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BAKU: Agenda Remains Unchanged. A Modernization Course

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  • BAKU: Agenda Remains Unchanged. A Modernization Course

    Ramiz Mehdiyev

    Day.Az, Azerbaijan
    June 18 2008

    The idea to write this article took time to take shape. I have been
    planning to express my views on the issues that I have been thinking
    about for a long time now. I will not conceal that I was prompted to
    sit down at my desk by the article entitled "Defining the development
    strategy: modernization course" which I published in the Bakinskiy
    Rabochiy newspaper several months ago, which generated genuine and
    considerable interest among the public in the republic and which was
    later published as a separate volume. I have heard enthusiastic views
    as well as opinions that differed from my ideas from national and
    foreign readers many times. Naturally, one article could not cover
    the whole set of topical issues one would want to touch on. This is
    the reason why I deemed it necessary to return to a number of theses
    discussed in the previous article and outline new ones in the context
    of the country's modernization course.

    New ideas vital

    The relations within any society first and foremost represent dialogue
    between generations when one segment is trying to show and prove [its
    point] while the other is not especially enthusiastic and has some
    doubts about [what it is being offered]. This life axiom always has
    and will be identified with historical processes of the humanity moving
    towards a more rational future. It symbolizes a complex of ties within
    society which has been associated with peoples and states without
    changing its essence since the time immemorial. Correspondingly,
    while in the historical context of the past, an individual resisted
    the influence of new socio-cultural patterns and, sometimes, religion,
    explaining everything with science like it happened, for example,
    in Europe during the Reformation and the Enlightenment, in the era
    of the new global process, [an individual] becomes an integrator
    of rapid changes, novelties and innovations, completely rejecting
    everything that conditions anything archaic. Today, a human being is
    a key element of tomorrow's agenda in the process of its formation,
    a progressive, rational and, most frequently transient since the
    speed of the historical process has increased significantly.

    All-permeating and all-consuming integration processes which have
    covered the planet, are latently planting into the consciousness of
    the people the new forms of communication and behaviour, stereotypes
    which change social reality and societies, transform mass culture of
    consumption. What seemed natural and habitual in the past appears
    obsolete and outmoded in the conditions of the "Global Village",
    "Electronic Cottage", "lawlessness of the market economy" and the
    "threat of planetary chaos".

    Just recently, a little over 20 years ago, when the collapse of the
    Soviet Union was drawing to its completion, it was difficult for us to
    imagine that in just 10 years' time, the world would be fully managed
    by information technologies. The progress of the human race in the era
    of transparent financial borders, absence of barriers to the movement
    of capital, changes of geopolitical and geoeconomic environment have
    opened new prospects of development which are considerably different
    from those that were present just recently. They have also started
    shaping the worldview of the new generation.

    Precisely the generation of the "third wave" will have to make the most
    important and responsible decisions in the future, the ones on which
    the future of our state and society will depend. This is why, when
    shaping the strategy of the state policy in the early 21st century,
    President Ilham Aliyev is thinking about the generation which will
    become the main integrator of the socio-political and socio-economic
    development of Azerbaijan tomorrow. Because the success of upcoming
    deeds and projects depends on the stable, secure and trouble-free
    development of this generation.

    When planning state tasks, the political elite always links this to
    those who represent one of the most active groups of the society at
    a given moment. According to the statistics, the share of youth in
    the country with the population of 8.6 million is 31 per cent. These
    are school pupils, students, representatives of medium business, top
    managers, successful executives. It is completely natural that there
    are people among them who have not yet made a decision about their
    future. Overall, however, these are the people who constantly shape the
    micro and macro environment of social reality of the Azerbaijani state.

    The youth has always been an important element in the historical
    processes that the Azerbaijani people went through. During the popular
    movement of 1988-1990, the Azerbaijani youth was on the front-line with
    those who resisted [former Soviet leader] M. S. [Mikhail Sergeyevich]
    Gorbachev's treacherous policy. In January 1990, tens of thousands
    of young people took to the streets and squares of Baku, protesting
    against the attempts to separate Nagornyy Karabakh from Azerbaijan at
    the state level and pass it to Armenia, against unfair and biased
    policy implemented by the leadership of the USSR vis-a-vis the
    Azerbaijani people. As a result of punitive measures carried out
    on Gorbachev's order by the Soviet troops which were mostly staffed
    by Armenians, 137 people were killed with exceptional brutality and
    hundreds of innocent people were wounded. Those were mainly school
    children, students and young representatives of various professions.

    Dozens of young men became the first national heroes when defending
    the territory of the land whose 20 per cent are now occupied by
    neighbouring Armenia. Thousands of young Azerbaijani men fought
    heroically for every inch of the Azerbaijani land, defending it from
    Armenian aggressors. They remembered heroism of their grandfathers,
    who fought against Nazism during the World War II. In October 1994
    and on a March night in 1995, representatives of the Azerbaijani
    youth were the first to defend state sovereignty and order, speak
    against those, who - following the advice from some foreign forces -
    were pinning hopes on turning the state into a puppet, an obedient
    tool in someone else's hands.

    Even if similar historical events are not always identical, they often
    offer an ideal, an example to follow. And this ideal has never failed
    to demonstrate the eternal truth: the Azerbaijani youth has been and
    remains the pillar of statehood.

    In this article, I will try to touch on a number of issues which
    concern every Azerbaijani citizen and, of course, the Azerbaijani
    youth today. I clearly understand the responsibility that I
    undertake by engaging in this discussion as I will be talking to
    an intellectually prepared audience. Moreover, I am sure that it is
    high time to talk openly, informally, even if the conversation takes
    place in the media. It is important to understand that we live in
    the era of significant decisions and momentous changes. How and in
    what status every young person is involved in the process of building
    effective statehood will determine whether the public will succeed in
    settling the difficult tasks it is facing. Because we cannot build a
    "great wall of China" to separate ourselves from "political storms"
    raging in the world.

    New state of affairs in Azerbaijan

    "Our goal is to strengthen, increase the might of the country, to
    give better life to the Azerbaijani people, to have all tasks facing
    the country resolved, to strengthen our positions in the region,"
    said Ilham Aliyev.

    Azerbaijan's independence is a historical fact. Our people with its
    rich, unique traditions of statehood walked the path towards its
    state sovereignty, facing difficult tests throughout many centuries
    of its history. Independence acquired as a result of the collapse of
    the largest superpower in 1991 provided for great opportunities for
    the development of the Azerbaijani state as a fully-fledged regional
    actor. It took a lot of time and effort, however, to overcome the
    repercussions of profound and unequivocal change of the country, learn
    to independently define the pace and intensity of changes within the
    framework of the choice that we made in favour of the fundamental
    values of democracy and market without which no modern society and
    state, laying claims on effective development and a worthy place in
    the world, could exist.

    We had to start and carry out fundamental and sometimes controversial
    reform transformations which, at the same time, provided for economic
    and political development of the country. Every step forward in the
    direction of the new political and economic structure was secured
    by tremendous efforts and a strong belief in the success of the
    initiatives that were being implemented. At the same time, the
    political and economic chaos - a legacy of the previous political
    system - had to be addressed. The difficulty of the transformation
    lied with the fact that extremely important factors of the global
    social reality were not taken into account between late 1991 and
    mid-1993, when Azerbaijan was formally an independent state. What we
    are talking about is that the key role in transformation processes
    on the eve of the 21st century was played by the "human factor" -
    social actors, their motivational, volitional and mental qualities and
    capabilities. Precisely those who found themselves in power during
    these years could not care less about the problem of formation of
    social actors of democratic transformation. They failed to understand
    the complicated nature and the depth of the processes of building a new
    state. They did not explain to the public the meaning and mechanism of
    upcoming political and economic reforms, did not bother with democratic
    awareness raising among the country's citizens, did not think about
    strengthening ties between mass social groups by means of creating
    organizations in which these groups would be able to comprehend and
    defend their interests on the basis of democratic values.

    It would be more accurate, however, to say that, during the first years
    of independence, it was not so much about the political mistakes made
    by democratic leaders of the country as about the absence of such
    leadership in general. At the time of the momentous turning point
    in the history, which was caused by the collapse of the communist
    government and the socialist regime, it turned out that the country had
    no real or even potential organized political forces capable of leading
    a democratic transformation. This first and foremost had to do with the
    historically lengthy existence of the totalitarian system in the Soviet
    Union where the entire state life was strictly controlled by the Centre
    [capitalization as published]. At the time, the stimuli for social
    order and management of economic and socio-political processes in the
    Soviet republic would originate solely in Moscow. This is why, during
    the 70 years of the communist rule, people were completely deprived
    of the possibility of independent socio-political activity. These
    simple maxims of state rule were not taken into account in the first
    years of independence. But, as famous French economist Jacques Leon
    Rueff once said, "the main task of the government at every stage is to
    correctly assess the share of the past which can be kept in the present
    and the share of the present which can be bequeathed to the future".

    The Azerbaijani society, disappointed in the Soviet system and
    those who were in power in 1992-1993, realized that new forces had
    to come to power in the country, the forces which would be able to
    tackle difficult tasks of constructing an independent Azerbaijani
    state. Since "society recognizes and respects only the merits that
    have been proved by deeds. The one who wants to know what he is worth,
    will only be able to learn this from the people and, correspondingly,
    has to let them make a judgment of him" (Helvetius).

    In mid-1993, a part of political elite led by [former Azerbaijani
    President] Heydar Aliyev acquired prominence in the political
    life. Its main goal was to lead the country out of political and
    economic recession, from the situation in which the national social
    structure was devalued, political lawlessness, lack of foreign policy
    balance and "empty shelves" prevailed. Over the next several years,
    working in an extremely difficult situation, President Heydar Aliyev
    had to act decisively to carry out a whole set of radical measures to
    create a stably working socio-economic and socio-political structure,
    prevent the country from sliding to anarchy. The policy carried out
    by President Heydar Aliyev, political and economic reforms which he
    implemented allowed mitigating difficult social consequences of several
    years (1988-1993) of virtual anarchy in the country. These years of
    tireless work gave the country a chance of achieving considerable
    success both in terms of stabilization of the country's political
    life and its economy.

    By 1998, the reforms that were being carried out started producing
    tangible positive results. In this period, it became possible to
    state that the formation of an independent Azerbaijani state had been
    completed. This was recognized by international organizations as
    well as high-ranking representatives of foreign countries visiting
    Azerbaijan. President Heydar Aliyev created a modern state and, at
    the same time, determined the strategy of its development for years
    ahead. He was ahead of his time and had clearly set the strategic tasks
    facing Azerbaijan. He viewed Azerbaijan as an important strategic
    springboard and an economically advantageous partner for the global
    community of states.

    Since 2003, the results of internal development started to
    naturally transform into increased financial, economic and political
    opportunities for the promotion of national interests in the regional
    and international arenas. Azerbaijan started acquiring a steady basis
    for regional leadership, the country became a confident and reliable
    entity of international relations.

    The results of Heydar Aliyev's "oil strategy" provided for the
    country's intensive development and its transformation into the main
    integrator of regional processes. Not only has Azerbaijan become a
    significant transport junction, connecting the East and the West, but
    it has also developed into an important geoeconomic and geopolitical
    springboard for the implementation of large transnational projects. It
    proved to the international community that it is a consistent
    partner with which one can do business and with which it is worth
    doing business.

