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ANKARA: Hrant Dink, Ergenekon, And The Saucy Turkish Media

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  • ANKARA: Hrant Dink, Ergenekon, And The Saucy Turkish Media


    Turkish Daily News
    July 9 2008

    Are these the efforts to black out possible media connections with
    the Ergenekon gang? Or are they trying to wash off Hrant Dink's blood
    stains from all over in their spirit?

    Cengiz CANDAR

    I followed the latest trial session in the murder case of Turkish
    Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. I actually had attended all previous
    trials but had never entered the courtroom. Since Ogun Samast, one
    of the culprits, was under 18 at the time of the murder, trials were
    being held behind closed doors. Samast grew up, gained weight and
    turned 19. From now on trials will be open to the public. So I was
    there to follow it on Monday.

    My first impression about the most important "political murder case"
    of our times was "impudence" in the trial, to the contrary of how
    the entire lawsuit is being echoed outside.

    The Israeli girlfriend?:

    >From the courtroom to the manners of the accused and even to their
    statements, a "saucy" atmosphere existed in the room. Some of the
    questions asked by the lawyers of the accused to witnesses proved
    how much people like conspiracy theories in Turkey.

    For instance, lawyer Fuat Turgut, of the accused Yasin Hayal, who was
    arrested for some time in the Ergenekon crime gang investigation, asked
    Erhan Tuncel, another culprit, if his girlfriend is of Israeli decent.

    What has this got to do with the Hrant Dink murder? If Tuncel had
    an Israeli girl friend sometime in the past, while he was a police
    informer, Hayal's defense would've been easier considering that he
    once was an informer of the Gendarmerie; therefore the Dink murder
    would actually be tied to Tuncel. Can't you see?

    Let me paraphrase: Then, it would be easier to claim that Dink became
    the victim of a "Zionist conspiracy" targeting Turkey and from there
    on it would be claimed that even the Israeli intelligence agency
    Mossad was behind this murder.

    Therefore the real perpetrators will be blacked out.

    Tuncel refused to answer and said this is violation of his privacy;
    he even asked permission to leave the courtroom. But he said that
    his girl friend is a "Lebanese." Is Tuncel's girl friend an Israeli
    citizen, as it is claimed, or a Lebanese, as he said?

    Don't be surprised, we are talking about a Hrant Dink murder case

    The same lawyer asked Samast if he had talked on the phone with Etyen
    Mahcupyan, Dink's close friend, on the day of murder. Samast replied
    that the person calling him was "Jennifer Lopez."

    Yes, these were the scenes from the Dink trial. I will not go into
    further details. They will be in news stories soon.

    The Ergenekon connection:

    But I will rather talk about a question that came to my mind. While
    I was following the trial, I was also thinking if there is a link
    between the Dink murder case and the Ergenekon terrorist organization.

    All of Turkey knows Kemal Kerincsiz, the nationalist lawyer. As
    Dink pleaded his case in court for violating Article 301 of the
    Penal Code, Kerincsiz was among the demonstrators in front of the
    Å~^iÅ~_li courthouse or was involved in the ruckus took place in
    the corridors. So Kerincsiz got famous and appeared on television
    programs more often. These events and demonstrations were like the
    revolver that killed Dink on Jan. 19, 2007. And the same events paved
    the way for Dink's murder.

    And that Kerincsiz is behind bars today as a result of the Ergenekon
    investigation. Once the Ergenekon case is started, he will be among
    the culprits.

    Besides, I know that Dink was scared for his life and felt threatened
    by the ret. Lt. Gen. Veli Kucuk who was detained in the Ergenekon
    investigation later on.

    How do I know this? Because Hrant was my friend. I also know this
    through the statements of his brother Hosrof (Orhan).

    As a matter of fact, Yıldıray Ogur of daily Taraf wrote the other
    day in his article titled "The darkness creates an Ergenekon actor
    born from a baby":

    "... While there was not even the Ergenekon investigation, Hrant's
    brother Orhan Dink made the following statements to newspapers on
    Jan. 21, 2007: 'My brother had begun to fear for his life when Kucuk
    wanted to get involved in his trial last May... My brother said this
    is getting dangerous. We know the Kucuk and the Kerincsiz groups very
    well. He was not directly threatened by Kucuk. These persons do not
    make trivial mistakes. There could be a bullet fired at my brother
    after Kucuk and yet it did come and kill my brother...'"

    Also Fethiye Cetin, the lawyer of the Dink case, in an interview to
    NeÅ~_e Duzel of daily Taraf said: "The Dink murder is linked with
    the Ergenekon gang. They played a key role in the preparation phase
    of the murder plot. This is a great opportunity. Through the Dink
    murder we could approach the core of Ergenekon."

    Could it be possible? I mean could we possibly find a way to the core
    of Ergenekon through the Dink murder?

    Ergenekon-friendly media:

    Perhaps, but a group in the Turkish media turn at least as insolent as
    the atmosphere in the Dink murder care trial on Monday if Ergenekon
    is the matter. Some newspapers are exerting tremendous efforts to
    "dilute" this "extremely serious" Ergenekon investigation as part of
    which two retired top generals were detained for "founding a terrorist
    organization and a coup attempt." They are trying to cast a shadow over
    the issue by bringing up suspects who are released yet pending trial.

    The issue here, let me underline once again, is to "found an armed
    organization and a coup attempt." If there hadn't been any coups
    in Turkey before, we could've found all these "funny." But we are
    living in a country facing a coup every decade. There is a historic
    background for such a crucial claim. We all know that and the entire
    country knows that.

    I wonder what they are after by making the Ergenekon investigation
    a "ludicrous" one before the public eye. Are these the efforts to
    black out possible media connections with the Ergenekon gang? Or are
    they trying to wash off Hrant Dink's blood stains from all over in
    their spirit?

    There must be an explanation for this sauciness in such a serious

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