line as the gullible gal falling victim to the
    preying men and her battle to overcome the emotions of girl meets boy,
    boy marries girl, and girl finds out he is a Kurd? Some ethnic
    intricacies played out.

    Clash of Culture

    Spooky Sense by Garfucius writes of the treatment by Turkish officials
    of archaeological finds:

    culturicide? just a couple days ago, an ancient harbor was reported
    discovered during the construction of a tunnel for the subterranean
    train in yenikapı, with remains of byzantine boats and other
    archaeological artifacts. true to type, the finds will be collected
    and taken to the museum and the construction of the tunnel will
    continue as planned, apparently, over the ruins of the antique harbor.

    Carpetblogger writes about the trials of Turkish bureaucracy-a
    wonderful primer for trying to survive it in Turkey- and about the
    trials of getting your carpets cleaned:

    The likelihood an elective activity like carpetwashing gets done is
    inversely proportional to the number of linguistic and logistical
    obstacles that stand in its way. Not only must I identify a qualified
    carpet cleaning professional, that person has to come get the
    carpets. Furthermore, moving stinky carpets around is a royal pain in
    the ass any time of the year, more so when it is 100 degrees and you
    are on your own. These are all significant obstacles.

    On the other hand, I have carpetdogs, so my carpets are pretty damn
    dirty. Smelly too. That workhorse 6² x 5² Dagestan sumac that
    was in the dining room in Baku and Kyiv absorbed prodigious amounts of
    food and alcohol from Sunday dinners and parties. These factors make
    carpetwashing less elective and more imperative.

    Most importantly, however, if you're moving into a new apartment with
    Ottoman-era wood floors that appear to be designed for your favorite
    carpets (or, looking at it another way, if you made your second real
    estate purchase based on how good your carpets will look), you cannot
    have dirty carpets.

    So what to do?

    One thing you'll notice about Istanbul is that there are a lot of
    carwashes. Because Turks are enterprising, rare is the carwash that is
    only used for washing cars. For example, because they can be hosed
    down, carwashes are ideal places for a bayram sacrifice ' a ritual
    slaughter of sheep and cows and a right bloody mess. More frequently,
    however, carwash guys are as likely to be aiming their high pressure
    hoses and soap brushes at carpets hanging from wires as Anadolu

    Guide to Turkish Blogs

    Dear Murat from Amerikan Turk has given another guide to the Turkish
    blogs¦I recommend just following the link over there and seeing it
    for yourself. He does a much better job than I.

    And Lastly, My Newest Addiction

    Chronicles of a Turkish Girl is my newest soap opera and it should be
    yours too (in fact it might outweigh my addiction to
    Lonelygirl15¦it's that good). This month she confesses to being
    interested in Christianity just to date her `smoking hot' abs

    Yup, pretty soon I was going to church with him where I looked like a
    fish out of water. I couldn't follow which page they were on in the
    Bible during the sermons, but it didn't matter; I was sitting next to
    this hot guy. Shallow would be the perfect word to describe me. As I
    sat in a house of worship with him, my mind was having the most impure
    thoughts you can possibly imagine.

    It wasn't long before I realized that his sole interest in me was to
    convert me. After awhile, I got tired of hearing about how much Jesus
    loves me. He also went onto to say that he could never be with a woman
    who did not not accept Jesus as the son of God. This `relationship'
    was going nowhere fast. I needed to end it and tell him that I would
    not convert AND that I do not subscribe to any organized religion. 6/turkey-is-typingfavorite-posts-of-the-week/