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Information Warfare Requires Constant Attacks

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  • Information Warfare Requires Constant Attacks

    Anahit Yesayan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    Published on July 10, 2008

    "Protecting oneself in the information warfare is already a defeat. No
    protection is allowed in this war; it is necessary to launch attacks
    all the time. The party which protects itself is defeated by 90
    percent," HAYK DEMOYAN, Head of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
    is convinced.

    "From the very first day of its formation, the Third Republic of
    Armenia announced on the level of the country's top figures that it is
    ready to establish good-neighborly relations with Turkey. Moreover,
    our country did not set any preconditions for establishing such
    relations. In contrast to this, the Turkish side has always advanced
    preconditions for establishing and regulating the diplomatic relations
    with the Republic of Armenia.

    The first and principal precondition advanced by the Turkish side
    has a direct bearing on the Armenia-NKR-Azerbaijan relations. This
    is simply unacceptable in the present-day international relations. It
    is unacceptable because conducting foreign policy against the ethnic
    background and establishing relations with a third country does
    not absolutely correspond to the spirit of international relations
    and international law. Let alone the fact of keeping the border
    closed. Closing the border with any state is equivalent to a step
    preceding the act of declaring war.

    =0 A At present, Turkey certainly enjoys its strategic position and
    the status of being a superpower in the region, thus trying to achieve
    the desired result by way of using pressures against Armenia. And
    what's more, it is doing so considering not only its own interests
    but also the interests of Azerbaijan, an ally country with which it
    has ethnic commonalities.

    That's to say, by way of exerting pressure upon Armenia, Turkey
    is trying to achieve two results: first for Turkey and then for

    In this respect, Armenia seems to be in an advantageous position
    because we do not advance any precondition, expressing willingness
    to establish all kinds of relations and negotiate around any
    issue. However, considering the juncture of international relations, we
    can say that the proposals of the Armenian side, which seem pragmatic
    at first sight, do not always receive a positive response."

    "In this context, how would you comment upon the President's most
    recent statement made in Moscow?"

    "I believe many people have not read the text of the statement
    and interpret it in their own way. This is very regrettable. The
    President announced that we are ready to discuss any fact with the
    neighboring state.

    The discussion of any fact does not yet mean that the historical
    fact of the Genocide is going to be discussed even if they set up a
    committee. The fact itself is a fact whi ch has been proven.

    I don't think the country's leader had such intention, as many people
    would desire. And it is very regrettable that guided by the mentality
    of kicking the ball into our goal we are trying to rejoice, without
    ever thinking of doing the contrary."

    "By making a proposal to set up a committee, Turkey is trying to make
    an impression on the European structures that it is going to initiate
    a joint discussion and propose a dialogue etc. What is Armenia's
    attitude in this context?"

    "My first response was the following: it is necessary to carry out
    activities based purely on information technologies and the methodology
    of work. We leave aside all the emotive expressions saying this
    country recognized the Genocide and the other called the fact into
    question. Thus, we fall into a trap. It is the right time for us to
    have professionals specialized in setting such traps.

    This is called information warfare in which the weapon of the soldiers
    is quite different and the military operations are carried out by the
    use of quite different methods. It is necessary to establish this
    kind of school, and it is commendable that in his meeting with the
    officials of the National Security Service, the President struck the
    direct nerve, stressing the importance of being the first to launch
    attack in the information warfare with the neighboring state.

    By the way, t he statement of the Armenian President was followed by
    Mr. Aliev's meeting with his country's ambassadors who were given an
    instruction to undertake offensive steps.

    If the Turkish side undertakes the initiative by making proposals
    constantly, the Armenian side may, in turn, initiate such proposals
    too, previously having a good idea about the further steps.

    In particular, the Armenian party may launch the attack by advancing
    three initial arguments. First, we have hundred and thousand proofs
    (by the way, not of Armenian origin) that confirm the fact of the
    Genocide in a direct and indirect manner.

    The second most important argument is that the Armenian Genocide
    has now gained an international recognition. It is recognized by
    countries, authoritative international organizations, highly-reputable
    professionals specialized in Genocide studies and the International
    Association of Genocide Studies, involving almost all the Genocide
    study specialists of the world.

    The third argument is that Turkey's denial policy is currently in a
    state of fiasco, i.e. it is totally crushed."

    To be continued