Ju ly 7
"The families of ten victims of the March 1 crime, in fact, have
lost their bread-winner, their twenty children that became orphans
have remained without means of living, but the government has made no
decision so far on paying a compensation to these families." Hmayak
Hovhannisian, the Chairman of the Union of Political Scientists of
Armenia, stated at the July 7 dispute.
According to him, today the opposition demands that the Council of
Europe honor the memory of victims and not replace one resolution
by another, but contribute to disclosure of those guilty of the
March 1 events. "Does John Prescott think that the vote of the RA
delegation in PACE is more weighty than the blood of these ten
people?," H. Hovhannisian said. He added that before demanding
proper estimation from Europeans the March 1 events should be first
of all condemned by the very Armenian citizens." "For instance, how
can chauvinistic skinheads fail to kill Armenians in Russia when we
ourselves tolerate murders of our compatriots in Yerevan streets?," H.
Hovhannisian said.
Another participant of the dispute, Mkrtich Minasian, a member of the
RA National Assembly RPA faction, opposing to him said that the most
important is human life and the rest, compensation and other things
are "derivatives."
Meanwhile he said that the government will make a decision on giving
a compensation to victims' families without fail.
Ju ly 7
"The families of ten victims of the March 1 crime, in fact, have
lost their bread-winner, their twenty children that became orphans
have remained without means of living, but the government has made no
decision so far on paying a compensation to these families." Hmayak
Hovhannisian, the Chairman of the Union of Political Scientists of
Armenia, stated at the July 7 dispute.
According to him, today the opposition demands that the Council of
Europe honor the memory of victims and not replace one resolution
by another, but contribute to disclosure of those guilty of the
March 1 events. "Does John Prescott think that the vote of the RA
delegation in PACE is more weighty than the blood of these ten
people?," H. Hovhannisian said. He added that before demanding
proper estimation from Europeans the March 1 events should be first
of all condemned by the very Armenian citizens." "For instance, how
can chauvinistic skinheads fail to kill Armenians in Russia when we
ourselves tolerate murders of our compatriots in Yerevan streets?," H.
Hovhannisian said.
Another participant of the dispute, Mkrtich Minasian, a member of the
RA National Assembly RPA faction, opposing to him said that the most
important is human life and the rest, compensation and other things
are "derivatives."
Meanwhile he said that the government will make a decision on giving
a compensation to victims' families without fail.