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Hrant Dink Trial Turned Into Buffoonery

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  • Hrant Dink Trial Turned Into Buffoonery


    AZG Armenian Daily

    Dink Murder

    On July 7 the sixth court trial session on Hrant Dink's murder was
    started in Istanbul. As Ogun Samast had reached the age of 18 by the
    date, the trial was open and press was admitted. Samast, organizers
    of the assassination Yasin Hayal, Erhan Tuncel and all the other
    suspects were present.

    Almost all the Turkish newspapers referred to the process in their
    yesterday releases. They all state that the trial was turned into a
    buffoonery because of the dissoluteness of the suspects.

    "Hurriyet" newspaper, whether it was a TV show or a court trial,
    represents some episodes. Thus, when Fuad Turgut, lawyer of Yasin
    Hayal, tried to ask a question Ogun Samast, the latter exclaimed,
    "I have nothing to do with that madman". Then the lawyer asked Samast
    whether he had a meeting with Etienne Mahjoupian or someone else in
    front of the "Agos" office, the suspect impudently replied that he
    was having a rendezvous with Jennifer Lopez there.

    After that the lawyer, hinting at the foreign origin of Tuncel's
    girlfriend said him, "She is from Israel. Have you ever thought that
    your girlfriend might be an Israeli spy?". Tuncel answered that
    the female came from Lebanon, not Israel, then ironically added,
    "Maybe she's the daughter of the President of Israel. I never cared
    about that, sorry man".

    Later the argument between Hayal and Samast turned to an open quarrel.

    After the passions calmed down, law defender Turgut asked Tuncel how
    much he was being paid as an informer. The latter considered this
    question as slander and personal insult and said that he had been
    trying to cease the contacts with the intelligence department for a
    long time, but they insisted on proceeding with the work until Tuncel
    graduated from the university. The Court chairman asked Tuncel if
    he had known professor Ovali, detained by accusation on "Ergenekon"
    case. Tuncel gave negative answer, and added that he had prevented
    Yasin Hayal from murdering Hrant Dink for at least 5 or 6 times.

    The court trial has again been postponed. Until October 13, this time.