    Naturally, Azerbaijan started paying attention first and foremost to
    the issues of economic nature, both in terms of internal and external
    aspects. Because to earn a worthy place in the competitive global space
    one should be able to simply stand on one's feet for a start. This
    is why it was important to note that precisely economic prosperity
    predetermines the essence and success of the national democratic
    transition. Precisely based on this postulate, the economy became a
    priority direction of reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev
    during the initial period of his rule. Such approach was substantiated
    as it was necessary to strengthen the economic basis of the state
    independence, create conditions for sustainable development of
    society. At the same time, political tasks of the new society were
    being addressed and these were of evolutionary nature. Obligations
    which were undertaken before international organizations and were to
    democratize the political space and improve the economic structure
    of the state were being implemented.

    Political and economic reforms that are being carried out today are
    acquiring slightly different overtones. This is going to be a new
    stage of the country development. Correspondingly, the direction
    of economic reforms which aim to fully master the characteristic
    traits of the post-industrial society is acquiring a new meaning as
    well. In this case, political and economic reforms will be carried
    out simultaneously as the main task for the upcoming years is the
    democratic consolidation of the Azerbaijani society. Effectively,
    the work in this regard is already under way. As President Ilham
    Aliyev said. "The reforms are being carried out simultaneously, great
    attention is being paid to the issues of building a rule-of-law state
    and democratization of society. The creation of a strong political
    system is a guarantee of all of our future successes as no society
    can develop without robust democratic institutions.

    "At the same time, very serious and radical economic reforms are
    being implemented. All of this is reflected in the increase of
    the population's prosperity as well as in the strengthening of our
    economic potential and the consolidation of our country's positions
    in the global arena in general" (see Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 27 May 2008).

    Regardless of how many times one has to cite F. D. Roosevelt,
    his quote about incompatibility of poverty and freedom is second
    to none in representing the idea of interdependent economic and
    political development, whose real embodiment lies in the strategy of
    President Ilham Aliyev's activities. At the same time, when talking
    about a similar convergence, [Michael] Mandelbaum said very aptly
    in the Foreign Affairs journal: "The key to establishing a working
    democracy, and in particular, the institutions of liberty, has been
    the free-market economy. The institutions, skills, and values needed
    to operate a free-market economy are those that, in the political
    sphere, constitute democracy".

    The period of 2008-2013 is the time of creation of a powerful industry
    and its diversification. An intensive economic development of the
    country will help make the growth of the industrial potential an
    important and priority direction of the country's development for us
    and help make the industrialization process unfold at high speed. There
    are sufficient monetary resources available to this end. Over the
    next few years, new jobs will be created and new preconditions for
    the transition to the post-industrial society will be formed.

    At the same time, the agrarian sector of the economy will receive a
    new, powerful incentive. The course chosen by the country today aims
    to provide the population with all kinds of agricultural goods, and
    the issue of food security is becoming a priority direction as well.

    The effectively working interconnection between politics and economics
    allowed Azerbaijan to become a significant and the most intensively
    developing country of the post-Soviet area in the past several
    years. According to international organizations' reports, Azerbaijan,
    in terms of its competitive capacity, is not just the regional
    leader but is among the key competitive states in the post-Soviet
    area. According to the IMF, the growth of income per capita in the
    next six years in Azerbaijan will be the fastest in the world (252.6
    per cent). Thus, GDP per capita in Azerbaijan will increase from
    3.663 dollars in 2007 to 12.915 dollars in 2013. Therefore, while in
    2003 the national income per capita in Azerbaijan (880 dollars) was
    approximately equal to similar indicators of Armenia (873 dollars),
    in 2013, Azerbaijan will be over three times ahead of its neighbour
    in terms of similar indicators. In 2013, Azerbaijan will be 56th in
    terms of GDP per capita among 181 countries represented in the IMF
    report. Thus, Azerbaijan will be following the countries of the EU,
    developed countries of North America and Asia and oil-producing
    countries of the Near East. Today (according to the 2007 report),
    Azerbaijan is in the 91st place according to current indicators.

    Our task is to keep the national economy growing and maintain its
    leading position among the former Soviet republics. Without going
    into the details of economic determinants, we would underscore
    that Azerbaijan, over the past five years, managed to considerably
    reduce the negative ramifications of the post-Soviet transformation,
    smoothly moving on to the sphere of purposefully forming the basics
    of a liberal economy.

    Aside from economic development, we have also defined an open
    and democratic society to be a priority of our development. This
    is our strategic choice, the most important vector of the state
    policy. Azerbaijan started the process of fundamental transformation,
    considering the need to provide for all rights and freedoms of
    citizens, the rule of law and respect for our ancient traditions. It
    is, however, important to remember that Azerbaijan is only at the
    start of its path. Nevertheless, it has already secured one of the
    most fundamental conditions for the success of the reform process:
    internal political and economic stability which guarantees our gradual
    movement towards our goal.

    The national democratic transition allowed reforming the Azerbaijani
    society based on the requirements and conditions of global
    transformations which define the modern agenda. The experience of
    developed countries demonstrates that the basis for a representative
    political democracy is formed by an economic democracy, the free
    market. This is why we too base our arguments on the premise that
    "encouraging the spreading of free markets is the best way of
    consolidating democracy". Only free market could provide for the
    formation of a working democratic regime, open civil society and
    traditions which condition competitiveness and pluralism in the
    development of society.

    Incidentally, this embodies our century-long experience of building
    a liberal economy as well. Should we take a look at the past, we will
    see many examples of the influence that economic aspects have had on
    the transformation of the socio-political consciousness of the people
    in the national history. As we know, Azerbaijan became part of the
    Russian Empire in 1828. However, the Tsarist government did not have
    enough levers to manage the region's economy. As a result, a so-called
    private purchase system was created whereby the Tsarist government
    sold the right to manage all oil wells to private individuals. As a
    result of this policy, a social layer of rich oil producers, that is
    to say, national bourgeoisie, was formed in Azerbaijan. It was thanks
    to their support that national newspapers started being published in
    Azerbaijan in late 19th century, industrial infrastructure appeared and
    a number of students were sponsored to receive education in the best
    foreign universities. Precisely their milieu subsequently produced
    prominent social and political figures. Introduction of capitalism
    started to gradually affect the development of social and political
    thought, facilitate the formation of the national identity, provided
    for democratization of the public consciousness.

    The modern Azerbaijani public perceives democracy as the most
    important social factor of the national development. This approach
    holds the key to the understanding and comprehension of the gradual,
    evolutionary, stage-by-stage transition of the new axiological and
    behavioural norms of democratic transformation into the public,
    mass consciousness. However, as any other process, the process of
    democratization of the Azerbaijani society unfolds, taking historical
    and cultural reality of the national history into account. We can
    by no means ignore this aspect. It is important to realize that any
    change in the social environment of the public after many years of
    constant political imperatives can and should be carried out with
    the necessary consideration for the factor of public perception of
    the new orientation points and the change of generations.

    Democratization in Azerbaijan is a lengthy process which encompasses
    several historical contexts. It has to be considered that, first, it is
    a transition from the Soviet system to the independent co-existence
    in the conditions of the expansion of "democracy's third wave";
    second, it is the establishment of the fundamentals for the beginning
    of democratization; third, the creation of necessary conditions for
    democratization; and, finally, fourth, it is a gradual transformation
    of the public consciousness interconnected with the state's economic
    development. This set [of stages] has been implemented over the past
    15 years, with the stages gradually replacing each other. Only this
    kind of sequence of national development offers prospects of successful
    democratization of the Azerbaijani society.

    Modernization of economic and social structures affected by
    [globalization] is most frequently considered to be the key factor
    of democratization in the conditions of globalization. Since economic
    development through the use of modern technology leads to the increase
    in wealth which, in turn, gives green light to democracy. As early
    as in 1984, Samuel Huntington wrote that "the correlation between
    the wealth of a nation and its democratization is quite strong"
    (Huntington S. P. "Will More Countries Become Democratic?" Political
    Science Quarterly, 1984, No 99, p 199). S. M. Lipset, who especially
    studied the link between the level of economic development of states
    and their political arrangement, believed that democratization depends
    on many factors but the level of socio-economic development is its
    "main and necessary condition". According to his estimates, 74 per cent
    of the countries with the lowest level of economic development were
    governed by authoritarian regimes, 24 per cent - by "semi-democratic"
    regimes and only one country, India, had a democratic regime. Among
    the countries with the level [of economic development] below and
    above average, 11 and 30 per cent respectively were democratic while
    all countries with developed market economies were in the latter
    category. (Lipset, S. M. et al., "Comparative analysis of conditions
    required for establishment of democracy", International Journal of
    Social Sciences, 1993, No 3, p 9 [as published]).

    The interrelation between economic and political development once
    again underscores our thesis that democracy is a component of intensive
    economic growth. In addition to this, however, the path that we have
    chosen represents a set of cultural-historical and moral approaches
    of the Azerbaijani society towards the provision for its rights and
    freedoms. We do not conceal that democracy in Azerbaijan is sometimes
    criticized without really providing a clear explanation of what its
    flaws are. It is being criticized without considering its achievements
    in the sphere of political and socio-economic development, including
    the resolution of the pressing problems concerning citizens' well-being
    as well as liberalization of the economy. It is being forgotten
    that our democracy is in the stage of adolescence while the Western
    democracy is already living in the conditions of a post-industrial
    society and has entered the phase of political strategies. Azerbaijan
    is yet to broaden and intensify and then complete the post-industrial
    cycle. In the process of democratization of the "new democracies",
    the peculiarities of geographic determinism are not being considered
    either, even though the processes of "exporting democracy" to Iraq and
    Afghanistan serve as the best examples of the difficulty associated
    with a strong-arm introduction of the "fifth element" (democracy -
    author's note).

    In this context, Francis Fukuyama has very aptly said: "An exceedingly
    optimistic idea of Iraq after Saddam made it impossible to think about
    the needs of a post-war society and about nation building. The change
    of the regime was not achieved through slow and labour-intensive
    construction of liberal and democratic institutions but simply by
    setting a negative task: getting rid of the old regime." (F. Fukuyama,
    "America at the Crossroads", M., 2007, p 90) [translated from Russian,
    not an original quote].

    Yes, when talking about democracy in Azerbaijan, we are sometimes
    being blamed for our democracy being inadequate or imperfect. At times,
    subjective arguments are cited to substantiate these conclusions, using
    them to explain the deviation from democratic principles [sentence as
    published]. In addition, those who assess democracy in the country
    do not want to consider the fact that, as we said earlier, it is
    still in the phase of formation, establishment, development. Attempts
    are being made to impose on us the standards that are unacceptable
    to us from the outset, the standards that, due to various reasons,
    are not on the agenda or do not exist as a subject of discussion
    in other states. We cannot help being surprised by such selective
    approach hiding behind the commendation of democracy. If democracy is
    a universal concept, it should be treated as such. No-one would call
    Britain undemocratic just because it still has a law which says that
    it is a high treason if a person attached a post stamp depicting a
    monarch upside down or because it is officially banned to eat sweet
    pies with raisins on Christmas there. These absurd examples clearly
    demonstrate the following: what is acceptable in one country cannot
    be an example of backsliding on democracy in another. It is hard for
    us to imagine how an election in the country where, as a result of a
    dispersal of those protesting against rigging the election results,
    28 people were killed, where the state of emergency was declared,
    the work of the media outlets was restricted and MPs were put under
    arrest, can be considered democratic. A true backslide on basic
    democratic norms after the March 2008 presidential election in Armenia
    is obvious. Nevertheless, those who determine the norms of democracy,
    believes otherwise. It is a paradox but it is the reality. Such actions
    are increasingly strengthening the view that democracy is more and
    more frequently being used as a means for geopolitical pressure on
    "new democracies", as a mechanism for achieving a concrete goal.

