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Ten Years of the International Criminal Court

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  • Ten Years of the International Criminal Court

    Media For Freedom, Nepal

    Ten Years of the International Criminal Court
    By: Rene Wadlow Posted on: 7/6/2008

    Ten Years of the International Criminal Court: The Slow but Sure
    Growth of World Law

    René Wadlow*

    For nearly a half a century ' almost as long as the United
    Nations has been in existence ' the General Assembly has recognized
    the need to establish such a court to prosecute and punish persons
    responsible for crimes such as genocide. Many thought that the
    horrors of the Second World War ' the camps, the cruelty, the
    exterminations, the Holocaust ' could never happen again. And yet
    they have. In Cambodia, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Rwanda. Our
    time ' this decade even' has shown us that man's capacity for evil
    knows no limits. Genocide is now a word of our time too, a heinous
    reality that calls for a historic response

    Koffi Annan, then UN Secretary-General

    July 17 marks the 10th anniversary of the Diplomatic Conference
    in Rome that established the International Criminal Court ' a major
    step in the creation of world law. Citizens of the world have usually
    made a distinction between international law as commonly understood
    and world law. International law has come to mean laws that regulate
    relations between States, with the International Court of Justice '
    the World Court in The Hague ' as the supreme body of the international
    law system. The Internatiional Court of Justice is the successor to
    the Permanent Court of International Justice that was established at
    the time of the League of Nations following the First World War. When
    the United Nations was formed in 1945, the World Court was
    re-established as the principal judicial organ of the UN. It is
    composed of 15 judges who are elected by the UN General Assembly and
    the Security Council.

    Only States may be parties in cases before the World Court. An
    individual cannot bring a case before the Court, nor can a company
    although many transnational companies are active at the world
    level. International agencies that are part of the UN system may
    request advisory opinions from the Court on legal questions arising
    from their activities but advisory opinions are advisory rather than

    Citizens of the world have tended to use the term `world law' in
    the sense that Wilfred Jenks, for many years the legal spirit of the
    International Labour Organization, used the term the common law of
    mankind: `By the common law of mankind is meant the law of an
    organized world community, contributed on the basis of States but
    discharging its community functions increasingly through a complex of
    international and regional institutions, guaranteeing rights to, and
    placing obligations upon, the individual citizen, and confronted with
    a wide range of economic, social and technological problems calling
    for uniform regulation on an international basis which represents a
    growing proportion of the subject-matter of the law.' It is
    especially the `rights and obligations' of the individual person which
    is the common theme of world citizens.

    The growth of world law has been closely related to the
    development of humanitarian law and to the violations of humanitarian
    law. It was Gustave Moynier, one of the founders of the International
    Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a longtime president of the ICRC
    who presented in 1872 the first draft convention for the establishment
    of an international criminal court to punish violations of the first
    Red Cross standards on the humane treatment of the sick and injured in
    periods of war, the 1864 Geneva Convention. The Red Cross conventions
    are basically self-enforcing. `If you treat my prisoners of war well,
    I will treat yours the same way.' Governments were not willing to act
    on Moynier's proposition, but Red Cross standards were often written
    into national laws.

    The Red Cross Geneva conventions deal with the way individuals
    should be treated in time of war. They have been expanded to cover
    civil wars and prisoners of civil unrest. The second tradition of
    humanitarian law arises from the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907
    and deals with the weapons of war and the way war is carried on. Most
    of the Hague rules, such as the prohibition against bombarding
    undefended towns or villages, have fallen by the side, but the Hague
    spirit of banning certain weapons continues in the ban on chemical
    weapons, land mines and soon, cluster weapons. However, although The
    Hague meetings made a codification of war crimes, no monitoring
    mechanisms or court for violations was set up.

    After the First World War, Great Britain, France and Belgium
    accused the Central Powers, in particular Germany and Turkey of war
    atrocities such as the deportation of Belgian civilians to Germany for
    forced labor, executing civilians, the sinking of the Lusitania and
    the killing of Armenians by the Ottoman forces. The Treaty of
    Versailles, signed in June 1919 provided in articles 227-229 the legal
    right for the Allies to establish an international criminal court.
    The jurisdiction of the court would extend from common soldiers to
    military and government leaders. Article 227 deals specifically with
    Kaiser Wilhelm II, underlining the principle that all individuals to
    the highest level can be held accountable for their wartime actions.
    However, the USA opposed the creation of an international criminal
    court both on the basis of State sovereignty and on the basis that the
    German government had changed and that one must look to the future
    rather than the past.

    The same issues arose after the Second World War with the
    creation of two military courts ' the International Military Tribunal
    at Nuremberg and the International Military Tribunal for the Far East.
    Some have said that these tribunals were imposing `victors' justice on
    their defeated enemies, Germany and Japan. There was no international
    trial for Italians as Italy had changed sides at an opportune time,
    and there were no prosecutions of Allied soldiers or commanders.

    In the first years of the United Nations, there was a discussion
    of the creation of an international court. A Special Committee was
    set up to look into the issue. The Special Committee mad a report in
    1950 just as the Korean War had broken out, marking a Cold War that
    would continue until 1990, basically preventing any modifications in
    the structure of the UN.

    Thus, during the Cold War, while there were any number of
    candidates for a war crime tribunal, none was created. For the most
    part national courts rarely acted even after changes in
    government. From Stalin to Uganda's Idi Amin to Cambodia's Pol Pot,
    war criminals have lived out their lives in relative calm..

    It was only at the end of the Cold War that advances were made.
    Ad hoc international criminal courts have been set up to try war
    crimes from former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone. Just as the
    Cold War was coming to an end, certain countries became concerned with
    international drug trafficking. Thus in 1989, Trinidad and Tobago
    proposed the establishment of an international court to deal with the
    drug trade. The proposal was passed on by the UN General Assembly to
    the International Law Commission, the UN's expert body on
    international law. By 1993, the International Law Commission made a
    comprehensive report calling for a court able to deal with a wider
    range of issues than just drugs ' basically what was called the three
    `core crimes' of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

    By the mid-1990s, a good number of governments started to worry
    about world trends and the breakdown of the international legal order.
    The break up of the federations of the USSR and Yugoslavia, the
    genocide in Rwanda, the breakdown of all government functions in
    Somalia, the continuing north-south civil war in Sudan ' all pointed
    to the need for legal restraints on individuals. This was particularly
    true with the rise of non-State insurgencies. International law as
    law for relations among States was no longer adequate to deal with the
    large number on non-State actors.

    By the mid-1990s, the door was open to the new concept of world
    law dealing with individuals, and the drafting of the statues of the
    International Criminal Court went quickly. There is still much to be
    done to develop the intellectual basis of world law and to create the
    institutions to structure it, but the International Criminal Court is
    an important milestone.

    *Rene Wadlow is the Representative to the United Nations,
    Geneva, Association of World Citizens and the editor of the online
    journal of world politics and culture