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ANKARA: Investigation Reveals Yet Another Coup Plot

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  • ANKARA: Investigation Reveals Yet Another Coup Plot


    Today's Zaman
    July 8 2008

    The investigation into Ergenekon, a dark neo-nationalist organization
    with former senior army generals and journalists among its members
    seeking to engineer a coup against the Justice and Development Party
    (AK Party) government, has revealed that in 2004 Turkey narrowly
    escaped three potential coups d'état, one more than had previously
    been reported by the media.

    Newspapers yesterday reported that documents seized during last week's
    raids in the Ergenekon investigation suggested that in addition to
    two coup plans, codenamed Sarıkız (blonde girl) and AyıÅ~_ıgı
    (m oonlight), a third one by the name of Eldiven (the glove) was also
    in the works.

    A document titled "Eldiven" found in the home of Gen. Å~^ener Eruygur,
    a former force commander of the gendarmerie currently under arrest
    on charges of founding and being a leader of the Ergenekon terrorist
    organization, shows in great detail the third coup attempt previously
    unknown to the media and the prosecution. Eldiven, according to
    reports, appears to be an extension of the failed Sarıkız and
    AyıÅ~_ıgÄ&#xB1 ; coup plots.

    The plan's introduction states that "there is discordance within the
    Turkish Armed Forces [TSK]" on the matter of supporting coup plans
    and proposes remedies to get over this "obstacle."

    The main purpose of Eldiven is to "shape the TSK, Parliament, the
    bureaucracy and local governments and rewrite the Constitution,
    the entire legislation and the National Security Policy
    Document." According to the plan, cell organizations of people from
    different segments of society would be formed. These would be unaware
    of each other's existence and work without knowing the real aim they
    serve, although they would all be serving the same ultimate purpose.

    The plan also writes in detail what kind of psychological warfare
    tactics would be used to shape public opinion. The first stage of the
    plan consisted of ensuring consensus nationwide. The plan sought to
    shape the decisions to come out of the Supreme Military Council (YAÅ~^)
    by talking to journalists and having them publish the ideas of generals
    currently active in the military. The plan also planned to use the
    effectiveness of then-President Ahmet Necdet Sezer in shaping YAÅ~^.

    Like the two other plans revealed before it, Eldiven also hoped to
    rely on media support and on financially supporting some of the media
    organs to publish news that would exhaust liberals or democrats and
    move public opinion to support the army's plans.

    Meanwhile, Chief of General Staff Gen. YaÅ~_ar Buyukanıt, when asked
    a question on the Ergenekon operation following a meeting yesterday of
    the chiefs of general staff of Balkan countries in the Mediterranean
    province of Antalya, declined to comment, saying he would only take
    questions about the chiefs of general staff meeting, NATO, security
    and EU relations.

    A short history of Turkey's coup leaders

    Turkey has seen three coups in the last five decades, but no commander
    has ever been prosecuted or convicted for overthrowing the civilian
    government until now. Kenan Evren, the retired general who staged the
    1980 coup, is currently enjoying retirement in a southern resort town
    and keeping himself busy with painting.

    In a sign that this may be changing, retired Gen. Eruygur, currently
    the chairman of the Ataturkist Thought Association (ADD), which helped
    organize mass anti-government demonstrations last year, and HurÅ~_it
    Tolon, a former commander of the 1st Army Corps, were arrested after
    testifying in court during their time in custody.

    The two were taken into custody on July 1 as part of an investigation
    into Ergenekon, a gang suspected of having planned a shooting at the
    Council of State in 2006 which resulted in the death of a senior judge;
    an attack on the Ä°stanbul headquarters of the Cumhuriyet newspaper;
    and even the killing of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink,
    who was gunned down by an ultranationalist teenager over a year ago.

    Eruygur is being mentioned as a key accomplice along with three other
    force commanders in a diary allegedly kept by a former navy commander
    detailing failed plans to overthrow the AK Party.

    Eruygur was a leading figure among the organizers of so-called
    republican rallies held ahead of July elections last year in protest
    of the AK Party government. His name was also mentioned in documents
    leaked to the press proving the existence of the two failed coup
    attempts, AyıÅ~_ıgı and Sarıkız, plotted when Eruygur was still
    in the military. Tolon was known for making frequent appearances at
    symposiums and conferences organized by ultranationalists. This is
    the first time generals of such high rank are being detained in Turkey.