    President Ilham Aliyev said about this: " the past years, the
    issue of democracy has been raised artificially in some cases, and
    countries have been presented as democratic or undemocratic based
    on the interests of certain circles of some states. Sometimes, we
    encounter elements of double standards.

    "In some cases, the political processes that unfold in the three
    countries of the South Caucasus are being analysed in a biased
    manner. Sometimes, we witness a jaundiced attitude towards the creative
    work carried out in Azerbaijan, the development of elements of the
    modern approach there. Sometimes, incorrect criteria are being chosen
    for comparing the three countries of the South Caucasus. We have
    never compared ourselves to anyone, far from it. We aim to make the
    Azerbaijani people more prosperous, to consolidate Azerbaijan. However,
    if we are making comparisons, we can say that, unlike our neighbours,
    no states of emergency are being introduced in Azerbaijan, political
    opponents are not being arrested, there is no censorship and the press,
    independent press outlets, are not being closed. Unlike Armenia,
    Azerbaijan does not use force against civilians, does not kill dozens
    of innocent people.

    "I am emphasizing this because some politicians, when comparing
    the processes unfolding in the three countries, prefer to employ
    subjective approaches and turn a blind eye to the terrible events in
    another country, trying to inflate minor issues in Azerbaijan into
    huge events" (Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 9 May 2008).

    As we can see, as democratic ideas and views become more globalized,
    a whole set of issues, concerning their real and ultimate goals,
    emerges. It is becoming increasingly apparent that democracy and
    its ideals are frequently being used for political rhetoric and open
    pressure on the entities of international relations, more specifically,
    on sovereign states. In addition, the states which had walked a
    long and controversial path towards democracy are the ones that are
    trying to impose their viewpoint. Mike Hancock, member of PACE [the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe] from Britain, said
    that "being a member of many reputable international organizations,
    our country (Britain - author's note) deems it perfectly normal to
    imprison our citizens without providing any reasons for this... It is
    inexpedient for a country where people can be put in prison for 90 days
    without explanations to come to Azerbaijan and dictate to it what it
    has to do and how it has to behave" (Zerkalo newspaper, 12 April 2008).

    As an active actor of the developing architecture of the world security
    and global democratic structure, Azerbaijan bases its actions on its
    own understanding of the degree of priority of this task. We know that
    democratization in Azerbaijan has its peculiarities and is closely
    linked to the archetypes of the Azerbaijani people, our national
    mentality. Democratization in Azerbaijan is yet to pass many tests of
    maturity in order to fully transform the public, mass consciousness
    so that it would acquire the new axiological attitudes, stereotypes
    and norms of behaviour typical for post-industrial societies. We are
    yet to walk a certain path to make democracy or, more specifically,
    its consolidation, full-fledged and strengthened.

    The experience of the national democratic transition confirms the
    validity of a civilizational as well as a multi-stage approach to the
    historical dynamic of democracy. The level of Azerbaijan's democratic
    development is in many ways similar to the one that was typical
    for many European countries at the early stages of their capitalist
    modernization and the genesis of the industrial society. Therefore,
    when talking about a democratic transition in Azerbaijan, historical
    repetitiveness of these processes should be remembered. This is
    a historical logic which demonstrates the essence of democratic

    Many academic articles on global democratization say: "Promotion of
    democracy for the George Bush administration is the main task with
    regard to combating terrorism and within the framework of the general
    strategy". In the context of this strategy, the "axis of evil" - an
    axis of states, representing a potential threat to the interests of
    the United States and security in the world - has emerged. Strangely
    enough, much earlier, in August 1945, Japanese Emperor Hirohito
    said in his abdication speech [as published; should be: speech on
    Japan's surrender]: "Indeed, we declared war on America and Britain
    out of our sincere desire to insure Japan's self-preservation and
    the stabilization of East Asia, it being far from our thought either
    to infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations or to embark upon
    territorial aggrandizement". Even more interesting are the statements
    made by Martin Heidegger, one of the prominent Nazi figures, in 1935:
    he said that Germany must immediately stop "the threat of global
    darkness" coming from beyond Germany's borders, that Germany is
    defending "the highest possible forms of human existence introduced
    by the Greeks" from "a violent attack which annihilates everything
    indiscriminately, killing all impulses of the spirit that created our
    world". John Stuart Mill wrote a classical essay about humanitarian
    intervention when Britain was committing most serious crimes in
    India and China. He said that Britain had to take that path despite
    "being hampered by malignant gossip" of backward Europeans, incapable
    of understanding that Britain is a "world's novelty", an angel-state,
    acting exclusively "for the benefit of others" and wishing "no profit
    for itself" in anything it does (Noam Chomsky, "Failed States", M.,
    2007) [translated from Russian, not original quotes].

    Given the historical example, regardless of the true goals of those
    who wanted to change the world based on their views, the rhetoric
    around the creation of a safe and democratic world order has always
    remained unchanged. It was a convenient cover for Realpolitik. Things
    turned completely different when the results were concerned.

    More and more often, when thinking about democratic transition, I
    cannot shake off the thought that the process of "democracy's third
    wave" which began in 1974 has, in the first decade of the 21st century,
    started being identified with geopolitical and geoeconomic impulses
    and a total withdrawal from the essence of the concept of "state
    sovereignty". As early as in the late last century, an indefinite
    number of international nongovernmental organizations appeared, their
    role being the analysis of human rights and freedoms exclusively in
    the post-Soviet area. Their reports on the situation concerning human
    rights often shape the policy of states on whose territories they are
    located or express positions for further political bargaining. In such
    cases I often recall one of Mikhail Bulgakov's characters who says:
    "I dream of Spain, the city of Madrid. I have never been there. But
    I am certain that it is a dump!"

    The practice in which international nongovernmental organizations
    started influencing governments' decision-making has, in a way,
    proved quite successful. Hence the nongovernmental organizations'
    task to create a new lever of influencing transformation in yet to be
    consolidated societies by means of "rhetorical" pressure. Today, they
    are facilitating the identification of regimes that are "desirable" or
    "undesirable" in terms of geopolitical and geoeconomic benefits. With
    this approach, democracy becomes a barometer of loyalty to the West,
    that is to say, in the conditions of mondialism and monocentric order,
    the level of democratic development is being assessed by the degree
    of geopolitical and geoeconomic dependence. In these circumstances,
    new conditions of coexistence are being formed and the order that is
    being established on the planet is increasingly clearly presenting
    itself as Pax Oeconomicana - the geoeconomic order. It is becoming
    increasingly more evident that global economy is the global revolution
    of our age that has already happened and it is becoming a system that
    is governing everywhere.

    In the context of global changes, democratic theory and practice
    based on the Westphalian principles is gradually but purposefully
    undergoing historical revision (the Peace of Westphalia signed in
    1648 marked an important stage in the evolution of international
    relations. The signing of the Peace of Westphalia which had ended
    the Thirty Years' War launched the creation of a new international
    political system based on the idea of a nation-state. The exceptional
    significance of the transformation that occurred in the middle of
    the 17th century lies with the fact that a system of relations was
    formed whose main principles still exist and continue working to
    this day despite serious changes and some reservations). By shifting
    the emphasis from the national sovereignty, the "globalization of
    politics" is making all nation states dependent on the functional
    parts of the larger model of global changes and flows. At the same
    time, the idea of "global politics" is changing the traditional
    perception of the difference between national and international,
    domestic and foreign, territorial and non-territorial policy which
    are rooted in the universally accepted concepts of "political". One
    needs to understand, however, that the mankind has been and will
    remain the Tower of Babel where there can be no unanimity.

    However, the world order that is taking shape is challenging the
    universally accepted Westphalian state-based system of international
    relations and the perception of the global political order from
    the position of realism. The structures of civil society, secular
    attitudes, democratic principles and procedures, which are being
    increasingly frequently used as a camouflage for policies that are
    not democratic at all, are being undermined. All of this forms the
    situation in which states are recognized as democratic only when
    they offer their territories for the stationing of military bases,
    are a springboard for geopolitical influence, are members of a
    military-political alliance of the Western states and unquestioningly
    follow requests and demands laid down by the "power players". This
    is why the statements of those who claim that the world has entered
    a new, post-democratic era, sound relevant since the peculiarity of
    modernity is that it has not had a predecessor since there was no
    democracy but only its illusion.

    Thus, at the global level, democracy is increasingly frequently
    being perceived as a form of imposing a strategic line on a group of
    states that are just entering the area of post-industrial axiological,
    political and economic orientation points. For example, many people
    remember how an "antidemocratic nature" of Turkey's ruling elite
    suddenly started being discussed after the Turkish government, to
    everyone's surprise, decided to actually fulfil the wish of 95 per
    cent of its population and did not allow Washington to open a front
    against Iraq in Turkey. In the US press, the Turks were harshly
    criticized for the absence of the "key traits of democracy". In
    his book entitled Failed States, well-known historian Noam Chomsky
    appositely wrote about these insinuation on democracy, citing
    the example of Venezuela: "In 2002, the United States supported
    a military coup to overthrow a legitimately elected government
    of Venezuela led by Hugo Chavez. However, it had to quietly flee
    after being unanimously condemned by Latin America where, unlike in
    Washington, democracy is not perceived as something 'fanciful' and
    'obsolete'. After the government regained power as a result of the
    popular upheaval, Washington started undermining it, disguising its
    efforts by 'supporting democracy' - an all too familiar scenario"
    (p 214) [translation from Russian, not an original quote].

    As a result, the new world order is already being perceived as a system
    of "double standards" in which international actions that are being
    implemented clash with the established norms and principles. However,
    there is a rule: if someone suggests that you dismantle something, it
    is logical to ask what they are offering in exchange? A call to break
    something and "think of something afterwards" is not trustworthy. Such
    a dysfunction of international law has been demonstrated by a whole
    set of failed international initiatives over the past decade. The
    international community is increasingly frequently witnessing how a
    process of democratization becomes a definition of will of a certain
    political concept [as published], which eventually produces new
    international disagreements which undermine the idea of building
    a sustainable and stable architecture of the regional and global
    security. At the same time, when shaping the global order, some
    forget about copybook maxims: democracy is first and foremost every
    people's sovereign right to determine the strategy and path of its
    own development. It implies the presence and operation of democratic
    institutions for the benefit of the people, for its full-fledged
    life, and does not aim to use them in order to fulfil external goals
    and tasks.

