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Conclusions of media diversity in Armenia

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  • Conclusions of media diversity in Armenia


    [05:04 pm] 10 July, 2008

    On July 8, 2008 in Yerevan a conference was held on `Media Diversity
    in Armenia', organized by the Council of Europe, OSCE and Yerevan
    Press Club. The conference participants, representatives of media,
    professional associations, official structures and political parties
    of Armenia, international organizations and diplomatic missions
    discussed the urgent issues of the media of the country: the
    priorities of media legislation reformation; the role of broadcasting
    regulation in ensuring diversity of opinion; the tasks of media
    owners, professional communities and journalists to attain real
    pluralism in the news sphere.

    The problems that were manifest recently in the work of the media,
    primarily the broadcasters, were reflected in many documents on
    national and international levels. In the ruling of the RA
    Constitutional Court of March 8, 2008 it was noted that in the course
    of presidential elections, held on February 19, 2008, `effective
    control of pre-election promotion was left out of the RA CEC
    attention'. As regards the body that regulates the broadcast media
    activities, the ruling of the Constitutional Court said that `National
    Commission on Television and Radio was formalistic in terms of
    complying with the law. As a result of this the media coverage
    displayed not only bias, but also, in some cases, violations of legal
    and ethical norms'.

    The extraordinary report of the RA Human Rights Defender Armen
    Harutyunyan, published on April 25, 2008 and titled `On Presidential
    Elections of February 19, 2008 and Post-Election Situation' described,
    among other issues, the situation of free expression and media in
    Armenia. Addressing the pre-election processes, the ombudsman stressed
    the "strongly critical nature' of the coverage the TV companies gave
    to one of the presidential candidates. While after the official launch
    of the pre-election campaign the consequent political bias was
    mitigated, yet `this did not influence the situation
    qualitatively'. While presenting the post-election situation, the RA
    Human Rights Defender characterized the coverage of the opposition
    rallies by the TV companies as `openly negative'. The TV companies
    continued presenting the viewpoint of only the pro-governmental
    politicians. During the emergency rule (March 1-20, 2008) `factual
    censorship was implemented', the report by Armen Harutyunyan said,
    although it is prohibited by Article 4 of the RA Law `On Mass
    Communication' and was not stipulated by the restrictions provided for
    by the Decree of the RA President on Imposing Emergency Rule. As a
    result, `the publication of several national newspapers was prohibited
    for their content', web sites were also blocked. In the opinion of
    Armen Harutyunyan, the restrictions imposed by the Decree did not
    contribute to relieving the tension in the society, either: `A most
    vivid example of such unacceptable coverage was demonstrated by the
    First Channel of the Public Television of Armenia, which not only
    neglected this provision of the Decree, but also once again made a
    grave infringement of the requirement of Article 28 of the RA Law `On
    Television and Radio': `The prevalence of a political stance in the
    programs broadcast (...) on public television (...) is
    prohibited'. The RA Human Rights Defender proposed a number of
    measures to overcome the situation in place, including: `To ensure
    freedom of expression; create conditions to ensure diversity of
    opinion and impartiality in electronic media. In this regard, the
    reformation of the broadcasting legislation will have much
    significance. It is also necessary to guarantee the equal
    participation of the representatives of power and opposition in the
    formation of the bodies, regulating and controlling the activities of
    TV and radio companies.' The documents above stress the need for
    practical steps to strengthen media freedom and diversity in
    Armenia. This issue was also raised in the two recent PACE
    resolutions. On April 17, 2008 the PACE approved Resolution 1609
    (2008) `The Functioning of Democratic Institutions in Armenia'. In
    Paragraph 8 of its Resolution PACE recalled the commitments of Armenia
    to the Council of Europe and once again urged the Armenian authorities
    to make a number of reforms. In particular, Paragraph 8.3 of the
    Resolution says: `The independence from any political interest of both
    National Commission on Television and Radio and the Council of Public
    Television and Radio must be guaranteed. In addition, the composition
    of these bodies should be revised in order to ensure that they are
    truly representative of Armenian society.The recommendations made by
    the Venice Commission and Council of Europe experts in this respect
