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ANCA: Greek American House Members Inspire Leo Sarkisian Interns

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  • ANCA: Greek American House Members Inspire Leo Sarkisian Interns

    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
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    Email: [email protected]

    July 10, 2008
    Contact: Nieri Avanessian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Email: [email protected]


    WASHINGTON, DC - Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Leo
    Sarkisian Internship participants joined with Greek American
    interns, yesterday, in a roundtable discussion with Representatives
    Niki Tsongas (D-MA-5), John Sarbanes (D-MD-3) and Zack Space (D-OH-
    18) to gain first-hand insight on their experience in Congress.

    During the hour-long session, organized by the Hellenext
    Organization, Greek American Representatives Sarbanes and Space and
    Rep. Tsongas, who describes herself as "Greek by osmosis," answered
    a myriad of questions on a broad range of issues from their day-to-
    day activities in Congress to more ethnically sensitive issues.
    ANCA Leo Sarkisian intern Rita Astoor poignantly asked "Does it
    become more difficult, after coming to the Hill, to continue to
    meet expectations from the ethnic community?" Rep. Sarbanes spoke
    eloquently about the sharing of information among Representatives
    about issues of personal importance to them, essentially becoming a
    "repository of information" on key concerns. He added that ethnic
    communities value their efforts and are proud of the successes of
    Representatives of shared ancestry.

    In response to a question regarding challenges to women in
    politics, Rep. Tsongas summarized her motivation to run for office
    with "Women won't win if women don't run." As a person who has
    spent her whole life among people in public service - her father was
    in the Air Force, and her husband, the late Paul Tsongas, was a
    House Member, a Senator, and later ran for President - moving into
    the public eye herself was not as difficult for her as it may be
    for others. In fact, she was surprised by the ease of the actual
    act of voting, and said that she, and other members of Congress
    must "always remind ourselves never to make it too easy" and to
    remember the millions of people that they affect with each vote. In
    office for only nine months, after winning a special election, her
    first vote was to override the President's veto of children's
    health insurance. Among her first actions was to cosponsor the
    Armenian Genocide resolution, (H.Res.106), an issue she feels
    passionately about.

    Rep. Sarbanes, in office for 17 months, also comes from a family
    deeply involved in politics. His father, Paul Sarbanes was a US
    Senator representing Maryland from 1977-2007, and an outspoken
    leader on Greek and Armenian American concerns. He commented that
    an advantage of living in Maryland is the ability to go home every
    night, which helps keep him in touch with his family and his

    Rep. Zack Space, who rushed to the event following a town hall
    meeting-by-phone with his constituents gave fascinating insight
    about his district in Southern Appalachian Ohio. He spoke of the
    hardships facing his district, including high unemployment and
    poverty, and the importance of his Greek culture and Greek Orthodox
    faith to taking on these challenges.

    The Hellenext Organization, which hosted the "Master Class on
    Capitol Hill," runs a variety of programs to help the young men and
    women of the next generation prepare to face the great challenges
    that lie ahead of them. For more information on the Hellenext
    Organization, visit

    The ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship Program, now in its 24th year, is
    an eight week intensive program designed to give student leaders
    and activists the tools necessary to effectively advance Armenian
    American concerns on campus and in their communities. It is an
    integral part of the ANCA Capital Gateway program, a year-round
    internship / job placement service which provides Armenian
    Americans greater opportunities to explore careers on Capitol Hill,
    in the U.S. Foreign Service and key Washington, DC foreign policy
    think tanks. To learn more about the ANCA Capital Gateway Program,


    sarbanes.jpg: Representative John Sarbanes of Maryland 3rd

    tsongas.jpg: Representative Niki Tsongas of Massachusetts 5th

    group_photo.jpg: The ANCA Leo Sarkisian Interns with
    Representative Zack Space (D-OH). L to R: Razmig Nalpatian, Zori
    Eurdekian, Nieri Avanessian, Rep. Space, Rita Astoor, Arbi Vartan
    and Razmik Tchakmakian.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress