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Georgia: national minorities' attitude towards NATO accession

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  • Georgia: national minorities' attitude towards NATO accession

    Original sender: Alexandra Kalatozishvili <[email protected]>

    Press conference Wednesday 2nd July 2pm
    NATO initiative


    Multinational Georgia launched the initiative 'Multinational Georgia and
    NATO Expansion' because we were concerned about the lack of information
    about and support for Georgia's bid for NATO membership in the regions
    where minorities live compactly. The most important thing is that
    Georgia's ethnic minorities are consulted, rather than excluded, in the
    pre accession negotiations, and that their interests therefore be
    accounted for by the authorities and NATO.

    Our main motive is that we do not want to see two separate political
    directions emerging as regards NATO membership, so that popular feeling
    among minorities and the centre become alienated from each other. In
    recognising that some minority communities are strongly opposed to
    Georgia's bid for NATO membership we developed the initiative to conduct
    research in the minority communities in order to produce a coherent set
    of policy recommendations, for NATO representatives, NGOs and the
    government, to ensure the inclusion of Georgia's minorities into the
    NATO agenda.

    It should be noted that we are confident that, as Multinational Georgia
    already has an established reputation and network of contacts in these
    regions, we are better equipped to conduct such research than someone
    from the government or NATO.

    The initiative will involve a number of stages.

    Firstly, we are directly mapping, through local consultations, how
    people feel about NATO, what is important to them and what tools can be
    applied to support this agenda.

    Secondly we will be working on producing the policy recommendations. We
    will be particularly focusing on how to reconcile the recommendations
    proposed by NATO in order that Georgia will be ready to join the
    alliance, (MAP), with those that emerge from our research as being
    critical in minority regions.

    Another aspect of the initiative is that we will be seeking the approval
    of the Georgian Ministry of Defence to provide specific multicultural
    training seminars for Georgian soldiers who will shortly be posted to
    Iraq. We consider this to be another crucial aspect that already
    NATO-trained Georgian troops are prepared for working in regions
    populated by minorities in Iraq, some of these minorities are also
    present in Georgia.

    I would like to comment also on the results of the first step in this
    process, in which two representatives of YUPMMG held focus group
    discussions with the population of Samstkhe Javakheti. This was
    completed on 23rd /24th June, in Akhalkalaki. Samstkhe-Javakheti as you
    know is a region which hosts a large number of ethnic Armenians, many of
    whom reside in compact settlements. We selected to hold consultations
    with representatives of the following focus groups, who were invited to
    attend discussions at the media centre established by PMMG for the
    purpose of election monitoring:
    Mass media representatives
    Political elite

    Attendance was very encouraging- the group sizes varied between 5 and
    18, so we were able to speak to 35 community representatives in total.
    The focus groups encouraged attendees to discuss their fears openly and
    allowed us also to present some positive information about NATO, in
    order to allay directly some misleadings they already had.

    We learnt three key results from this series of focus group discussions.

    . The lack of information amongst the community about NATO as an
    organization in general and what it should mean for Georgia was clear.
    Although everyone involved had heard of NATO most knew only about its
    military activities, associated it with the coalition war in Iraq and
    were unaware of specific benefits NATO membership could bring for the
    Georgian armed forces. Throughout the discussion forums we gathered
    feedback from attendees on what methods of spreading information would
    work here, such as what mass media resources to employ and how to
    involve teachers. Further details of these specific recommendations will
    be in the final recommendation paper. After meeting with local political
    elites we also learnt that some meetings had been held, prior to the
    recent elections, by Georgian authorities and by NATO representatives,
    to inform them about what NATO membership would mean for the region but
    that the only people invited to these meeting were 10 local politicians.
    Teachers, meanwhile, do not have the information or the training
    available to even answer questions about NATO, even though the children
    are often curious.

    . Political fears about expansion that emerged were contrary to initial
    expectations. Rather than being worried that joining NATO would mean the
    establishment of Turkish bases in the region, attendees were primarily
    concerned about the negative impact joining NATO could have on their
    traveling to and working in Russia, as well as the neighborhood
    relationship with Armenia. Their main interest is that they can maintain
    both economic and familiarial ties with both Russia and Armenia. It is
    good to note that this is not evidence of a widespread ethnically
    hostile feeling towards Turkey but reflecting economic priorities of the
    relations with their neighbours. For some people we spoke to the concern
    that the road to Turkey will be re opened and this will bring Turks
    through the region was a distant, though emotive concern- but this is
    contrasted against a feeling this is an inevitable change.

    . The critical economic aspect for this particular municipality is that
    until recently a Russian base operated there which provided valuable
    economic input into the community. With that gone, the residents of
    Akhalkalaki and its surrounding villages are markedly worse off, and
    therefore more dependent on Russia, as many of their relatives and
    friends work there and most of the goods they can afford are Russian. If
    NATO will construct a new base here or if they can affect these problems
    directly remains an open question. But we can make specific
    recommendations about how to best impact the community should a base be

    What we have learnt from these focus groups is being fed into the
    process we have now started which is to formulate a practical set of
    recommendations on how policy makers should proceed, with the intention
    that the same process will also be undertaken in respect to ethnic
    minority residents living in Kvemo Kartli region and Pankisi.

    We are focusing particularly on feasible ways of disseminating the
    information about NATO which the community needs-as we are establishing
    exactly what that information should be. We are also underlining for
    policy makers what minority interests need to be taken into specific
    account within the pre accession negotiation process.

    When we have compiled sufficient information to make the recommendations
    we will have an additional press conference as well as publicizing the
    recommendations on our website,