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RA Government delegation visits Artsakh

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  • RA Government delegation visits Artsakh

    RA Government delegation visits Artsakh
    05.07.2008 14:40

    RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan's working visit to the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic started on July 5. The delegation headed by RA Prime
    Minister comprises the Ministers of Finance, Energy and Natural
    Resources, Education and Science, Culture, Agriculture and the Mayor of
    Yerevan. In the morning the Prime Minister had a meeting with his
    counterpart Arayik Harutyunyan. Simultaneously the Armenian and NKR
    Ministers met to discuss issues of mutual interest.

    Following the meeting the Prime Ministers and members of government of
    the two countries held working consultations, followed by a sitting of
    governments in an extended format. Participants of the sitting summed
    up the results of the previous meetings and discussions, set the future
    directions and programs of cooperation. At the beginning of the sitting
    NKR Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan thanked the Armenian Government
    and its leaders for interested and fruitful discussions and the
    willingness to cooperate.

    Speaking about the aims of the visit, RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan
    noted that the objective is to form the agenda including the fields of
    cooperation and find joint solutions to those agenda issues. The
    Armenian Prime Minister attached importance to the implementation of
    second-generation reforms in NKR. `In Armenia we have new initiatives,
    which already yield positive results. In his pre-election platform RA
    President has proposed the idea that we should be able to make maximal
    use of the potential of the whole Armenian nation, which means that
    first of all we must show our citizens the spheres and programs where
    they can make investments. We should not rely only on state means, but
    create a favorable atmosphere for attracting investments from the
    private sector.'

    During the joint sitting of RA and NKR Governments the Ministers
    presented the problems existing in their spheres, the directions of
    cooperation targeted at their solution and development programs.
    Following the sitting members of government of the two countries
    visited the Memorial to the victims of the Artsakhi war and laid a
    wreath of flowers.

    In the evening Tigran Sargsyan will have a meeting with NKR President
    Bako Sahakyan. Tomorrow morning the Armenian government delegation will
    participate in the opening of the water network in Khramoti and
    Kolkhozashen villages.