    In these difficult conditions of global transformations, Azerbaijan
    is behaving as a consistent actor of international relations,
    stably forming its domestic and foreign-policy agenda. This agenda
    reflects the ideal of building independent statehood which was
    introduced by Heydar Aliyev and is being implemented by President
    Ilham Aliyev today. In essence, this is a new policy which expresses
    the aspiration to build a sovereign state with modernized economy,
    civil society and liberal traditions. This is a path that leads to
    the post-industrial, information society. The path of democratic
    development defined by President Ilham Aliyev today aims to create
    a sustainable, consolidated democratic system in the country, the
    system in which every citizen feels that he or she is a part of the
    process of building an effective statehood.

    Forming the new generation

    "Bringing up the younger generation is an extremely important
    issue for any country as its future and its fate depend on today's
    youth." Ilham Aliyev.

    A political system works well if it fully takes into account
    the creative role of the younger generation in the life of the
    society. President Heydar Aliyev fully understood the need to
    involve the most active group of society in the state building. The
    establishment of the Ministry of Youth and Sport in 1994 determined
    the nature of the state policy in the sphere of youth affairs. It
    has to be underscored that there are few states among the post-Soviet
    republics that are similar to Azerbaijan, where the issues of the youth
    are being regulated at the level of a ministry, where the state is
    constantly, actively and enthusiastically paying so much attention
    to intellectual, creative, cultural and physical development of
    the youth. Thus, the formation of an appropriate environment for
    the activities of young people, providing for their development,
    structuring, arrangement of leisure activities and creation of the
    necessary conditions for creative work have become one of the priority
    directions of Azerbaijan's state policy. "Young people are our future"
    as a mission statement voiced by Heydar Aliyev at the First Youth
    Forum of Azerbaijan in 1996 became a keynote of the formation of
    policy for years ahead.

    Today, the Azerbaijani youth are the generation of new managers,
    representatives of the cultural sphere, they are dozens of sportsmen,
    who have secured leading positions in world competitions. In the
    future, this generation will undertake the responsibility for the
    state sovereignty, for defining the strategy of development of
    society, the formation of an appropriate environment for future
    generations. Azerbaijan is a country of great opportunities and the
    Azerbaijani youth are facing the task of taking advantage of this
    potential of the state in full.

    The intensive economic development of the state over the past years has
    created prerequisites for resolving the problem of unemployment among
    young people. The creation of the Mortgage Foundation has mitigated
    the housing problem for young families, the establishment of the
    Council of State Support for Nongovernmental Organizations provides
    for young people's participation in implementing social projects
    aimed at stepping up the activities of the third sector in the life
    of the state. At the same time, President Ilham Aliyev's decision on
    educating 5,000 young people abroad has provided greater opportunities
    for receiving higher education in the most modern fields, increasing
    the general intellectual level of youth, forming a new world-view
    environment, creating a basis for the development of new top managers.

    President Ilham Aliyev has set a task to create a necessary basis
    for new managers, for supplying the country with cadres, capable of
    thinking in terms of categories of the modern world order, capable of
    defending the state's interests. To put it simply, if we are all to fly
    in one plane, we have to choose its pilot based on his or her skill
    of flying a plane rather than by social status or wealth. Therefore,
    we need people who are self-motivated, intellectual and creative,
    who are the true patriots. This strategic goal is based on three main
    factors: the aspiration to ensure the success of the modernization
    course, consolidate political institutions and traditions, preserve
    the national identity in the conditions of intensive Westernization
    and globalization. We have to remember that people deprived of its
    roots are guided by their instincts and passions.

    Young people, being the key element of the society, are an important
    component of the democratization process, they work as an active
    integrator of the public's transparency. Unfortunately, however,
    we have to state that separate political groups are often trying to
    manipulate the naivety of the youth or their lack of experience. It
    is a completely different issue when the youth become a mouthpiece
    of the public will, a herald of positive social changes, act as a
    significant element of the democratic transformation. It is, however,
    absolutely inadmissible when an attempt is made to take advantage of
    young people in order to promote various corporate interests or for
    destructive ends.

    In 2005, when a number of post-Soviet states had gone through
    the stage of "colour transformations", the experience of Otpor,
    Pora and Kmara [youth movements which participated in deposing
    incumbent governments in Serbia, Ukraine and Georgia respectively]
    became a source of inspiration for those who cherished the hope for
    a similar "velvet revolution" in Azerbaijan. Various clientelist
    youth organizations similar to those, whose task is to express and
    fulfil exclusively the will of foreign advisers and sponsors, started
    being created in the country. Having made a reference book out of
    >From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp, which people call a
    "bible of non-violent revolutions", these organizations tried to lure
    representatives of the Azerbaijani youth into a confrontation in the
    name of fulfilment of quite suspicious ideas, presented as a tested
    course for establishing democracy. Authors of the "colour scenarios"
    simply failed to understand the fact that the Western societies rely
    on traditions that took shape over decades and on the experience
    they have acquired when overcoming the problem of dysfunction of a
    representative democracy or of bringing democratic institutions in
    line with the reality of the post-industrial era. While the societies
    of the South and the East are yet to undergo an exceptionally
    difficult process of creating and "grasping" the democratic
    practices that are appropriate for their conditions and traditions,
    the evolutionary forms of democratic changes without cataclysms and
    catastrophic destruction. All attempts to copy and apply a model
    of "democratization" which was nurtured in a different national
    environment are baseless and, therefore, mistaken. The "export of
    ideas" is similar to the "export of revolutions". Consider the past
    experience: we know that the Soviet leadership's attempts to "export"
    socialist revolution to the Arab world and the African continent failed
    despite spending millions of US dollars to this end. When implementing
    an idea - any idea, including a progressive one - one needs to be
    oriented to the real state of the society rather than a desired one.

    At the same time, we should remember that the peculiarity of the
    national democratic transition is that it is being implemented in a
    country that does not at all belong to the category of traditional
    societies. During the Soviet period, Azerbaijan became an industrial
    country with a relatively high level of urbanization and education
    among the population. During those years, completely new factors were
    formed which allowed to subsequently provide for cultural prerequisites
    of democratization of the Azerbaijani society. Naturally, the country's
    ties with the European civilized area played a significant role in
    this regard. The archetypes of the Azerbaijani mentality have long
    held the ideals of freedom albeit in the form corresponding to the
    complementary milieu of the East and the West. During "Gorbachev's
    changes", which became a basis for the "Brownian motion towards
    freedom of thought", these ideals became an embodiment of ideas
    of establishing justice in the issue around Nagornyy Karabakh. The
    aspiration to prevent the secession (separation - author's note) of
    Nagornyy Karabakh from Azerbaijan to join Armenia was the main idea,
    the driving force of the popular movement in 1988-1989. It was after
    the events that occurred in January 1990 that the idea of national
    independence, which had been brewing within the masses, captured
    people's minds and became the main goal in the struggle for national
    and state independence. Precisely these ideals encouraged those who
    fought for the preservation of the statehood and independence from
    the outset, in the difficult 1993 when the country was threatened not
    only by the Armenian separatism but also by the internal rift. The
    appearance of a large spectrum of political organizations and public
    movements at the time demonstrated the existence of preconditions
    for the development of the democratic and civil consciousness.

    The representative democracy created in Azerbaijan became the only
    possible alternative to the Soviet regime which had discredited
    and destroyed itself. Its specific forms were - and this is
    perfectly natural - borrowed from the societies where they were
    best developed. However, we did not blindly copy the experience
    of others. When adopting the "Western" patterns of democracy, we
    acted in full accordance with the global historical experience of
    democratization. Everywhere in the world, this process was accompanied
    by critical comprehension of the foreign experience. Borrowing and
    adoption were never as simple as a transfer of a "standard" or, more
    precisely, an "imprint". This was not the case in Azerbaijan either.

    It will soon be 17 years since we declared independence of our state
    and rejected the political system of an autarchic Soviet society. The
    generation of people, to whom the ideas and views of the communist
    era are strange, is growing up in Azerbaijan today. Over these years,
    the whole generation of young people who have not seen the difficulties
    of the transformation and great social cataclysms of the first years
    of independence, has been shaped. However, it is extremely important
    to remember the history, to know and appreciate all the experience,
    as understanding history would guarantee one from repeating the
    mistakes of the past.

    Modern Azerbaijan is a modernizing area of democratic transformation,
    open economy and free citizens. Serving as a bridge between the
    East and the West, Azerbaijan is not just a civilizational knot
    but also an important geopolitical and geoeconomic factor. All of
    this predetermines the attitude towards us both in the region and
    beyond. We should understand that the laws of geographic determinism
    often condition the relations. Neither should we ever forget that
    "there are no true friends without true enemies".

    Generation of responsibility

    "A person can and must be patriotic. However, his or her knowledge
    or professional level may not be up to the mark. In this case,
    his or her devotion to homeland would not be able to fully satisfy
    us. Professionalism, devotion to homeland and distinctive human
    qualities should all complement each other," said Ilham Aliyev.

    Azerbaijan is going through an absolutely new period of its
    historical development. In the conditions of global transformation
    and intensification of regional processes, the role and the place
    of a state in global participation undergoes modification. The new
    world order changes not only borders and forms of relation, it also,
    to a great extent, shapes a different culture of relations between
    individuals. Information and communications technologies are opening
    new possibilities and prospects of relations for communication,
    relations and friendship. It is perfectly clear that a person of the
    late 21st century will be a lot more productive than a contemporary
    person. This will to a large extent be the result of an increase in the
    influence of innovative technologies on the life and consciousness of
    the people. Even today it is hard to imaging people who do not have
    e-mail or are not using information and communications technologies
    of one kind or another.

    The world of the 21st century is a space for new endeavours that are
    inseparably linked to IT, which shapes society of the Post-Modern
    [capitalization as published], the "knowledge-based society", in
    other words, "information society".

    The mankind has already entered the stage of its development which it
    calls information society. It gradually comes into our lives as part
    of the Post-Modern, post-industrial society which is swiftly altering
    the customary norms and values. Unprecedented development of computer
    technologies, satellite communications, information novelties, the
    shift of emphases in terms of axiological orientation points, new bio
    and nanotechnology discoveries and so on can serve as evidence. Thus,
    global integration facilitates the crystallization of universal
    categories, which are forming the principles, the arrangement of the
    new world order. Nevertheless, it often fails to answer the question
    as to whose rules determine the selection of these principles. All of
    this symbolizes the fact that the humanity is already in a certain new
    era which will determine the strategy of our development for the next
    several decades. The key meaning of the ongoing transformations is that
    global integration as such will be no longer changing its essence. From
    now on, only two factors influencing the life of individuals will be
    affected by the change: the speed, transience of processes and the
    behavioural norms and stereotypes. The world is on the brink of the
    "clash of speeds" ([Alvin] Toffler) and, therefore, these two aspects
    of the social reality will change while everything else has already
    achieved its final goal. In this situation, a person becomes involved
    in virtually everything in a multifaceted way. Global processes impose
    on us a responsibility to tackle an increasing number of tasks, to do
    several things at the same time. Speed and transience are becoming
    characteristic traits of our lifestyle to an increasingly greater
    extent: three minutes of browsing the internet seem like eternity if
    pages do no load in five or six seconds while pictures on cable TV
    in the United States change every 3.5 seconds. As Alvin Toffler said,
    "We live in the conditions of such super-speeds today that the old rule
    'time is money' needs to be revised. Today, every period of time is
    more expensive than the preceding one" [translated from Russian, not an
    original quote] (A. Toffler, H. Toffler, "Revolutionary Wealth", M.,
    2007, p 87). This globalization wave which is, in a way, similar to
    a Kondratiev wave, will last several more decades. In the conditions
    of globalization, postulated perception of reality, in many ways
    imposed from outside by the media, is typical for most people. The
    internet, having expanded the possibilities of accessing all kinds of
    information, has simultaneously created a problem of filtering this
    information. The social environment, social matrix is paying great
    attention to this issue. The Internet provides for a new opportunity
    for overcoming provincialism and separation. At the same time, the
    internet stimulates the creation of increasingly more subtle worlds
    that are hard to enter. The new system of inclusion and exclusion is
    trying to resist noise, filth, violence and, to this end, it is using
    "electronic walls" that are, in turn, vulnerable and easy to break.

