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BAKU: Azerbaijan Wants To Strengthen Military Co-Operation With Paki

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Wants To Strengthen Military Co-Operation With Paki


    Trend News Agency
    July 7 2008

    Azerbaijan wants to strengthen military co-operation with Pakistan.

    "Pakistan has large experience in training personnel, military
    technical training. Azerbaijan wants to use this experience," the
    first Vice-Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament, Chairman of Standing
    Commission on Security Affairs and Defence, Ziyafyat Askerov, said
    at the meeting with the Chairman of the Foreign Committee of Senate
    of Pakistan on 7 July.

    There is an agreement on bilateral co-operation between the Ministers
    of Defence of Azerbaijan and Pakistan. The Ministry of Defence of
    Azerbaijan co-operates with 50 countries.

    Askerov noted that Azerbaijan and Pakistan successfully co-operate
    in many spheres, including in the military and military technical
    areas. According to him, Azerbaijan closely co-operates with Pakistan
    in combating international terrorism.

    The Chairman of the Foreign Committee of Senate of Pakistan, Mushahid
    Hussein Said, said from the point of view of security, Azerbaijan
    with Pakistan faces similar problems. "Both countries sustained
    aggression of other country. For a period of long years, the fair
    has not been able to triumph in Nagorno-Karabakh and Kashmir, and the
    resolutions by the UN Security Council are not fulfilled. Therefore
    it is important to strengthen co-operation," Said noted. He said that
    unless the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is regulated, Pakistan will have
    no relations with Armenia, because it is an aggressor country.

    The conflict between the two countries of the South Caucasus began in
    1988 due to Armenian territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan
    lost the Nagorno-Karabakh, except of Shusha and Khojali, in December
    1991. In 1992-93, Armenian Armed Forces occupied Shusha, Khojali and
    Nagorno-Karabakh's seven surrounding regions. In 1994, Azerbaijan
    and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement at which time the active
    hostilities ended. The Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group (Russia,
    France, and the US) are currently holding peaceful, but fruitless