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Regular communication train makes start today from Yerevan to Batumi

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  • Regular communication train makes start today from Yerevan to Batumi

    Regular communication train makes a start today from Yerevan to Batumi

    2008-07-09 20:37:00

    ArmInfo. A regular communication train, being the first in the current
    tourist season, makes a start today from Yerevan to Batumi. As Director
    General of the "South-Caucasus Railway" CJSC Alexander Kuznetsov told
    ArmInfo, the current season differs from two previous ones by the fact
    that it succeeded to set in order the whole train, acquire new
    bed-clothes and new equipment, though, he said, we did not manage to
    repair all the railcars over a month. However, the railcars will
    undergo an overhaul in Russia and Ukraine started autumn, 2008, and the
    passengers will see a qualitatively new rolling stock by the next
    season, Kuznetsov said.

    He also added that 6 railcars, the number of which will be shortly
    increased, made a start today. The routes will be carried out every
    other day. The duration time of the train from Yerevan to Batumi will
    make up 19 hours 20 minutes and the cost in a compartment - 9 499

    He also said that Batumi and Poti directions are priority ones for the
    South-Caucasus railway also from the viewpoint of entry in the external
    world. Today, a work is underway on creation of a terminal in Poti from
    the Georgian party. 'We have to work with the Georgian railmen as the
    railway cannot be isolated within the frames of national states,
    borders of transit communication with all the neighbouring states are
    required', A. Kuznetsov said. He also emphasized that 2,5 bln rubles
    have been presently sent to recover the infrastructure, prepare for
    winter and improve the communication systems. Equipment for 600 mln
    rubles has been acquired. It is too important for the Company to
    recover not only the passenger rolling stock but the cargo one as well.
    The Company will work over this problem in the near future, Kuznetsov

    To recall, From June 1, 2008, the South-Caucasus railway ('SCRW')
    accepted transfer of ownership of the rolling stock, earlier belonging
    to the 'Armenian Railway' CJSC in line with February 13, 2008,
    Concessionary Agreement on transfer of Armenia's railway system to
    'SCRW' CJSC. Presently, 'SCRW' CJSC carried out complete inspection of
    the infrastructure, upon results of which it will develop a design and
    estimate documentation for upgrading and reconstruction of the whole
    infrastructure and all kinds of economies. In the near future, 'SCRW'
    CJSC schedules to sufficiently develop the railway communication in
    Yerevan- Batumi and Yerevan-Poti directions.

    To note, the South-Caucasus railway is 100% asset of 'Russian Railways'
    OJSC created specially for management of the Armenian railway. Total of
    805 km of railway lines out of 1125 km of railways in Armenia are under
    supervision of ARW. In 2007, ARW conveyed 3 mln tons of cargo against
    2,7 mln tons in 2006.

    To recall, on January 16, 2008, ARW Company was announced winner of the
    tender on transfer of the Armenian Railway in concession management.
    According to the financial proposal, published at late,
    2007, RRW claimed of readiness to invest $570 mln in the Armenian
    Railway, $230 mln of which - within the next five years.