    It is a fact, albeit paradoxical, that the speedy progress, increase
    in production of material goods and general "civilization" have quite
    a negative effect on the conditions of a person. V. V. Partsvania
    said: "A person is losing a foothold. A concrete 'I' tends to become
    abstract and dissolve in the universal 'I'. The helplessness of an
    individual's existence increases and its meaninglessness becomes more
    profound. Collective social relations do not produce the main value
    - a person, and do not make him the main goal" (V. V. Partsvania,
    "Russia and Georgia: dialogue and cultural similarities: collection
    of symposium materials", Collection of articles, Issue No 1,
    V. V. Partsvania ed., St Petersburg: St Petersburg Philosophical
    Society, 2003, p 255).

    At the same time, if we are talking about a "philosophical
    underpinning" of the information society, we have to mention Jean
    Baudrillard, Karl Popper and other ideologues of "open society"
    as well as the names of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Francis Fukuyama,
    Daniel Bell, Alvin Toffler, who, in their works, proposed a thesis
    about the upcoming replacement of the industrial society with the
    "post-industrial" one, also called "information" and "cognitive"
    society (a society capable to controlling its progress - author's

    The discussion of the problems of information society at the national
    level - in our press, at the academic and practical conferences
    and among managers - is very important and topical. Understanding
    them may have a significant influence on the development of our
    society, establishment of new behavioural norms and stereotypes and,
    therefore, is likely to have a positive effect on the social relations
    in general. The propaganda of the ideas of the information society,
    the introduction of individual attributes of its components into our
    everyday life will become an important precondition of accelerated
    adoption of the full cycle of the post-industrial society and a
    transition to the information society. The wish to live in the
    information society is so enticing that a person is compelled to
    undertake new obligations before the family, the society and even
    oneself as he or she becomes a part of the global whole where he or
    she is not just a participant but an integrator of the process.

    Information has brought about the creation of a new sector of
    industrial activity, new culture which gradually changes the
    characteristics of not just the working but also spiritual life
    of people. In turn, this creates the need for preparing educated
    specialists. And if they constitute a significant part of the labour
    force, a reverse positive correlation, which accelerates all social
    processes, is brought into existence. A whole set of consequences,
    which fundamentally change the orientation and the structure of the
    society, is produced. Social orientation changes. The states which
    propose and implement new scientific and technical ideas, create a
    qualitatively new, more advanced industrial product, become leaders. To
    this end, one needs to have a great number of scientists, engineers
    and especially those who are directly involved in the manufacturing
    of products and have a higher technical education. The preparation of
    an educated maker in the post-industrial society acquires the quality
    of an extremely important national task.

    It is not an accident that Taiwan has assumed one of the leading
    positions in the post-industrial civilization. For many years,
    over 30 per cent of high school graduates continued their studies
    in higher education institutions. Not the economy but education,
    correct understanding of the trends of the global development have
    turned Taiwan into a modern flourishing state.

    This is applicable to our country as well. The development of high
    technologies based on informatization and culture of labour is our only
    chance, a real opportunity of becoming one of the leading states. There
    is no problem more important than education and upbringing of the
    people, preparation of highly qualified specialists, directly involved
    in the manufacturing of products, material goods. Reliance on the
    key natural resource - intellect and good education of the people -
    is the most important condition for transition to the post-industrial
    and, therefore, information society.

    Creative intellectuals are considered to be the makers of the future
    of any state. Overall, all of their activities in the spheres of
    production and business, science, education, culture as well politics
    are directed at the creation of the new with the aim of ensuring the
    development of a state, making it competitive. By devoting itself to
    creative work, this part of a nation is a special social group which
    provides for a country's integration with the progressive models
    of global development. The youth along with representatives of all
    professions represent the basis of the creative part of a nation. The
    society in whose direction the mankind is moving is a new society
    of creative type. Correspondingly, it requires creative personality,
    culture and worldview. Precisely this kind of personality is capable
    of keeping up with the pace of the time and is highly professional. It
    is a scientifically proven fact that creative persons, when analysing
    events, defending national interests and having the ability to see the
    big picture, become catalysts of development and progress. Our most
    important duty is to identify among the intellectual elite the share
    of those who are determined to build the future and have creative
    potential. The implementation of this extremely complicated problem
    is shouldered by the political elite, those, who represent it.

    President Ilham Aliyev's youth, intelligence, talent and ability to
    anticipate the events, his aspiration to make Azerbaijan reach the
    level of the developed Western states by modernizing the country have
    made him a powerful symbol of a leader-creator of the 21st-century
    Azerbaijan. Five years is just an episode in the history. However,
    it was precisely during these five years of Ilham Aliyev's presidency
    that the country managed to increase its economic significance, reach
    a new stage in the recovery of the political atmosphere and formation
    of the moral image of a citizen of an independent state. Throughout
    these years, President Ilham Aliyev offered an appealing picture
    of the future development to the people, showed them the prospects
    of economic and political progress. His modernization strategy
    revealed the magnitude of the nation's potential. As a far-sighted
    and shrewd politician, Ilham Aliyev is fully determined to mobilize
    highly intellectual and spiritual reserves of the society in order
    to fulfil the tasks of transition to the post-industrial information
    society. Having stabilized the high pace of the country's development,
    which helps consolidate Azerbaijan's new status in the opinion of
    the international community, he became a leader of the state of the
    era of innovation technologies.

    We understand full well that natural resources are an important
    factor of a state's well-being. However, this is not the only or
    the primary condition. Many developed European countries did not
    have natural resources. Even if the majority of the population
    has diplomas of higher education, this is not an indicator of its
    prosperity. The main issue is to achieve quality transformations,
    translate people's activity into concrete actions when turning
    human resources into intellectual capital. It has been established
    that material assets today generate profits equal to intellectual
    export. In India, computer programming specialists generate as much
    income for their country as Russia receives by selling oil. Clearly,
    the difference is immense as intellectual consciousness is renewable,
    it is virtually inexhaustible while natural resources are not infinite.

    The modern Azerbaijani youth grows up, understanding these axioms. The
    future of the state lies with highly educated, self-motivated
    young people, who have to ensure the country's breakthrough in
    terms of technological development, complete the cycle of national
    modernization, transition to the information society which started
    in the late 1990's. "I am absolutely certain that without high levels
    of education, without professionalism, without the familiarization of
    youth with the most advanced technologies, it is impossible to build
    a truly developed state," President Ilham Aliyev said (see Bakinskiy
    Rabochiy, 27 May 2008).

    In the opinion of prominent US sociologist Daniel Bell, the nature
    of the modern society contains a postulate that "the pace of the
    social progress depends on the degree to which the power is matched
    by the intellect" [translation from Russian, not an original quote]
    (see "The Coming of Post-Industrial Society", M., 1999, pp 546-547).

    The youth must become an engine, a catalyst of fundamental
    changes, modernization of all spheres of our country's life. The
    young generation's readiness to tackle the most difficult tasks
    of socio-economic transformation will determine the future of the
    national statehood. Precisely this generation will be the necessary
    social element of political, economic and social transformation which
    will ensure the definite success of the country's modernization course.

    Over the years of public service, I have often had to communicate
    with young people. This occurred both during the Soviet era
    and in independent Azerbaijan. I have always felt proud for the
    young people who stood out among their peers because they were
    intelligent, had an active position in life, were hard-working and
    highly cultured. Incidentally, many of the young people who were
    responsible for the youth policy of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan
    at the time are occupying quite important posts in the system of the
    state authorities today. I remember that, at the time, some of them
    were still young and self-motivated people ready to carry out the
    most ambitious but, at the same time, rational plans.

    In independent Azerbaijan, new independent youth bodies started being
    formed: they are no less eager to undertake the implementation of the
    projects aimed at building a successful future. There are many people
    in nongovernmental organizations and among the youth represented in
    the country's political elite and counter-elite, who spare no efforts
    or energy to build a democratic society, open economy, create new and
    individual axiological orientation points in Azerbaijan. This is the
    meaning of life of the people who see their mission in serving their
    homeland. All we can wish for is for the country to have as many of
    such people as possible.

    At the same time, one can often hear a view that the youth are not the
    same, that the new generation is completely different. The problem of
    "fathers and sons" has not been removed from the agenda. Those who
    make such statements forget that they themselves were targets of such
    remarks at the time. The times are changing and, in the conditions of
    the global transformation, these changes are happening at a higher pace
    and more intensively. Not only the morals and customs are changing but
    also the speed of the historical process. Should one take a closer
    look at the events unfolding in the world, it is not hard to notice
    that our era, having become 100 times shorter than the Neolithic era,
    has led the historical process to the point of bifurcation (division
    into two parts), that is to say, a breaking critical point in the
    development of the system when internal fluctuations exceed its
    potential for adaptation, and the condition of instability occurs. It
    is well known, however, that, at each point of bifurcation, the system
    chooses its own way of development, the movement trajectory. In short,
    the processes that are unfolding in the society are significantly
    affecting the worldview and activities of the youth of Azerbaijan -
    a dynamically changing country.

    Our country has been an arena for clashing of interests for
    centuries. Being a tolerant space for dialogue and unification of
    cultures and civilizations, Azerbaijan has always been targeted by
    attempts to turn it into a zone of inter-religious antagonism and
    confrontation. For centuries, Muslims, Jews and Christians have lived
    and worked together on our territory. It is precisely the belonging to
    the same land, one homeland that unites them, creating an opportunity
    for their joint participation in the state building. This is our
    great asset and it is the duty of the future generations to preserve
    and develop it.

    Azerbaijan is a country notable for its great spirituality. At the
    same time, it has a universal quality shared by the whole mankind. This
    spirituality determines the relations within the society, embodies the
    moral code of every Azerbaijani citizen, plays a priority role in the
    national self-consciousness. Spirituality of the peoples populating
    Azerbaijan is not expressed solely through their religions although,
    no doubt, Islam is an important component of the lives of the majority
    of the country's citizens. However, neither Islam nor any other
    religion in Azerbaijan can be considered as an exclusively religious
    concept. Faith is a defining factor of cultural and historical
    identification of a citizen and this is precisely the way its place
    and role in our lives should be understood.

