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Tremors of Turkey's scandal will be felt in Cyprus

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  • Tremors of Turkey's scandal will be felt in Cyprus

    Tremors of Turkey's scandal will be felt in Cyprus
    By Simon Bahceli

    13 July 08
    Cyprus Mail

    TOMORROW'S announcement on how Turkish state prosecutors plan to
    proceed with indictments against a clandestine group that allegedly
    sought to overthrow Turkey's Justice and Development Party (AKP)
    government will have major implications for Cyprus.

    Not only did the group ` known in the media as Ergenekon ` allegedly
    plan to topple the government, it also plotted to intervene in Cyprus
    to prevent the possible implementation of the UN's Annan plan for the
    reunification of the island.

    Investigations into the ultra-nationalist Ergenekon group have been
    ongoing since police raided a house in Istanbul in June last year and
    found a collection of arms and explosives, along with computer
    documents outlining plans to overthrow the government. Since then, tens
    of people have been arrested, including retired military generals,
    journalists, university lecturers, businessmen and economists.

    Forty-eight of them are currently being held in jail, and face possible
    charges of plotting bomb attacks, assassinations and clandestine media
    campaigns aimed at triggering a military coup. Their alleged plans
    include a plot to kill Nobel Prize winning Turkish author Orhan Pamuk
    and a bomb attack in Istanbul's Taksim Square. It has also been
    suggested that the group might be linked to the murder of Armenian
    nalist Hrant Dink in 2007.

    But what makes the ongoing Ergenekon saga interesting for Cypriots is
    the allegation that the group was plotting to `intervene' to prevent
    the UN's Annan plan going to referendum in the north of the island by
    sparking a military takeover. And what makes the story yet more
    significant for Cypriots is the allegation, made by a number of
    journalists in Turkey, that former Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash
    was to be the one who would give instructions on when and how the
    takeover was to be carried out. These allegations are based on extracts
    from the diary of retired Navy General Ozden Ornek, which apparently
    stated that he and two other retired generals had received `secret
    messages' from Denktash in February 2004, and that the `theory and
    practice' of what the generals were to carry out was to be `as directed
    by Denktash'.

    Denktash has not responded to these allegations, despite the banner
    headline of one Turkish Cypriot newspaper on June 5 gleefully implying
    that Denktash could himself face arrest in the near future. The former
    leader also refused an interview with this paper, and has limited his
    public comments on the subject to saying that he is `saddened' by the
    arrests of those `who would give their all for their country'.

    As a result, debate - albeit hushed - continues in the north over
    ktash's possible links with the currently imprisoned alleged
    plotters. Head of the Cyprus Policy Centre at Famagusta's Eastern
    Mediterranean (EMU) Dr Ahmet Sozen says that although Denktash's links
    with the nationalist movement in Turkey are `known to be close' he
    believes Denktash to be `intelligent enough not to associate himself
    with people engaged in illegal activities'.

    Similarly, Turkish Cypriot journalist Basaran Duzgun wrote on July 5
    that he did not believe Denktash would face arrest if he travelled to
    Turkey and went further by saying that the fact the Turkish Cypriots
    got through the referendum without untoward incident was partly down to
    Denktash's handling of it. `Denktash's referendum record is clean,'
    Basaran insists, although what he says could be perceived as implying
    that Denktash simply did not think it necessary to instigate a coup.
    Indeed, by the last round of negotiations on the Annan plan in February
    2004, it had become fairy certain the Greek Cypriots were going to
    reject the plan.

    But not everyone agrees that the former hands are entirely clean. One
    Turkish Cypriot political analyst who asked not to be named said, `I
    don't have any doubts of his [Denktash's] involvement. Most of the
    people who have been arrested are his friends.' He went to say that
    Denktash had an `ideological identification' with the Er
    genekon group
    and believed, like the group, in pan Turkism, a romantic notion whereby
    all Turkish-speaking and ethnically Turkish peoples unite to form a
    greater Turkish nation. The analyst also believes that Denktash, who he
    says sought the toppling of the Turkish government because of its
    stance on the Cyrus problem, could face arrest in Turkey `if the
    government wishes to do so'.

    `It is after all a crime to encourage a coup against a democratically
    elected government,' the analyst concluded.

    Another analyst, who also preferred not to be named, said Denktash's
    involvement in the Ergenekon group `almost goes without saying', but
    added that arrest was unlikely because he was `simply too popular in
    Turkey', and that this might provide public sympathy for the group.

    Whether Denktash faces arrest, or whether he will be called to give
    evidence in court, remains to be seen. What is clear is that the
    Ergenekon scandal will rock Turkey to its foundations, and that major
    tremors will be felt across Cyprus.