    must finally be taken into account. The Assembly reiterates that apart
    from reforming the legislation, the authorities must take steps to
    ensure freedom and pluralism of the public television and radio on a
    day-to-day basis. Also, the harassment by the tax authorities of
    opposition electronic and printed media outlets must be stopped.' On
    June 25, 2008 Resolution 1620 (2008) `The Implementation by Armenia of
    Assembly Resolution 1609 (2008)' was adopted, quoting the four main
    requirements of the Resolution 1609 (2008) of April 17, 2008, also
    that `to initiate an open and serious dialogue between all political
    forces in Armenia' with regard to a number of issues, including
    freedom and pluralism of the media (Paragraph 1.4 of Resolution
    1620). Paragraph 6 of Resolution 1620 (2008) says: `The Assembly
    recalls that there is a need for a pluralistic electronic media
    environment in Armenia and, referring to the decision of the European
    Court of Human Rights concerning the denial of broadcasting license to
    `A1+', calls on the licensing authority to now ensure an open, fair
    and transparent licensing procedure, in line with the guidelines,
    adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on
    March 26, 2008 and with the case law of the European Court of Human
    Rights.' As it was mentioned by the experts in the conference `Media
    Diversity in Armenia', those problems were hardly a surprise. They
    were a consequence of inconsistent reforms and insufficient attention
    to the recommendations of local and foreign experts, representatives
    of reputable international organizations. On July 26, 2006 the OSCE
    Representative on Freedom of the Media Miklos Haraszti released a
    report on the state of media freedom in Armenia, also presenting
    recommendations on the improvement of media freedom situation in the
    country. Noting that limited pluralism in the broadcasting sector was
    a major problem, as a first step to improve the state of broadcasting
    Miklos Haraszti recommended that `legislative changes provided for by
    the Constitutional amendment should be prepared by the Government,
    discussed in a public forum with members of civil society, and passed
    in Parliament as soon as possible, certainly before the Parliamentary
    elections in 2007. However, legislative changes should not be limited
    to a `half Presidential - half Parliamentary' board. The composition
    of all boards should represent the political and social diversity of
    the country, and should include NGOs and professional
    associations'. As to public service broadcasting, in the opinion of
    the OSCE Representative, the members of its regulatory body - the
    Council of Public TV and Radio Company - `should not be selected by
    one political force or by political forces alone'.The selection
    criteria, the report stresses, should reflect transparency and ensure
    both a high level of professionalism and pluralism of reflected
    views. In order to fulfill the tasks of a genuine public service
    broadcaster, the Council should carry out continuous monitoring of
    access of different parties to air time and coverage of their
    activities, the results of which should be made public. Among the
    recommendations on private broadcasting the report noted the need for
    such amendments of the Law `On Television and Radio' that would be
    clear about broadcast licensing competition procedures: `The selection
    criteria must include the interests of pluralism; the licensing
    process must become more transparent, using more quantifiable, thus
    publicly controllable benchmarks. 'Despite the anti-monopoly provision
    in the broadcast Law stipulating that `each physical or legal entity
    can be licensed only for one Television and Radio Company', in Armenia
    there are people who own several broadcasting companies, which, in
    their turn, share the same buildings and staff members. `This means
    that there aren't any guarantees for pluralism in ownership, which, in
    any society, is the foundation for a pluralistic access to
    information', Miklos Haraszti stressed in his report. The conference
    discussions showed that there is an urgent need for reforms to improve
    media plurality. In particular there was a unanimous opinion that the
    law and practice of broadcast media regulation needs to be brought in
    line with Council of Europe standards. The agenda of this and other
    necessary reforms has already been defined over the past years in the
    above mentioned documents and commonly accepted assessment of media
    situation in Armenia. The fulfillment of this agenda will enable
    Armenia to comply with the requirements of PACE Resolutions 1609
    (2008) and 1620 (2008) in time for the January 2009 session. To ensure
    success of this process there is a need for an open and serious
    dialogue which involves the country's authorities, international and
    local experts, civil society and all political forces.