    Nevertheless, unfortunately, we have to state that the attitude towards
    religion sometimes produces controversial reaction. For example, as
    a consequence of the demographic Islamization of the Western world,
    we can see that some forces are trying to use religion as a means
    of radicalisation, political rivalry and dishonest struggle. After
    [Azerbaijan] became independent, some external forces attempted
    to introduce political Islam into the life of the Azerbaijani
    society. However, the government managed to confront these attempts
    with our high spirituality that had been tested through the centuries,
    so they were prevented decisively and in a timely manner. People's
    beliefs are incompatible with the use of religion as a political
    factor. Each religion is a factor of peace, harmony and tolerance,
    and this is why each attempt to use the religion as a means of putting
    pressure on the mass consciousness, formation of an environment with
    the aim of implementing a certain political goal is in contradiction
    with its philosophical essence. Religion should not become a target of
    radical intentions and work as a factor of social pressure. The role
    and the place of religious beliefs are highly respected in Azerbaijan
    and, at the same time, there is a place for unconventional religious
    groups there as [Azerbaijan] is a place of tolerance. Nonetheless,
    no religion or religious sect can be used as a factor of changing
    the political, economic or socio-cultural order.

    Faith is an element of national identity, mentality, an archetype of
    the Azerbaijani society which has served the idea of building a stable
    society and a structure of peaceful coexistence. At the same time,
    we understand full well that, without combining faith with knowledge,
    we will not be able to take full advantage of the vast spiritual
    resource of the nation for its total modernization, will not be able
    to fully grasp the importance of another resource of the nation -
    its intelligence. One has to admit that the reign of materialism of
    the 20th century is over, its remains prevent the society from moving
    ahead because they downplay the role of intelligence and spirituality
    as the most important resource for development.

    In the situation of such global perturbations and transformations,
    the new generation of our citizens will have to tackle new, quite
    important tasks.

    First, one of the priority tasks facing this generation lies with its
    active involvement in the process of democratization of the Azerbaijani
    society. The socio-cultural image of the gradually democratizing
    Azerbaijani society requires active involvement of the youth in
    the democratization process. However, the participation in this
    process should not be understood and perceived as a call for unlawful
    political action. The aim of this participation is the facilitation
    of the development of open civil society, the encouragement of the
    development of a transparent environment, stepping up of activities of
    student organizations whose work must be aimed at improving the quality
    of students' education, their familiarization with the achievements
    of information and communications technologies and science, upbringing
    of the country's patriots.

    Second, it is important to increase the intellectual level of our
    youth since, as [Johan] Norberg said, "one of the most effective ways
    to ensure the development of a personality and help a person earn
    more is to educate him" [translation from Russian, not an original
    quote] (J. Norberg, "In Defence of Global Capitalism", M., 2007,
    p 33). Unfortunately, however, we have to say that the interest in
    education has somewhat decreased over the past years. Scientific
    and research works of young academics are not innovative, cause no
    scientific interest and generally fail to meet the accepted academic
    standards. Of course, to a certain extent, this has been conditioned
    by socio-economic factors. But the country has grown much stronger
    financially and economically. This is why, in order to improve the
    situation in the country's academic life, President Ilham Aliyev on
    10 April 2008 signed a decree on the creation of the state commission
    to carry out reforms in Azerbaijan's academic activities. We should
    think more about Azerbaijan's future development in intellectual
    context, think about what else needs to be done to create additional
    and necessary conditions for improving the intellectual level and the
    level of general education of the Azerbaijani youth. "A reading youth
    - a reading people" - this is the most important social and political
    order. At the same time, we should not forget that, regardless of the
    tasks that we are tackling in the sphere of politics, economics or
    to provide for the future development of the new generation, we must
    look for the most effective ways and methods of implementing them,
    use - as we already said - the achievements of modern science and
    applied technology to this end.

    One of the most prominent and influential US economists, John
    Galbraith, said: "The industrial system is promoting its demands and
    interests with skill and persistence... And the boundary between
    the industrial system and the state, as we could see, is becoming
    increasingly more artificial and indiscernible" [translated from
    Russian, not an original quote] (J. Galbraith, "The New Industrial
    State", M., St Petersburg, 2004, p 537). In the light of this
    convergence of industrialism and the state, active introduction of
    information technologies in the country becomes an important factor of
    development. The world order cannot be imagined without the Internet
    and instant messaging today. All of this is part of our life, our being
    and social reality which acquires an increasingly different meaning
    and "sound" after the invention of an LCD screen. Understanding full
    well that the future of the Azerbaijani youth lies with active use
    of advanced information technologies, the president adopted a state
    programme "For the informatization of the education system of the
    Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2012".

    The main task of such programmes is to shape the strategy of the
    national development in the era of information society by means
    of a scientific approach. The Strategy of the Information and
    Communications Technologies Development approved as early as in 2003
    by [former] President Heydar Aliyev determined the goals and tasks
    of the country's technological breakthrough. Over the past years,
    we have managed to take important steps in terms of the formation of
    e-government although the process is still under way. In spite of this,
    web-technologies are already playing an important role in the process
    of liberalization of the national economy by means of setting up direct
    connection, "dialogue" between the state and a citizen. Currently, a
    whole number of executive bodies are coordinating their work by means
    of information technologies, which allows increasing the speed and
    improving the effectiveness of implementing the tasks. The development
    of information technologies in Azerbaijan allows transformation of
    the education sphere and provides for its transition to the new level:
    applicants' documents are being accepted, examinations are taken and so
    on by means of internet technologies. A large-scale computerization of
    Azerbaijani schools has been under way in the past several years. This
    will help fully resolve the problem of computer illiteracy within
    the next few years, thus bringing the level of education among the
    Azerbaijani youth to a new stage.

    A planned development of all spheres of information society in
    Azerbaijan is important to us. A set of measures aimed at the creation
    of the system of informational exchange within the country needs to
    be implemented to this end. This will allow increasing the efficiency
    of the executive bodies' work.

    Third, in the conditions of global transformation, preservation of the
    national identity, traditions, language, history and socio-cultural
    background of the Azerbaijani people is considered important. One
    should not forget that the world today seeks to establish a new,
    safer and more stable World Order [words capitalized]. Actors
    change, global conditions transform, borders between states erode
    under the pressure of transnational financial flows. All of this
    significantly affects the role and the place of an individual in
    the life of a society. Our society is subject to visible influence
    by external factors which form the global culture. As a result,
    the national culture, history, traditions become derivatives from
    the global socio-cultural coordinate system, replacing everything
    local and transforming national socio-cultural factors into a fused
    global. Apparently, we will not be able to avoid this. But we will have
    to struggle to maintain our unique national traits which facilitate
    our progress towards universal values. This is why it is important
    to not only preserve the national culture and traditions but also to
    create conditions for their development and for passing them on to
    the future generations. This is one of the key tasks of the modern
    youth which plays the role of the main integrator of the national
    identity into the future.

    A nation that does not understand the significance of its own history
    and culture is not ready to take the path of development. The authors
    of Project Russia, a book quite controversial but popular in Russia,
    aptly said: "The planet can be compared to a room full of high-pressure
    balloons of different sizes and colours. Each one has its place and
    simultaneously supports the others. As soon as the pressure decreases
    in one balloon, the neighbouring balloons start squeezing it. It is the
    spiritual values rather than the economy or the army that determine the
    pressure. The consumerist civilization is puncturing balloons like a
    needle. Should things continue this way, one day, the room will become
    empty. The colour balloons will be lying on the floor like shreds of
    coloured cloth" ("Project Russia", Book Two, M., 2008, p 121).

    Fourth, when people are increasingly frequently talking about
    national history, trying to rethink the path taken by the Azerbaijani
    people over the past century, one has to be especially careful when
    considering the issues that have determined and will determine the
    strategy of the nation's development. The new generation should
    be able to appreciate everything that was and remains our national
    heritage, what constitutes the history of the Azerbaijani people, what
    we have lived with for many years and centuries. One cannot dismiss
    the years spent as part of the Soviet Union. This is our history and
    it is extremely important to remember and study it. We also have to
    give a serious thought to the history of formation of the Democratic
    Republic of Azerbaijan in order to pay tribute to those who were among
    the pioneers of the first democratic republic in the East. The names of
    those who signed the Declaration of Independence have to be remembered
    and honoured. This is our history which defined our future development.

    When talking about history, we should not be guided by any kind
    of political speculations and insinuations. History is a concrete
    statement of facts where the role of processes or persons should be
    determined based on reality rather than mythological works created
    based on corporate interests. Today, our history must be a set of
    precise and concrete facts which reflect the reality. Precisely this
    kind of an approach will let us build effective statehood.

    Fifth, the Azerbaijani society is facing a task of bringing up
    new managers, young executives, technocrats, people who will be
    responsible for preserving the statehood, for the effectiveness of
    the development strategy, successful implementation of modernization
    ideas introduced today, for the future of the country. All of these
    tasks will have to be tackled by those who are probably still school
    pupils or students today. It is nevertheless already clear that they
    will have to implement concrete and important tasks. To this end,
    it is important that a political culture which is in the interests
    of the Azerbaijani people and has a large enough potential for
    the elaboration of the national democratic model is formed in the
    society today. It is important that we develop and refine our own
    development strategy without expecting anyone to offer us a model of
    state development nurtured in a foreign environment on a tray. At
    the same time, we have to be prepared [to deal with the fact] that
    someone will not like our way of development, that someone will be
    worried about the country's independent policy, that someone will be
    outraged by the independent policy implemented by the authorities. We
    have to be able to distinguish between right and wrong, understand
    whether the criticism directed against us reflects the real flaws or
    takes the shape of geopolitical and geoeconomic pressure. It is hard
    to disagree with a Russian politician who put it very accurately:
    "We have to be understanding about the grumbling and critical remarks
    made about our domestic affairs from abroad: those who are grumbling
    and shouting need this kind of democracy in our country so that they
    could live better".

    People are often trying - and will keep trying - to show us the way
    of development, the strategy of modernization, they will keep telling
    us what we should or should not do. These are the negative effects
    of the time which takes shape under the influence of the unilateral
    world order which has, however, long stopped being unipolar. The
    global integration made the world diverse in political and economic
    terms. As for the socio-cultural aspects, it is creating new conditions
    which pose a threat to the traditional archetypes. Despite everything,
    national political culture should be based on the three factors which
    will provide for the preservation of sovereignty, effectiveness of
    development and ideology of statehood.

    First, the openness and transparency of the system will serve as a
    basis for the formation of the new political space of the country
    where competitiveness and competition for the true embodiment of
    public interests represent the priority task of political forces. We
    have to admit that political forces which could fully reflect the
    interests of the society and the state have failed to take shape in the
    country. Opposition parties are completely dependent on their leaders,
    their remarks and statements today. Political institutions have been
    personified here. There are as many parties in the political arena as
    there are persons. Given the fact that none of the opposition parties
    has proposed a blueprint of social and economic modernization, it is
    possible to conclude that a person is in fact a political institution
    in our political culture. Not the only one but the most important
    one. One should not forget, however, that the role of parties and
    political organizations is invaluable in a pluralist society. They
    are the most important factor of political stability, development
    and democratic transformation.

