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Sabina Freizer: 'EU member-states stance on NK conflict'

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  • Sabina Freizer: 'EU member-states stance on NK conflict'

    Sabina Freizer: 'EU member-states recognize territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan, which does not mean, however, that they are against
    ensuring right of Nagorno Karabakh residents for definition of their
    future status'

    2008-07-10 13:42:00

    ArmInfo. 'EU may play even greater role in search of ways for the
    resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Presently, EU is represented
    in the OSCE Minsk Group by France but EU special representative could
    fulfill observation functions, especially during direct talks of the
    parties. Special representation of the EU and European Commission can
    also work out special projects, aimed at maintenance of the atmosphere
    of trust inside and around Nagorno Karabakh conflict, like in the
    conflict area in Georgia. Yet, the possibility that EU will take the
    side of one of the parties is low', Sabina Freizer, head of the program
    of the International Crisis Group on Europe says in an interview with She also added that it is difficult for the EU member-states to
    play serious role in the resolution of the conflict, as they do not
    have a single coordinated opinion on whether Nagorno Karabakh should be
    part of Azerbaijan or it should be an independent state. On the whole,
    the EU states do not approve separatist movements and prefer to avoid
    alteration of borders. The EU member-states recognize territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan, which does not mean that they are against
    ensuring the right of Nagorno Karabakh residents for definition of
    their future status, she said. ' I am sure that main principles,
    developed by the OSCE MG in cooperation with the conflict parties is
    the best way for advancement. Azerbaijan has done everything possible
    for inclusion of paragraphs about release of seven occupied regions and
    return of all internally displaced persons to their houses, including
    in Nagorno Karabakh, to the basic principles of the framework
    agreement. The main differences are related to the possible status of
    Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia insists on inclusion of the possible
    independence of Nagorno Karabakh into the basic principles, which
    Azerbaijan is against. I think that definition of the status of Nagorno
    Karabakh should be put off until the time, when mutual trust between
    Azerbaijanis and Armenians is restore' S. Freizer said.