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Golden Apricot International Film Festival Expands Cooperation With

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  • Golden Apricot International Film Festival Expands Cooperation With


    2008-07-08 16:55:00

    During its 5-year functioning, Golden Apricot Film Festival has been
    regularly cooperating with a number of Embassies and International
    organizations in the Republic of Armenia. Expanding from year to year,
    the Festival has strengthened its relations recording an effective
    cooperation experience, Golden Apricot's press-release says.

    For several years Golden Apricot Film Festival has been successfully
    cooperating with the Embassies of Germany, France, the Netherlands
    and Italy in the Republic of Armenia. Within the frameworks of the
    Festival, visits of numerous guests invited to Armenia have been
    realized due to those Embassies, in addition there have been many
    films received with their support, thus providing the Festival with
    an opportunity to realize one of its missions: to preset the best
    European cinema works to Armenian audience.

    Within that context, "French days", "Dutch days", "German days" and
    other programs have been included in the Golden Apricot program for
    several years.

    Several receptions of famous cinema representatives have been realized
    with the support of the Embassies within the Golden Apricot Film
    Festival framework.

    With the support of Tbilisi "Goethe Institute", this year Wim Wenders,
    the European Cinema Academy head, famous film director will be the
    honorable guest of the Festival.

    This year Golden Apricot Film Festival has started its cooperation
    with the Embassies of the USA, People's Republic of China, Romania,
    Egypt and Lebanon in the Republic of Armenia. With their support
    Golden Apricot Film Festival will have an opportunity to screen films
    of directors from the mentioned countries.

    This year within Golden Apricot Film Festival the films based on
    William Saroyan's works will be screened on the occasion of William
    Saroyan 100 anniversary with the support of the US Embassy.

    With the support of the Embassies of Egypt and Lebanon, Golden Apricot
    Film Festival will present "Arabian nights" program thus expanding
    its geographical coverage. The program will present films of directors
    from Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

    Besides the Embassies, Golden Apricot Film Festival has been
    successfully cooperating with a number of international organizations
    in the Republic of Armenia, which mainly support Golden Apricot
    regional projects.

    This year "Cinema journalism without borders" regional project is
    realized with the financial support of the Open Society Institute

    The Council of Europe initiates "Cinema as a Means for Intercultural
    Dialogue" conference in RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs July 18 within
    the Golden Apricot Film Festival frameworks. The conference is partly
    financed by Japan Foundation. The conference is also supported by
    European Commission Delegation in Armenia.

    "Directors without Borders" program is realized with the support of
    Eurasia Partnership Fund (EPF). Turkish participation to "Directors
    without Borders" program is made possible by the support of the
    Eurasia Partnership Foundation and the American People through the
    United States Agency for International Development (USAID)".

    This year within the "Directors without borders" program frameworks,
    UNDP, OSCE and OSI assistance fund (Armenia) have established a special
    "Tolerance without borders" award, which will be received by the best
    Armenian film projects.

    Golden Apricot Film Festival is supported by RA Ministry of
    Culture. The general sponsor of the Festival is VivaCell.