    Second, the liberal ideas which are gradually taking shape in the
    Azerbaijani society during its democratic development will define
    the future of the country's political culture. However, we should
    not think that liberalization serves nothing but the building of a
    "night watchman state". A strong state with guaranteed freedom,
    provision for citizens' rights and duties is a priority for our
    statehood. Francis Fukuyama is right when he says: "Only the state
    is capable of uniting and purposefully allocating the law-enforcement
    forces. These forces are necessary to ensure the rule of law within a
    country and to maintain international order. Those who advocate the
    'twilight of the statehood' - whether they are proponents of a free
    market or side with the idea of multilateral agreements - need to
    explain what exactly will replace the power of sovereign nation states
    in the contemporary world... In reality, this gap has been filled by a
    motley collection of international organizations, criminal syndicates,
    terrorist groups and so on which can, to a certain extent, have power
    and legitimacy but rarely both at the same time. Having no precise
    answer, all we can do is return to a sovereign nation state and
    try to understand once again how to make it strong and successful"
    [translated from Russian, not an original quote] (see F. Fukuyama,
    [?State Building], M., 2006, p 199).

    Today, our political culture, being a derivative of the whole set of
    geopolitical and geoeconomic factors experienced in the post-Soviet
    area, reflects the aspects of national development which display
    convergence of neoconservatism and neo-liberalism. This fusion of
    two ideological platforms is a reflection of the new idea in the
    contemporary world-system. Such convergence is a basis of what is
    happening with the world order today. Immanuel Wallerstein wrote: "Ten
    years from now, neo-liberal globalization will be called a cyclical
    deviation in the history of the capitalist world-economy. The question
    is not whether this phase is over but whether this deviation will
    be able to restore a relative balance in the world-system the way it
    happened in the past" [translated from Russian, not an original quote]
    (I. Wallerstein, "2008: The Demise of Neo-liberal Globalization",

    Today, the Azerbaijani society is developing in compliance with
    the global processes which are transforming the essence and meaning
    of social relations. A global crisis which unfolded right in front
    of us in the sphere of finances and politics has demonstrated that
    the system of global management institutions is incapable of coping
    with the challenges it is facing. We are witnessing the vacuum of
    global institutionalization when there are no international arenas
    for tackling concrete problems that are pressing today. At the
    same time, the "global interdependence" determines the way these
    processes affect sovereign states. As a result, it often happens
    that the way development is understood becomes a factor of external
    involvement while sovereignty is undermined by the illusionary new
    economic order. It is perfectly clear that the world order that has
    been created over the past decade never managed to provide for safe
    and stable development of the mankind. The institutions of global
    political and economic security suggested after the World War II proved
    to be impotent when confronted by the urgent threats and challenges
    that the mankind is facing today. This is why a new approach to the
    formation of global stability - rather than traditional responses to
    unconventional threats - is required.

    The global community today is silently accepting the restrictions
    on its independence, if not the loss of national sovereignty. The
    development of information technologies, internationalization of
    education, dependence on the "strong ones" in promoting one's own
    political and economic interests have shaped what we habitually call
    "globalization" today. In reality, however, this globalization is a
    different, new form of expansion, skilfully disguised as a factor of
    world integration. It is not without a reason that theoreticians of
    globalization claim that the winners in this race are only the strong
    ones while the weak ones are being sidelined.

    The task facing the new independent states today lies with the
    appropriate evaluation of their own capabilities and significance. We
    are talking about choosing the path of modernization that would
    facilitate the innovative development of the state on the one
    hand and preserve its conservative moral and spiritual values on
    the other. At the same time, as was aptly put by Russian President
    Dmitriy Medvedev not long ago, "an effective system of stimuli for
    rational behaviour - the behaviour based on the balance evaluation
    of risks and assessment of possibilities - should be created within
    the framework of modernization".

    In view of the rapidly changing world reality, the statements
    that states have the right to choose their own strategy and pace
    of development become increasingly topical. An important role in
    this regard is not to be played by "international policemen" but
    directly by the societies that are to form democratic traditions and
    institutions and abide by them in accordance with their historical
    path and socio-cultural development. These societies are the ones
    capable of building an appropriate democratic environment which will
    determine the state development for years ahead.

    Azerbaijan, as a sovereign state, has the necessary potential for
    the formation of a stable, transparent, open democratic system and a
    liberal economy. Our long-term strategic task is to make Azerbaijan
    an important link in the chain of the democratically developed
    states, capable of meeting the challenges of the forthcoming new
    civilization. The historical past of the first democratic republic in
    the East provides us with great prospects for such a demarche. However,
    the political elite alone will not be able to fulfil this task,
    which is why active involvement of civil society institutions and,
    more precisely, the whole Azerbaijani society in general, is to play
    an important role. At the ceremony to mark the 90th anniversary of
    the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev said:
    "I can see no obstacles before us, simply all decisions that are
    made have to be implemented in a timely manner, we need strict public
    control. When carrying out political reforms, we are simultaneously
    paying attention to the strict public control in order to let
    people follow all the moves made by the state, by the government,
    and thoroughly analyse them. If need be, some reforms should be
    amended. We cannot do this without holding broad discussions. This
    is why all key decisions made in Azerbaijan become subject of broad
    discussions both among the public and in Milli Maclis [parliament],
    the government and public organizations. The views, approaches,
    positions of the Azerbaijani people and the Azerbaijani authorities
    coincide in this regard" (Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 28 May 2008).

    President Ilham Aliyev's call for strengthening public control
    represents the strategy of consolidating and developing the Azerbaijani
    statehood. Today, the Azerbaijani society has reached the stage when
    there should be no dividing lines whatsoever between the state and the
    society. The society must actively participate in the democratization
    and liberalization of the national space, and this is the only way
    we can confirm that we are moving towards the democratic consolidation.

    In addition to public control, we should intensify the state's role in
    providing for law and order, democratic development and transparency
    of the executive branch, accountability of every official before the
    government hierarchy and society. At the same time, each citizen of
    Azerbaijan should understand the whole weight of responsibility that
    he or she undertakes before the state. The pace of global development
    compels peoples to face new tests. Only responsible approach will
    allow us to achieve specific goals set beforehand. Our main criteria
    in the formation of the control system will be the three principles
    that represent the essence of the state power: the rule of law,
    responsibility and accountability. Understanding these factors will
    help the state system and the executive branch to work with maximum
    efficiency, will assist us in our struggle with the negative factors
    of our reality.

    When talking about strict state control, we are by no means following
    the example of proponents and advocates of an autarchic system. Far
    from it. The system of state control is actively applied in all
    democratically developed countries. The goal of our intention to
    increase the state control is to ensure a stable, safe and democratic
    development of the state. Our priority is a free person who has
    certainty in his or her state and in tomorrow, managers for whom
    state interest is the meaning of life. Therefore, the success of
    modernization and building of an efficient statehood in Azerbaijan
    depends on how each civil servant approaches the tasks set before
    him or her, on responsible implementation of the tasks set by the
    head of state and on the accountability of each one of us before
    society. We need to understand that the state is all of us together,
    society which aspires to achieve a breakthrough, an innovative leap and
    novelties, wants to rationally borrow advanced Western technologies,
    and this goal is our development strategy in the 21st century. Our
    choice is predetermined by the aspiration to invest in human capital
    and consolidate the statehood through the development of democratic
    traditions and institutions, liberal economy, rational use of natural
    resources, improvement of people's wellbeing. This is the long-term
    strategy of national development defined by President Ilham Aliyev.

    Finally, the third important component of the new political culture
    in Azerbaijan will be the national idea as the key element of
    modernization of the Azerbaijani society. Precisely the national idea
    is the dominating aspect of intensive development of a nation in the
    conditions when there is an idea of optimal behaviour of a person for
    the benefit of himself or herself and the society, more precisely,
    the nation. At the same time, as a result of the fact that a national
    idea always depends on various factors - beginning with socio-political
    and down to natural and climatic ones. As an important aspect of the
    national development, it is a temporary representation of a given
    development strategy.

    It has to be noted that a national idea is the sphere of the public
    consciousness which remained outside the scope of the national academic
    research despite the fact that it is the most powerful catalyst of
    social processes. When talking about nationalism with the meaning of
    the "national idea", a prominent Azerbaijani enlightener and public
    figure, Ahmad-bay Agayev wrote as early as at the dawn of the 20th
    century: "It was and will be the source of the greatest heroic deeds
    in the history. Without it, many peoples would still be suffering from
    a foreign yoke and, thanks to it, many are yet to find an acceptable
    [way out]" (see Agayev A. B., "Our Nationalists", Kaspiy, No 207,
    25 September 1903).

    The existence of Turkic Azerbaijanis counts a millennium but
    the Azerbaijani self-consciousness dates back to the time when
    M. F. Axundov, H. B. Zardabi, M. Kazimbay, M. A. Topcubasev,
    M. A. Sahtaxtinskiy and, even earlier, A. K. Bakixanov (1794-1846)
    asked the existential question about what is Azerbaijan, what is its
    ethnogenesis, mission and place in the interaction of peoples and
    states? These issues were being raised on the pages of newspapers
    especially actively on the eve of and after the First Russian
    Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution and the Russo-Japanese War. The
    Azerbaijani intelligentsia (A. Agayev, A. Huseynzada, M. Rasulzada,
    C. Mammadquluzada, O. Nemanzada, N. Narimanov and others) understood
    that the progress of the society had to be speeded up, its energy
    channelled towards a road well-trodden by advanced nations. However,
    it was only possible through the awakening and enlightenment - diverse,
    principally pluralist and principally public - of the people.

    Of course, understanding the first "impetus" which awakened public
    consciousness and self-consciousness in studying the history of
    social thought in Azerbaijan represents an academic and practical
    interest. However, it is also important to know something else. While
    the "national idea" of the Azerbaijani people was expressed by
    M. A. Sahtaxtinskiy (1891) as a unique direction - "Azerbaijanis",
    "the Azerbaijani language", and later by M. E. Rasulzada - "the
    Azerbaijani people", "Azerbaijanis", the discussion of the "national
    idea", having changed its trajectory, found its expression in the triad
    of "Turkism, Islamism and modernity", proposed by Turkism ideologues
    A. Huseynzada and Ziya Goyalp in the early 20th century.

    Thus, in 1905-1918, representatives of the Azerbaijani national
    movement managed to form the content of the "national idea" as
    "Azerbaijanihood" which incorporated the elements of history, culture,
    traditions, an ethnic component, new trends of the era and standards
    of the European mentality and lifestyle. The issue on the agenda was
    the choice between the "Azerbaijanihood" and "Turkism". The "Turkism,
    Islamism and modernity" formula was used as a philosophical and
    political doctrine of the national development. Afterwards, this triad
    acquired a status of the national idea of the Democratic Republic of
    Azerbaijan. It was a compromise response to the political turmoil that
    raged around the South Caucasus and especially Azerbaijan at the time.

    Today, "Azerbaijanihood" as a "national idea" has a different, new
    form. For the modern generation of Azerbaijanis, it is philosophy,
    politics, ideology and social action. It is a social, moral and
    psychological source of the nation's strength in an absolutely new
    period of time. There is strength, social energy in this national idea
    and it is capable of uniting the society with the aim of resolving the
    main task in the post-industrial era. The national idea is a founding
    principle which defines the content of the goal, ways and means of
    achieving it. Patriots without a concrete national idea resemble
    soldiers in the battlefield without a concrete tactic and strategy.

    Some of us may often hear: "What can I do?", "Nothing depends on me",
    "Do I have to do this?" As a result, a certain defeatist syndrome takes
    shape in society when no-one wants to undertake the responsibility
    for various social, economic or - worse - political disproportions
    in development. It is not so much about the responsibility as about
    co-participation in settling a problem. Everyone considers it one's
    duty to "look up", wait for a problem to be resolved as a result
    of making a corresponding decision "from above". Could this ever
    allow us to develop our state and society in a stable and sustainable
    manner? Every citizen, every member of society, every individual today
    is a law-maker of the socio-political and economic structure of the
    society taking shape in the country. Everyone is responsible for the
    processes that unfold around us or things that happen to us. We are
    building this state together, forming a democratic regime, improving
    Azerbaijan's economic prospects.

    The success of the national modernization to a great extent depends
    on the social activeness of the youth. [Young people] are often the
    authors of new ideas, original solutions. This is why the maximalist
    attitudes of the youth should be directed at the creation and
    consolidation of the statehood. High levels of education, ability to
    think, talent, rationalism, scientific and technical way of thinking,
    patriotism and inspiration - these qualities should distinguish our
    modern youth. The new generations should remember this in order to
    keep providing for the effective development of the national statehood.

    The national idea implies the task of creating a necessary, appropriate
    environment for effective and intensive political, economic and social
    development. At the same time, one should not confuse the national
    idea with the expressions of nationalism or chauvinism as the goal of
    the national idea is to tone down the mutually destructive struggle
    between the forces of the society.

    In place of conclusion: ideology or idea?

    "Personal responsibility is as much of an inalienable trait of
    capitalism as personal freedom." J. Norberg [translated from Russian,
    not an original quote].

    John Galbraith wrote: "All the necessary changes, including
    the change in views which form the military and foreign policy,
    affect the sphere of spiritual emotions and intellectual interests"
    [translated from Russian, not an original quote] (J. Galbraith, "The
    New Post-Industrial Society" [as published], M., 2007, p 539). The era
    of post-industrialism has made its corrections to the understanding
    of what we called ideology for many years. It is impossible to
    imagine the years of the Soviet totalitarianism without an ideology
    which regulated all activities of the state and the people, down to
    the final days of their lives. In the era of Gorbachev's reforms,
    ideology became a symbol of everything negative that we had to live
    with, started representing Communism as something anti-popular,
    antidemocratic, completely contrary to human reason. Subsequently,
    thanks to "democrats" and populists, the word "ideology" quickly
    went out of fashion and started being considered an archaism or a
    historical term, depending on who preferred what. Ideology started
    reminding of the past, the past to which no-one wanted to return. Few
    people thought about the fact that ideology by itself very rarely
    embodies ideas or views that aim to destroy a whole state or impoverish
    peoples. Neither did they recall that a true communist ideology as such
    laid claims exclusively on general solidarity and equal distribution of
    opportunities. Nevertheless, due to objective and subjective factors,
    communism in the Soviet Union came to represent a decline, collapse of
    the country, meaningless geopolitical competition, mutually destructive
    ethno-national conflicts. Thus, the term "ideology" for a former
    Soviet citizen became an antithesis of effective state development.

    The end of the Cold War transformed the "positions" of ideology in
    academic and political literature, including in the research conducted
    in the Western countries. The concept of ideology was not even
    considered when describing political parties. This does not, however,
    mean that in the world we live in ideological struggle has become a
    thing of the past, the struggle between different ideas has stopped,
    there are no clashes of worldviews, social ideals, socio-political
    ideas. On the contrary, as in the past, all of this permeates the
    consciousness every hour and every day. Sometimes we do not notice or
    ignore it. Nevertheless, we keep living in the "ideological era". The
    dispute about the essence of ideology starts as soon as people realize
    that, in a socially diverse society, any motives of ideal nature always
    in some form express concrete ideas and interests - important ones
    at that. Ideology itself plays the role of a relatively systematized
    expression of ideas and goals, interests, aspirations, drives, motives,
    social ideals of large social groups. The notions of "ideology" and
    "forms of public consciousness" intertwine but do not fully coincide
    with each other. Ideology is a very complex, "multi-reflected" form
    of spiritual activity. This is why people often complain about the
    complexity of the notion of ideology itself. "Only a few words in
    the vocabulary of social research proved to be as controversial and,
    at the same time, as influential as ideology..." Irving L. Horowitz,
    one of the prominent representatives of the "sociology of knowledge",
    said [translated from Russian, not an original quote].

    The World Encyclopaedia of Philosophy says: "Ideology is a notion
    which traditionally refers to a set of ideas, myths, legends,
    political slogans, party manifestos, philosophical concepts; while
    not being religious in its essence, ideology is based on the reality,
    perceived or 'constructed' in a certain way, is oriented towards
    practical interests of people and aims to manipulate and control
    people by influencing their consciousness" (see M., 2001, p 386).

    There is a difference between the notions of "ideology" and "idea". In
    a way, the former stems from the latter. An idea which preoccupies
    the mines of large social groups of people becomes a powerful weapon
    in implementing its goals and interests. "Idea is a notion widely
    used in various philosophical systems to describe the most advanced
    forms of spirit (knowledge)", the World Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
    says (see M., 2001, p 388). It is considered to be one of the main
    forms of human cognition. In Kant's philosophy, idea is a notion
    of the mind which has no equivalent in experience. Ideas occur as
    a result of attempts to go beyond sensation and are considered by
    Kant to be principles that set the goal for cognition. For Hegel,
    the absolute idea is the highest point of the knowledge development
    which incorporates all of the preceding forms of knowledge and is
    therefore the highest objective truth where the thought and reality
    coincide (ibidem).

    The shift of geopolitical orientation points has led to the quick
    introduction of ideological concepts of developed societies elaborated
    in the West - conservatism, liberalism, social democracy, their neo
    versions and convergences - in the place of the ideological views of
    the communism. They were easily adopted by some societies while in
    others, failing to find social, political and economic basis, they
    were evened out in accordance with traditional foundations of a given
    society. Remarks started being made that ideological concepts of the
    West are alien to traditional societies and [these societies] will
    develop exclusively based on their own traditional way of development.

    Attempts immediately started being made to apply social democratic,
    conservative or liberal ideas, which were still alien to the
    Azerbaijanis, in the national political space. Unfortunately,
    the practical experience quickly demonstrated that it was hard
    for a state on the brink of collapse, with stagnating economy
    and political chaos to choose an imported ideological concept,
    especially given that it [the state] had just given up on its own,
    quite unsuccessful experience of ideological domination. It would
    take years for any ideological concept to start working in the
    national space, for a minimum opportunity to appear for applying any
    concepts and ideas in Azerbaijan. In addition to that, the time was
    needed for the development of political and economic institutions,
    formation of public consciousness associated with the democratic
    traditions and norms, liberalization of the economic structure,
    change of political arrangement. It would take years for important
    geopolitical and geoeconomic projects to start working, for social
    events to start being carried out, for public priorities to start
    being reassessed, for the country to begin breathing freely. In short,
    it would take tireless efforts and sleepless nights to overcome the
    negative repercussions of the post-Soviet transition and determine
    an historical concept of the national development.

    Now that the larger part of this path has been completed, overcome,
    we can easily say in the hindsight that what has been done belongs
    to the future generations. We also have to state an important and
    memorable truth: all of this is the result of labour of one person,
    Heydar Aliyev. For him, the national idea has always meant serving
    his homeland. He had founded the philosophy of Azerbaijanihood
    (which incorporates both idea and ideology) which, as a constant
    concept of the successful development of the nation and the state,
    is the embodiment of the socio-political and economic modernization
    of Azerbaijan. As a cultural and historical layer of the national
    development, it determines the main ways and directions of strategic
    development, is reflected in the inviolability of the national
    language, priority role of the national culture and importance
    of national values. All of this represents a set of the national
    ideological model which has been formed with the understanding of the
    changing role of the country in both regional and global conditions.

    Ideology is a product of the mind while ideas are produced by the
    time. The analysis of the possibilities of a given Western ideological
    concept in Azerbaijan and their prospects is beyond the scope of
    this article. However, when we are touching on this issue, it becomes
    increasingly more apparent that our goal is the building of a state
    with a strong or, more precisely, stable and sustainable government,
    a state promoting rights and freedoms of its citizens, attributing
    great significance to its historical roots and traditions and making
    free market and transparency of economic relations a priority task of
    its development. These are the goals that were set by Heydar Aliyev and
    [their achievement] today will provide for effective state building. We
    are moving in this direction without a rush as each one of our steps
    is though-out and well-considered. We understand full well that we
    are responsible for this state, for this arrangement, sovereignty and
    independence, for each one of our citizens, and understanding this
    eternal truth gives us the strength to move with greater confidence
    towards building an open society and a democratic state with correctly
    working and balanced economic system.

    In the conditions of "revolutionary wealth" (Alvin Toffler/Heidi
    Toffler), the role of a person, the way a person is affected by
    ideological concepts and views is, in effect, changing. Today, when
    mass media are replaced by blogs, when business operations are carried
    out via the internet and communication with a vast number of people
    can be established by means of video connection not only on a computer
    but also through a telephone, the following question arises: what is
    the "ideology of global disorder"? And if this is order, what is it
    like and is there a place for ideology in it? In the contemporary
    world, precisely information and communication technologies shape
    the ideology, its contents and successful introduction to people's
    consciousness. If we make a basic estimate of the degree to which IT
    is part of our lives, [the fact that] 900 million people are internet
    users, 1.4 billion people use mobile telephones and 800 million have
    personal computers makes it clear that the ideology of modernity
    is formed by an LCD screen with everything behind it. Can we talk
    about the CNN effect today as we can listen to the opponents of the US
    domination on the internet without any interference or broadcasting of
    any media? Is there a need to assert that blogs maintained by ordinary
    internet users are often more popular and get more hits than the
    websites of news agencies? The modern worldview will soon be formed
    by the specific, rejecting the global and increasingly plunging into
    the local. This is precisely how the ideology of the modern world
    - the space defined by the convergence of possibilities - is being
    shaped. Alvin and Heidi Tofflers are absolutely right when they write
    that "no-one could say with certainty where these discoveries would
    lead and that, in real life, they would become a profitable good or
    service that people would want to have and business or governments
    would supply them" [translated from Russian, not an original quote]
    (see A. Toffler, H. Toffler, "Revolutionary Wealth", p 26)

    Azerbaijan has reached the level of development when its society
    actively opposes ideological concepts of isolated, autarchic
    society. As the Azerbaijani state is developing, a new environment is
    taking shape where freedom - both internal and external - is becoming
    an increasingly greater priority. Today, an individual is shaping his
    or her own world based on real and often virtual considerations. It
    cancels all of the accepted customary norms and standards. The
    struggle for the mind of individuals and societies unfolds without
    cannons and guns. In the contemporary world, a war is won by those
    who correctly use knowledge and innovative technologies. However,
    regardless of the ideology of the real or virtual world, one should
    not forget that the Azerbaijanihood as a national philosophy of
    action, the idea of statehood, the ideal of patriotism and heroism,
    the value of the national socio-cultural image and the archetype of
    the Azerbaijani identity should always be the basis of the moral and
    socio-cultural image of Azerbaijan's new generation.